self care for teachers self care for teachers

15 Ways To Cultivate Self Care For Teachers

Self-care for teachers is a conversation that isn’t very common. A 2020 University of Phoenix-sponsored study found that over 81% of teachers felt extremely uncertain about moving to virtual instruction. 

Educators around the globe have to switch between various duties, and this demands significant mental and physical energy. Students expect to gain more than just knowledge and often look at teachers as a counsellor, or even feud settlers.


Moreover, the recent swap of traditional classrooms with virtual classes has left educators overwhelmed.

 Educators have embraced this change positively. Still, it may leave them anxious or struggling. It is time to recognize the significance of self-care for teachers.

Importance Of Self Care For Teachers

Teachers often spend nights grading papers or preparing lesson plans. They drop their weekend programs and still never consider self-care as an option. These caregivers struggle whenever it comes to “self-care.” It is hard to understand why self-care for teachers is still not a part of the priority list of many educators.

Extensive consumption of energy leaves educators stressed and burnout. The word burnout has deeper meanings than fatigue. Burnout means emotional stress, loss of interest, and fading passion that makes your work tedious. 

If you encounter frequent headaches, and physical breakdowns, or keep on thinking about work only, you might be on the verge of burnout. Self-care for teachers can keep this feeling of burnout at bay.

1.  Self Care More Than A Day’s Celebration


Most people think self-care is an affair of a day or two to break the monotony. But self-care is a regime to be followed daily for comprehensive wellness. The basic idea is to keep your stress levels under control. 

There are five dimensions of self care Physical, mental, social, spiritual, and emotional. A balanced blend of all five components can help you to attain self-care. It means to engage in a more healthy lifestyle deliberately. A day spent at a wellness spa can rejuvenate you, but sustaining revival is needed.

 Self care also includes nourishing your prime relations. Staying connected is a pivotal component of self care. Having a peer group can act to your benefit. 

2. Self Care Not To Be Confused With Selfishness


Virtual classrooms have given nerve anxiety to educators. To release this stress and to remain passionate about your work self-care, is necessary. 

It has exceptional advantages for teachers. Self-care lays a foundation for complete wellness, which means improvised ideas, energetic presence, and better lesson delivery. More than this it, results in less turnover and absenteeism.

Self care is paramount for every person. Most teachers hesitate in nurturing self-care habits because they feel it will gulf in their time. Taking some time out for your passion will not make you selfish.

Remember, self-care means to gratify your mental and physical health1. You can break out of your daily routine and follow your heart. Indulge in activities that make you happy.

It is to have your health game on point to qualify for challenges and help your students. Always remember if you are not physically or mentally active, you cannot help your students. Self-care for teachers is for the benefit of students as well.

Self-care is a routine just, like having your lunch daily. It is not a single-day pampering but a habit to inculcate. Take up engaging activities to channel your spirits in a robust. 

3. Set Your Framework Of Self Care


Once you are aware of the dimensions of self-care, you can build your tailor-made self-care strategies. Start by asking yourself, “Am I active enough? , How much do I walk daily? What physical activity do I indulge in?” It can help you in finding ways to be more active.

Define your threshold of stress, and recognize your triggers. Take breaks frequently and learn to say “no” to things out of your specialization.

Social wellness is an essential component of self-care for teachers. It means staying connected. Find time to chat with your friends. Staying isolated is not advantageous for mental health.

Spiritual well-being means being grateful for what you have. You have taught your students how to practice Gratitude. Now it is your time to follow and feel thankful once a day.

An emotional wellness checklist can help you to recognize your emotions. Constantly being under pressure can lead to stress.   

10 Ways To Cultivate Habit Of Self Care For Teachers

 Here are some ways to be compassionate towards oneself. These tips highlight ways of self care for teachers and are easy to practice. 

1. Meditating Mornings 

Practicing mindfulness in the morning makes you feel more active. Try to start your day with a small 15-20 minutes session of meditation. It is a great stress 2realizer and improves your attention span.

2. Pen Down Plans For The Day

A busy day can make things skip the mind. The next is to pen down your plans. It is best to stick your to-do list near your workplace. Try to mention backup plans. Follow your timetable strictly. Mention breaks in bold. Follow the clock strictly, it is time for a five-minute healthy snack break, do not skip them.

3. Assemble And Arrange Your Workplace.

It is necessary to organize your workplace. Being a teacher, you know best how well organization works. You can find your favorite corner in the house and make it your permanent workplace. ‘Mare’s nest’ will make working difficult. Assemble and arrange things as per your daily lesson needs. 

4. Definite Working Hours

It is good to define working hours. Yes, you’re at your home but still managing time is a task. Prioritize your work, and take some time out for self-care. 

While working, a two minutes water break can help you feel better. Being available for twenty-four hours for everyone is not your job. Prioritize things well.

5. Breaks To Replenish Yourself

Remember to take small breaks frequently to avoid mental and physical breakdowns. While working on the laptop, take 2 minutes to break from the screen and blink your eyes 10-15 times to relax your eyes.

 Follow the rule 3S’s STAND – STRECH- SIT. After every 30-45 minutes, stand, stretch your body and sit. Keep a water bottle handy to avoid dehydration3.

6. Sharing Is Caring

Having a group of like-minded people is all you need. Talk with colleagues and share your experiences. We are living in the virtual era that connects you to your loved ones. Try to connect with peers at least once a day. Staying connected is the best social activity for self care for teachers. 

Sharing things is a good stressbuster and mood lifter. Sharing difficulties could also help to locate solutions. So go dial colleagues who make you happy. 

7. You Are Unique


The main motive of self-care for teachers is to balance emotional stress. Comparing yourself with others is not at all a good idea. Comparing can leave you more stressed. You can always improvise your techniques and methods.

Do not forget everyone has their limitations and strengths. Focus more on your strengths to achieve your targets.

8. Choose an Activity For the Day

Indulging in any outdoor activity or something you like must be on the list. Find your passion and ditch gadgets for some time. Show your culinary skills or indulge in artistry work. 

Find some time alone with your activity. Choose a fun activity before relaxing. If you could not find an activity go on a hike with friends or alone. Spend some time with nature. Finding this type of activity is best for self-care for teachers.

9. Write Down Your Achievements

Want to find fading motivation? Motivational boosters will help you. The best way to boost your morale is to write down your day’s achievements. As a teacher retaining, students’ attention is an achievement or well-explained topic.

Journalising makes you focus on positive things. Self-care for teachers has to focus on mental health as well.

10. Sound Sleep For Solitude

To relax the mind and body minimum of 8 hours of sleep is a must for everyone. Especially for educators whose brains remain working all day getting enough sleep is a remedy. 

5 Ways To Practice Self-Care With Your Students In Class

self care for students
yan berthemy

School and homework can also be tiring for students at times. As a teacher, you have realized how important self-care is, now it is the time to motivate your students to take care of themselves. Here are steps to make your classroom self-care equipped:

1. Identifying Emotions Correctly

Help your students to identify and manage their emotions. Ask them how they feel today. Discussing such things can manage stress levels in your students.

2. Practice Breathing Exercises With Your Learners

Simple breathing exercises can have a positive impact on learners. It is a way you can teach mindfulness to your students after a tiring day. 

3. Change Your Words 

Tell your students to use more affirmative sentences. Instead of saying, “I can not do this” use, “I will try this.” It will help in building a positive self-image that will reduce anxiety.

Teach them it is “Ok” to be stuck at things.

4. Try Games Like “Know Your Classmates” 

Play games that work for the social well-being of students. Making friends and being social is indispensable for personality development.

Ask your students to talk and know more about the likings and dislikings of any 2 students in class. This will build in social skills.

5. Invest Time To Read

It is good to invest some time in quiet reading as your students may not always want to practice mindfulness, so you can try reading quietly.

Reading can help in relaxing minds. 

 Self-care should not be an option but a preference of all educators. Having your health game right can be beneficial for everyone around you. Remember self care for teachers diffusely works in favor of students. Happy teachers mean happy students. 

Frequently asked questions:

Q. What makes a teacher most happy?
  • One of the most effective ways to your teacher’s heart is by being engaged in class discussions, asking questions, and responding thoughtfully to new ideas and facts. In life, people respond positively to you when you show an interest in what they like or in what they are doing, making or discussing.
Q. What 3 loves should a great teacher have?
  • ‘Teachers have three loves: the love of learning, the love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.
Q. What is most important for a teacher?
  • One of the most important parts of teaching is dedication. Teachers not only listen but also coach and mentor their students. They are able to help shape academic goals and are dedicated to getting their students to achieve them.

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  1. Oakman, Jodi, et al. “A rapid review of mental and physical health effects of working at home: how do we optimise health?.” BMC public health 20 (2020): 1-13. ↩︎
  2. O’Connor, Daryl B., Julian F. Thayer, and Kavita Vedhara. “Stress and health: A review of psychobiological processes.” Annual review of psychology 72 (2021): 663-688. ↩︎
  3. Edmonds, Caroline J., et al. “Dehydration in older people: A systematic review of the effects of dehydration on health outcomes, healthcare costs and cognitive performance.” Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 95 (2021): 104380. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Suchi



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