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Best Guide To Foods That Help With Period Cramps

Are you looking for foods that help with period cramps? Various foods can help ease menstrual pain, but some can worsen if not taken care of.

Do you have a lot of cramps during your period? Cramps are uncomfortable, cause exhaustion, and make it difficult to move and go about your everyday activities.

If regular medicine isn’t alleviating your symptoms, you might want to consider changing your diet.

Which foods should you eat to relieve period cramps, and which should you avoid during your period? If you’re having severe cramps, foods that help with period cramps.
Many people have uncomfortable symptoms during their periods.

At the same time, some foods help with period cramps and lessen the pain. Other foods can make them worse. Here, we will look into the foods that help with period cramps.

Here, we will look into the foods that help with period cramps.

1. How To Relieve Menstrual Cramps?

Foods that help with period cramps
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Many foods help with period cramps, and there are other ways to relieve menstrual cramps:

  • Exercise
  • Hot Bath
  • Heat Pad
  • Hormonal birth control pills

These measures can help with reducing menstrual pain.

1.2 How To Deal With Irregular Periods?

  • Practice Yoga
  • Exercising daily
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Have Vitamins daily ( Calcium, Vitamin D, & Vitamin B )

2. Drinks And Foods That Help With Period Cramps

Period pain intensity may differ for everyone, and there are many ways to soothe the pain. A way to ease cramps is to have certain foods that help lower stomach pain.

Many foods help with period cramps, and here we will look into drinks and foods that will help with period cramps.

What is it about food that makes it so effective at relieving period cramps? Certain meals contain nutrients that directly impact your hormones, neurons, and muscle.

2.1 Drinks That Help With Menstrual Cramps

Each period of pain varies; some may have painful cramps while others have other physical symptoms. These drinks help with painful periods and help muscles relax.

1. Drinking Water

Many foods help with period cramps, but the most important one is always to drink more water.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, drinking water helps your body keep less water. A large glass of water can help relieve some of the period-related bloating.

If drinking water alone isn’t your thing, try eating water-based foods like lettuce, celery, cucumbers, melons, or berries. Another approach for relieving cramps is to stay hydrated with warm or hot liquids.

2. Chamomile Tea

Foods that help with period cramps
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Menstrual cramps can be relieved by drinking chamomile tea. Chamomile tea has a calming effect on the nervous system, which may help with your mood. It also has anti-inflammatory effects that help to alleviate cramps.

3. Peppermint Tea And Cinnamon

Peppermint has many nutritional benefits. It is employed; in a variety of home treatments for various ailments. Peppermint contains menthol, which helps to relieve stomach cramps by lessening muscle spasms.

It may also help to ease period discomfort by lowering uterine contractions. Cinnamon works by redirecting blood flow away from the uterus, reducing flow.

4. Ginger Tea

Foods that help with period cramps
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Ginger tea can aid with nausea, bloating, and cramping pains. Ginger is also recognized as a wonderful coffee substitute and makes you feel more energized and aware.

Inflammation in the body is reduced by using ginger. This may assist in the relief of stomach and menstrual cramps. According to research, menstrual pain can be reduced by taking a ginger supplement during the first 3-4 days of your cycle. Stir-fries and sauces can; be made with fresh or dried ginger. Make tea with fresh ginger instead.

5. Raspberry Leaf Tea

One of the many foods that help with period cramps is raspberry tea.

Raspberry leaf tea is not only delicious, but it also possesses anti-inflammatory characteristics that may aid in the relief of period cramps.

6. Fortified Orange Juice

Many foods help with period cramps, and oranges are full of vitamin C which can help you feel better during cramps.

Oranges are a well-known meal that helps relieve period cramps. Oranges have a higher vitamin C content than lemons and magnesium, potassium, and vitamin D.

Oranges contain as many of these nutrients as milk. Period cramps and menstrual pain may be relieved by eating a few oranges each day.

2.2 Foods That Help With Menstrual Pain

Many foods help with period cramps, especially if you have severe pain. These food items help with your sugar cravings and include iron-rich foods, vitamin D, and omega three fatty acids.

These foods help reduce menstrual cramps, reduce bloating, and ease period symptoms. Here is a list of foods that help with period cramps.

1. Lemons

Foods that help with period cramps
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One of the many foods that help with period cramps is lemon.

Vitamin C aids in absorbing iron from the diet into the circulation and tissues. Because your body may be losing more red blood cells than it can replace during your period, having some extra vitamin C on hand to help with iron absorption may benefit you.

Vitamin C, in particular, is abundant in lemons. Lemons are also high in fiber, making them an ideal diet for preventing muscle spasms.

2. Fruits Like Bananas, Kiwis, and Pineapples:

Many foods help with period cramps, and fruits make great snacks. Bananas help with premenstrual syndrome symptoms as well.

According to registered dietitian Lisa DeFazio of Redbook, bananas include vitamin B6 and are a good source of potassium dosage. Which can help ease bloating and relieve symptoms.

If you’re making a smoothie, you might want to include some fresh pineapple chunks as well. In addition to being delicious, pineapples contain bromelain, an anti-inflammatory enzyme.

A kiwi can make your fruit medley a triple threat to relieve menstrual cramps. Kiwis are high in the enzyme actinidin, which aids in protein digestion.

Certified dietitian Rebecca Scritchfield also includes fiber, which can help move things along, so you don’t end up with constipation on top of your discomfort.

3. Watermelon

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One of the many foods that help with period cramps is watermelon. Watermelon is a refreshing and delicious fruit. It’s simple to throw it in a blender and make a wonderful smoothie. Aside from that, it’s mostly water.

Watermelon hydrates your body fast and introduces modest amounts of natural sugars into your system. This helps reduce cramps.

4. Chicken

Foods that help with period cramps
By Kei from Pexels, 2022 copyright

One of the many foods that help with period cramps is chicken. You can also include chicken in your diet because it is high in iron and protein. Protein is essential for your general health, and it can help you stay full and satisfied during your period, which can help you avoid cravings.

5. Fish

One of the many foods that help with period cramps is fish. You should add fish to your diet as it is high in iron, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Having iron helps compensate for the drop in iron levels after mensuration.

A 2012 study has shown that omega-3s can help lower period painful menstrual cramps.

Individuals who took omega-3 supplements have reported that their menstrual pain has reduced.

A 2014 study has shown that omega-3s help with depression.

Also, omega-3s may benefit persons who experience mood swings and depression during periods.

6. Kale

Foods that help with period cramps
By Deborah Rainford from Pexels, 2022 copyright

One of the many foods that help with period cramps is Kale.

Kale is a terrific option among the other healthy foods that cure cramps. Like broccoli and other greens, Kale is high in calcium and magnesium, making it a beneficial diet for period cramps. A calcium deficit might exacerbate muscle spasms and contractions.

Kale can be sautéed or blended into a smoothie.

In either case, this vegetable may aid in the strengthening of your immune system and the alleviation of cramping symptoms. Kale has a calming effect, which helps to improve your mood and reduce pain.

7. Dark Chocolate

Even on days when cramps are worse, having something sweet can cheer you up.

Dark chocolate is a nutritious food high in iron and magnesium. A 100-gram bar of 70-85% dark chocolate includes 67 percent of the recommended daily iron intake (RDI). Also, 58 percent of the recommended daily magnesium intake (RDI).

Magnesium was demonstrated to lessen the intensity of PMS symptoms in a 2010 study. People with magnesium shortages were more likely to have severe PMS symptoms, according to a 2015 study.

8. Salmon

Foods that help with period cramps
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Many foods help with period cramps, and salmon helps with menstrual pain1.

Omega-3s help to reduce inflammation, making them useful for pain alleviation in general, including menstrual cramps, according to a small study.

In addition to being a strong source of protein, salmon is high in vitamins D and B6.

Vitamin D aids in absorbing calcium, which is another nutrient that can help with period discomfort. Vitamin B6 can also assist with any breast discomfort or irritation you’re having in addition to your cramps.

9. Green Leafy Vegetable

One of the many foods that help with period cramps is green leafy vegetables.

You lose iron when you lose blood every month, making you feel sluggish and fatigued.

A big, juicy burger or steak might be an enticing method to get your iron if you eat meat. Dark, leafy greens like Kale and spinach are nutrient powerhouses and great sources of iron.

If you’re bored of the lush greens, add some cooked broccoli for a crunchier contrast2 that’s also high in nutrients.

10. Chinese Herbal Medicine

One of the many foods that help with period cramps is Chinese herbal medicine.

Chinese herbal medicine can be used for treating different menstrual issues. They’re generally mixed in unique mixtures that differ from one practitioner to another.

According to certain studies, Chinese medicines may be beneficial. Chinese medicines relieved period cramps better than OTC painkillers, according to Cochrane research published in 2008.

11. Dietary Supplementary

Foods that help with period cramps
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The menstrual cycle is something most women don’t look forward to every month. But there are ways to decrease PMS symptoms during painful periods, and some of these supplements help with menstrual symptoms.

Some dietary supplements you can have are:

  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B6
  • Omega 3 fatty acids.

3. Foods That Can Make Period Pain Worse

Many foods help with period cramps, but there is some food that you should avoid as it makes period cramps worse. Certain foods should be avoided to reduce severe cramps3.

3.1 Foods To Avoid

Here is a list of some food items that one must avoid during their cramps:

1. Greasy Food

Foods that help with period cramps
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Many foods help with period cramps, but you should avoid greasy foods during periods.

If you’re experiencing stomach discomfort, skip the cheeseburger and fries. Fat takes longer for your body to process, which might induce cramps by tightening your intestines. Irritable bowel syndrome4 (IBS) can be worse by high-fat diets.

This digestive disorder affects as many as one out of every six people. Bloating, discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea are all possible side effects.

2. Dairy Products

For some people, eating ‘too much’ dairy might cause stomach pains. This is because it contains lactose, a type of sugar that many people don’t produce enough of the enzyme needed to digest.

Within a few hours of eating, this can result in stomach pain, bloating, and nausea. You may have to limit your dairy intakes such as milk and cheese, substitute lactose-free alternatives, or take an enzyme supplement.

3. Coffee

If you experience stomach pain, you may need to reduce your intake of coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee frequently.

Caffeine can also cause your nerves to fire up and your muscles to tense up. Both of these factors can lead to cramping.

4. Spicy Foods

Spicy food
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Many foods help with period cramps, but you should avoid spicy food during periods.

Spicy foods upset the stomach causing diarrhea, stomach pain, and even nausea.

It’s advised to avoid spicy meals during your period if your stomach can’t handle them or if you’re not used to eating them.

5. Canned Foods

Many foods help with period cramps, but you should avoid canned foods during periods. Refined foods may include significant- levels of harmful chemicals used to preserve the food. They may also be deficient in nutrients. The salt content in canned meals can be excessive, causing bloating and cramps. Stick to healthy, fresh foods when you’re on your period.

6. Alcohol

Alcohol can have a lot of detrimental consequences on your body, including exacerbating period symptoms.

Alcohol, for example, might dehydrate you, worsening headaches and causing bloating. It can also cause stomach problems, including diarrhea and nausea.

4. Final Note

Menstrual cycles can be painful and can be different for everyone. If you are experiencing worse premenstrual symptoms or painful cramps, you need medical treatment.

Icy Health provides expert advice and opinions for educational purposes only. This is not intended to be a replacement for expert medical advice.

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5. FAQs

5.1 Does Increasing Calorie Intake During Menstruation Make Sense? 

Although some women may feel more hungry during their periods, there’s no need to up your calorie intake. Focus on having a nutritious diet that includes fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, on promoting general wellness. 

5.2 Do Some Spices Make Menstruation Cramps Worse?

Certainly, for some women, spices like cayenne and chili powder might make their cramps and inflammation worse. It’s advisable to pay attention to your body and steer clear of any meals that can make your symptoms worse. Spices like ginger and turmeric are good choices to reduce inflammation.

5.3 Can Menstrual Cramps be Relieved by a Low-carb Diet?

Some women have claimed that a low-carb diet helped them with menstrual cramps. Cutting back on carbohydrates may lower inflammation and normalize blood sugar, which can lessen cramping. But, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional before making any big dietary adjustments.

  1. Armour, Mike, et al. “The prevalence and educational impact of pelvic and menstrual pain in Australia: a national online survey of 4202 young women aged 13-25 years.” Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology 33.5 (2020): 511-518. ↩︎
  2. Pellegrino, Robert, et al. “The contribution of texture contrasts and combinations to food acceptance across cultures.” Journal of texture studies 51.2 (2020): 225-231. ↩︎
  3. Garrison, Scott R., et al. “Magnesium for skeletal muscle cramps.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 9 (2020). ↩︎
  4. Black, Christopher J., and Alexander C. Ford. “Global burden of irritable bowel syndrome: trends, predictions and risk factors.” Nature reviews Gastroenterology & hepatology 17.8 (2020): 473-486. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology



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