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This post is a guide to answering the common question, “how much should I weigh?”
Do the questions you have in your mind at times include questions like “how much should I weigh according to my age?” “Am I looking overweight?” And so on? If yes, this article is for you.
The thoughts of people who strive to stay fit are flushed with modern ideas and habits that contradict our lifestyle. The senior citizens who inspect the status of living and health of the young generation have many questions in their minds. Some of the questions are stated below.
- What are the inducing factors of weight gain?
- What makes people stay idle?
- Why are people struggling with health problems?
- What makes people get excess weight?
How are they transformed to idleness from the advice of health professionals? i.e., How do they deviate from the direction of health experts?
So, let’s look at some of these questions and try to find the answers.
1. What Are the Inducing Factors of Weight Gain?

The lifestyle and food habits of a region depend on the climate and resources they have.
As the ideal place of a weight machine is in the hands of people who are at the right pace of regulating their body weight at a healthy range, the perfect place for fitness and health is vigilant minds.
The fat level and muscular tissue availability in our body should be maintained at the right level. The spirit and love towards our body make the weight machine work periodically without any dust and dirt deposition on it.
2. Why Are People Struggling with Health Problems?

The decreased healthy habits among people have resulted in a drastic change in the range of the right level of healthy numbers for different people. Weight loss is considered the step towards a healthy lifestyle.1
In today’s time, the majority of health issues are related to either weight gain or weight loss. So you can say that our body weight has a major role to play in our lives.
Stay aware and vigilant at whatever range you hold!
3. What Makes People Get Excess Weight?

Weight gain has different factors such as genes, lifestyle, lethargicness, and food habits. The lifestyle of the people should include regular exercise, ideal weight regulation, and usage of a screening tool for monitoring weight gain.
The food habits of people regulate their health. The risk of getting chronic diseases2 can be reduced by the intake of healthy kinds of stuff. People belonging to different ethnic groups have various reasons to gain extra pounds.
The continuous thinking about the question of how much should I weigh” makes them frustrated.
4. Why Do People Deviate from the Advice of Health Professionals?
Health experts provide medical advice to get rid of whatever issues are faced due to poor weight regulation.
The spirit of reducing weight tends to get down to critical when people go with their habit of living—such deviation results in a higher risk of getting heart disease.
Now we can step into the analysis of a statement that has prevailed in people’s minds for many centuries. Is more body weight proportional to a healthy lifestyle?
5. Classic Frames for a Healthy Weight
People consider a person’s weight as a measure of his activeness and health state. As the fat deposition in the belly gives shape to the belly button, the hip circumference and size of the waist give shape to the body.
More body weight results in an increased weight measure. The increased tape measure results in the skinfold method of measuring fat levels. These activities are the symptoms of becoming an irony of health regulation, as many people do.
6. What Makes the Deposition of Body Fat?
The body composition of diverse systems depends on whatever kinds of food we eat and the habits we practice in our daily lives. As the height and weight of a person are related, the waist size and hip are also related.
The person’s weight is dependent on muscle composition and fat that is deposited in unwanted places.
Hence, body fat plays important role in our lives, adding beauty and heart disease! Getting rid of such things can be done by being vigilant about our health conditions.
Let us dive into the other serious phase, where we will analyze the medically reviewed factors and other factors used for monitoring our body fat percentage.3 There are three ways to check our body fat. They are:
- BMI (Body Mass Index)
- Waist-to-hip ratio
- Waist-to-height ratio
6.1. Body Mass Index Calculation
The body mass index BMI gives the skeleton the range of body weight that we have to maintain. The mantra for body mass index BMI divides the person’s body weight in kilograms by the square of height in meters.
The score of BMI reflects our concern about health risks and disease control. The score of the body mass index table has 4 different stages. They are:
- <19 – skinny
- 19-24 – healthy
- 25-29 – overweight
- >29 – obese
Are you thinking of your BMI? Do try the mantra and view your score. The ideal body weight has become a mirage of water for people who have an overweight BMI. The high BMI of a person makes him considered overweight.
Not satisfied with the score of calculating BMI? There is another way to find your body fat percentage.
6.2. Waist-to-Height Ratio
Height can also be compared with the size of the waist to find the answer to how fat I am. The ratio is calculated by dividing the waist size by height in centimeters.
The ideal waist size should be less than half of our height. The perfect weight of a person is dependent on their waist size too!
If a person has a waist circumference of more than half of height, the person is considered obese, and the normal weight of the person is a strict one to be followed after getting such a value.
Let us do another math to find our body fat percentage. This score will keep you away from the centers for disease control. The immediate response to the elevation in the ratio level could help us stay strong and fit for many years.
6.3. Waist-to-Hip Ratio
This number ratio gives us the image of our fat distribution in our total weight. It should be maintained between 0.95 to 1.0 for men and 0.80 to 0.86 for women. The exceeding ratios are metaphorically said as apple and pear-sized bodies.
As an apple has a smaller size at the bottom, the person with having low hip circumference is considered an “Apple.” Likewise, a pear has more size at the bottom. The person with a high hip size is referred to as a “Pear”.
The waist circumference is the deciding factor in determining our body fat percentage. A person to be considered obese is the ‘Apple or Pear’ of this society!
If a person has more waist-hip ratio, they are prone to cardiovascular disease and increased body weight. The total body fat should be in the right percentage for healthy living.
The body mass index, waist-to-height, and waist-to-hip ratio make us aware of our weight difference from the standard ideal body weight. We should regulate the periodical ways to measure body fat.
7. What Does Body Fat Percentage Say?
The body fat percentage makes a better view of our health conditions from safe to a critical one. The body mass index, waist-to-hip, and waist-to-height ratio tell us to stay in a healthy weight range.
The number reflects your vigilant response to what the fat percentage reflects. The person who has the correct height and weight usually has the right range. Other factors could make us a pseudo-image of being in an unhealthy condition.
8. Influence of Muscle Mass at Weight Calculation
Muscle mass is also one of the other factors that elevate body weight. As the fat helps in getting beautified, more muscle mass makes us keep up the physical strength of our body.
The fat percentage is small compared to the muscle composition in our weight. Muscular hips are more fascinating than fatty hips for bodybuilders.
8.1. Building Muscles vs. Building Fat
We have to consider that the weight of a muscular person could be equal to a person having total body fat. Muscle mass is helpful when compared to total body fat.
The fitness level of a person is said only through the ratio of muscle mass to fat levels. Such placement of muscles in the place of fat could make you healthier than before.
However, the reason for having a high weight could be determined by factors other than fat tissues. People are striving to attain a healthy weight to reduce their appointments for a health provider.
Some people yearn to fit into the frame size of an ideal human weight.
9. How Much Should I Weigh According to Age Groups?
Normal weight fluctuates between lower body weight and high body weight, but still, it is not ideal of maintaining the right range!
The children of today’s generation are not in the right place to keep the right health due to compact houses, insecurity, and unhealthy food habits.
The need for regulating the total fat level has been elevated a lot as children are prone to health risks at a very early age. Let us look at the ideal body weight one should have concerning age.
Age group Girls in kg Boys in kg
Less than and equal to 1 3.3 –12 3.3 – 12
Kindergarten (2-6) 12 – 20 12.5 – 20.6
Primary (7-12) 22.5 – 41.7 23 – 40
Teenage (13-19) 45.8 – 57 45 – 70
Strict sourcing guidelines are needed to be regulated for maintaining a healthy society for future generations.
The medically reviewed sources say that having an ideal weight is hard to find and maintain as many factors determine it.
We should be confident that we have the right number in place of the ideal weight. The above-said ways make us review our state of being aware of ourselves. The waist measurement is more important to regulate our healthy living.4
Acknowledge that your body weight is influenced by several factors, including sex, frame size, muscle composition, fat composition, height, and many more.
We have already mentioned the different ways to calculate your ideal weight range, and the best option is to check your BMI index.
So, always stay updated with your BMI. However, it is important to note that BMI is not always precise.
One might not always be in the ideal weight range due to several lifestyle habits. But you can always keep a check on how much you gain. Moreover, your sex has a role to play in your weight as well.
The ideal weight range for both males and females differs irrespective of the age group. And the reason behind this is that females, in general, have more body fat than males.
10. The Final Tips to Regulate Body Weight
There’s no easy way or a secret to this. The only key to managing your weight is to manage a healthy lifestyle and develop healthy habits.
Here are a few tips:
- Start regular exercises. Exercises help you stay fit and healthy. Any physical activity can be considered.
- Adopt healthy dietary habits. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Cut down on high-fat dairy products.
- Keep your calorie intake in check. Always keep a check on how many calories you are taking.
So, I hope you are now good to answer the question “how much should I weigh?” and this article was helpful enough for you.
Read more content on Reverse Dieting to lose weight5, here.
11. Frequently Asked Questions
11.1. What is the correct weight for a certain height?
The correct weight of a body depends on many factors, like gender, bone weight, and others, even if they have a certain height range. However, the weight can be calculated through a formula with specific details of height, age, and gender.
11.2. How is BMI calculated?
The formula for calculating BMI is a person’s weight (in kilogram) divided by their height (in meters square).
11.3. Can we use the ideal weight calculator on the website?
Yes! They are designed to give a helpful idea about the “how much should I weigh” question. However, they are based on the formula through which an ideal weight is calculated for a wide range of people. In most cases, they are quite accurate. Do read the instructions for a better understanding.
- Khalil, Ashraf, and Suha Glal. “StepUp: A step counter mobile application to promote healthy lifestyle.” 2009 International Conference on the Current Trends in Information Technology (CTIT). IEEE, 2009. ↩︎
- Yach, Derek, et al. “Global chronic diseases.” Science 307.5708 (2005): 317-317. ↩︎
- Ruan, Yuting, et al. “Association of body fat percentage with time in range generated by continuous glucose monitoring during continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy in type 2 diabetes.” Journal of Diabetes Research 2021 (2021). ↩︎
- Lindsay, Jo. “Healthy living guidelines and the disconnect with everyday life.” Critical Public Health 20.4 (2010): 475-487. ↩︎
- MĂNESCU, Cătălin Octavian. “REVERSE DIET.” ↩︎
Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology