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By knowing the moringa tea benefits1, you would want to either keep drinking moringa tea or would want to change your beverage choices.
Origin Of Moringa Tea

From ancient times (2000 B.C.), the Moringa plant was used as a medicinal herb in India (Moringa oleifera Lam) and later on in Africa (Moringa Stenopetala.) Today, Moringa is known, all over the world, as it can withstand drought and frost-like conditions.
Each name of the Moringa tree highlights its use, like the miracle tree, drumstick tree (because of the shape of seed pods), ben oil tree2 (producing benzoyl), and horseradish tree3 (roots tasting similar to rhizome).
Mainly, it is known for health benefits like – nutrients for the young, stamina for adults, and protection of the brain for older people.
They can also be consumed for curing health disorders like cholesterol and blood sugar, with anti-inflammatory properties and anti-aging effects. To know more about its medicinal and nutritional importance, click here.
A herbal tea made from these moringa leaves or moringa leaf powder dipped in pure hot water is the Moringa Tea.
The flavor of the tea is similar to green tea, only it is less bitter, has a slightly earthy taste, and can be brewed at higher temperatures. To balance the flavor profile of Moringa Tea, honey, mint, and cinnamon are also added as ingredients.
Let us look at the health benefits of Moringa Tea.
1) Moringa Tea Benefits
Part of the ‘superfood craze,’ Moringa Tea is a popular beverage choice, made with either moringa powder or moringa leaf powder.
Here is why moringa tea benefits are a good alternative –
1.1) Nutrient-Rich
Moringa leaves, out of which the tea is made, are rich in vitamins and minerals. One cup contains:
- 2 gms of protein
- 19% RDA of Vitamin B6
- 12% RDA of Vitamin C or ascorbic acid
- 11% RDA of Iron
- 11% RDA of Riboflavin (B2)
- 9% RDA of Vitamin A
- 8% RDA of Magnesium
These dried leaves are more popularly sold as moringa lead powder or in capsule form as dietary supplements.
However, the maringa pods have a less nutritional source but are rich in Vitamin C. One overall downside would be the high level of antinutrients in the leaves4.
But, with the necessary nutrients, Moringa Tea benefits include low fats compared to other high-calorie foods, which is good for weight loss.
Why Not Use Moringa Leaf Powder?
A reason why developing countries use the moringa tree is – to fight malnutrition through its nutrition content. This ends hunger and provides the necessary body weight.
However, since the moringa powder is less potent than the moringa oleifera leaves, it is better to use the raw or cooked version of the latter to combat malnutrition5.
1.2) Antioxidant-Rich
The antioxidant plant compounds found in Moringa oleifera leaf extract help fight free radicals caused by fried food, sun exposure, and pollution, reducing oxidative stress.
It prevents chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and heart disease. Here is the study proving the efficacy of moringa leaf extract.
These healthy antioxidants include –
- Quercetin (lowering blood pressure)
- Chlorogenic acid 6(regulate blood sugar levels)
- Beta carotene and Vitamin C (healthy immune cells)
Another way to reduce oxidation includes using moringa extract as a food preservative.
A diet rich in antioxidants with ascorbic acid, flavonoids, and polyphenols can give you a longer life, all of moringa tea benefits.
1.3) Rich In Amino Acids
The moringa extract, out of which moringa tea is made, also contains 15 kinds of amino acids, which provide the necessary proteins needed for well-being.
This helps support the immune system, balances moods, strengthens the musculoskeletal system and provides healthy skin – also part of moringa tea benefits.
1.4) Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Moringa oleifera has enough scientific references to prove its effect on blood sugar levels but under animal studies, not humans. Very little evidence tested with moringa powder exists in that regard.
Despite the lack of research, the popular evidence suggests the existence of plant compounds – isothiocyanates as one of the moringa tea benefits.
1.5) Reduces Inflammation
While inflammation can be a response to any injury or infection, if existing for a longer period, it could also lead to several serious conditions like cancer and heart disease.
Moringa oleifera seeds, pods, and leaves contain the immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory compound – isothiocyanates. This has niazimicin, which helps prevent the growth of cancer cells.
It can also help reduce edema (a painful condition of fluid build-up in specific tissues in the body.)
However, more research is yet to be done, especially on humans. But, this can be considered one of the moringa tea benefits.
1.6) Lowers Cholesterol

One of the main causes of heart disease is high cholesterol, and the moringa oleifera root and leaves can be helpful in this regard.
Besides many plant foods like flaxseeds, almonds, and oats, moringa tea benefits also include lower cholesterol.
1.7) Prevents Arsenic Toxicity

Arsenic toxicity means – the contamination of food and water, which leads to a risk of major health conditions like cancer. This also causes abdominal pain, bloody or watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, and even complete organ failure.
Moringa leaves and seeds can help in this regard, the studies done on rats and mice prove the effect. However, again human health benefits are yet to be discovered. Still, this can be considered one of the moringa tea benefits.
1.8) Liver Protection
Moringa Oleifera reduces the effects caused by anti-tubercular drugs, which can help with tuberculosis. Studies done on guinea pigs prove this.
The high concentration of polyphenols present in the moringa leaves protects the liver against any damage. This increases the protein levels and helps to repair liver cells.
By stabilizing the liver enzymes, Moringa tea benefits include making sure the function of fat metabolism, blood detoxification, and nutrient absorption is performed well.
1.9) Prevents Stomach Pain

Any kind of digestive disorders like bloating, constipation, gastritis, gas, and ulcerative colitis, can be prevented by adding moringa leaves (used to make moringa tea) to your diet.
The antimicrobial and antibiotic properties present in Moringa oleifera remedy these disorders and improve digestion, further aided by Vitamin B. Moringa tea benefits include a healthy lifestyle through this.
10) Better Bone Health
The calcium and phosphorus present in Moringa Oleifera help in good bone health.
With anti-inflammatory properties, a regular dose of moringa tea can heal damaged bones and combat arthritis.
By fighting osteoporosis (a medical condition of weaker bones), Moringa Oleifera helps to keep the bone and teeth strong.
Studies are also being conducted to back these healthy moringa tea benefits scientifically.
11) Effective Antiseptic
Ground moringa leaves have antiseptic and antibacterial properties which help in many health problems like urinary tract infections.
Moringa Oleifera can also help with wound healing like bruises, burns, and minor cuts by reducing the clotting time.
12) Good For Lactation

Traditionally, Moringa Leaves increase lactation in new mothers as they have all the essential vitamins, protein, and nutrients.
This is one of the moringa tea benefits that would benefit nursing mothers and babies.
13) Good Nervous system
Moringa leaves used to make moringa tea, act as neuroenhancers supporting brain health, this is due to the vitamin E and C which improve brain function by combating neural degeneration.
This can be beneficial for those who suffer from frequent headaches or migraine.
By stabilizing the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline – a cup of moringa tea also helps balance moods.
This is incredibly helpful in today’s time when people are constantly anxious and depressed.
Studies are being done in this regard to prove the efficiency of this as one of the moringa tea benefits.
14) Helps With Detoxification

Since Moringa Tea or leaves act as natural cleansers, they help detoxify the body instead of alternative medicine. This helps in increasing immunity and energy production.
Click here to learn more about this as one of the moringa tea benefits.
15) Better Eye Health
Due to the high antioxidants in Moringa Tea or leaves, it can help to improve eyesight by preventing the thickening of capillary membranes, dilation of retinal vessels, and prevent retinal dysfunction.
Animal studies have proved effective in this regard, but more research on including it as one of the moringa tea benefits is yet to be done.
16) Helps Sex Life
Studies on animals have shown that consuming moringa leaves or tea can bring down cortisol levels and boost testosterone levels, which is an element to increase sex drive.
Thus, one cup of Moringa Tea can give you a happy mental and physical life.
17) Treats Sickle Cell Disease And Anemia
There have been contrary studies on whether Moringa Tea benefits help with anemia; while the iron availability can be low, studies in Tanzania have shown its effect on reducing and treating mild anemia.
Especially the severe anemic condition – sickle cell disease, can be prevented by consuming moringa leaves or a cup of moringa tea.
18) Beneficial For Skin Infections And Hair

The abundance of nutrients and antioxidants in Moringa Tea/leaves provides the necessary nourishment needed for skin and hair.
For skin, they help reduce wrinkles and lines, as well as prevent acne-prone skin.
You can also use Moringa powder or leaves to make a paste, which can be applied to the scalp to reduce dandruff. The leaves are especially helpful in strengthening the hair follicles.
Side Effects Of Moringa Tea
The important point to keep in mind while consuming any herbal product, including moringa tea, is that a professional medical needs to be consulted to ensure no side effects, especially for pregnant women.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not regulated any moringa products to treat any diseases, as research is still ongoing to prove its efficiency.
Here are some side effects you can take the precaution for:
1) If the moringa fruit, leaves, bark, and roots are consumed in large doses, they can cause laxative properties so diarrhea-associated patients can take note of this.
2) The Moringa extract, roots, and bark can cause uterine contractions, which are harmful to pregnant women. Moringa Rhizomes7 can also lead to miscarriages or premature births.
So, this should be included in their diet only if the doctor advises it.
3) Even though nursing mothers benefit from it in one regard, the chemicals or substances passing through breastfeeding are not known, so Moringa Tea is generally advised to be avoided by new mothers.
4) Products like Moringa Leaf Powder can also have high amounts of lead, which can cause cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, and even less fertility. Thus, they should be checked, before consumption.
5) If you wish to lower blood sugar levels, first consult your doctor before consuming moringa tea/leaves. It can have negative effects on people with blood thinners.
The alkaloids in Moringa Tea/leaves can also affect blood pressure rates and may reduce heart rate. So, these conditions need to be checked before consuming Moringa Tea.
Medications to avoid:
1) Levothyroxine 8(used for thyroid problems) – Even if moringa tea benefits include aiding thyroid function, one should not take it in combination with other medicines meant for this purpose.
2) Medications broken down by the liver are not advised to be taken with moringa tea, as it may cause other side effects.
3) Diabetes medications that lower blood sugar is to be avoided if one takes moringa products for the same purpose. Remember, the levels should not be too low.
4) Medications taken to reduce high blood pressure have to be avoided when one is consuming Moringa Tea as it can lower it down to an unhealthy level.
Recipes To Make Homemade Moringa Tea
Despite the side effects, all the explained Moringa Tea benefits make it one of the rising superfoods in the Western world due to its Nutritious properties.
If you would like to taste one of Moringa’s Teas, check out these recipes –
1) With ingredients like ginger, Moringa, apple cider vinegar, mint leaves, lime, and honey – this recipe is specifically meant for weight loss filled with all the nutritional benefits.
2) This simple moringa tea with turmeric roots and ginger can be made with leaves and powder, as per your choice.
3) Made with ‘Pure and Sure Organic Leaf powder,’ this recipe needs the main ingredient, water, and honey. Your delicious morning tea is ready, click here to get the full recipe.
4) This Moringa Tea Recipe with ingredients like ginger, cinnamon, wedge, and honey is meant for boosting immunity. Click here to try out the whole recipe.
If you liked this article, click here to check out the benefits of other healthy teas.
Edited by Nwachukwu Favour ( nurse)
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Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology