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What Does a Period Without Cramps Mean?

If you do not suffer from menstrual pain, congratulations, you are surely on god’s favourites list. But what does a period without cramps mean? Read on to find out!

To be precise, a period without cramps means Mood Swings, cramps, bleeding, and body pain.

Almost every female faces these normal issues monthly, almost every time something unusual happens during the menstrual cycle is easily noticeable within a negligible time. Cramps are the first ones to arrive as a reminder for periods.

No doubt cramps are painful and experienced by every woman having menstruation. But having periods without pain or cramps happens rarely.

So is it normal to have periods without cramps1? Or is it a matter of concern? Let’s discuss what a period without cramps means.

What Does a Period Without Cramps Mean?

Having cramps is normal and these painful cramps can happen anytime before or during the cycle. But having periods without cramps feels weird. However, you don’t need to be worried about it. Sometimes cramps begin a few days before your periods.

The reason for feeling cramps is the muscular contraction in the uterus due to a rise in a hormone called prostaglandin.2

The sensation of pain varies from person to person. Some women feel mild pain, whereas others feel severe pain, with nausea, dizziness, and other common symptoms.

These severe cramps sometimes are a sign of PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome3) or endometriosis4 and other health issues.

Due to a lack of awareness women experience and tolerate this pain without any checkup, considering it normal. Similarly, PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is also experienced by some women. In this syndrome, common issues of periods are experienced by females a week before the menstrual cycle.

Is it Normal to Have a Period Without Cramps?

Pain during periods is normal. Almost every woman experiences it, only the intensity of pain varies. Even around 10 women out of 100 experience severe intensity pain and cramps, which makes it difficult for them to do their daily tasks.

Females who are the age of 20s experience period pain severely. Also, some females face issues like dysmenorrhoea5. On the other hand, some females feel mild pain or symptoms and others feel no pain at all. Both scenarios are completely normal.

What are Healthy Period Symptoms?

1. Fixed Cycle Time

A sign of a healthy period is that it comes on time without any sort of delay. The menstrual cycle comes every month, but the timing varies from person to person.

Usually, a 26-35-day period is normal, the days count as the start from the first day of bleeding of the current cycle to the first day of the next month’s cycle.

2. No Severe Pain

Mild pelvic pain is fine. It is considered healthy but severe discomfort or pain indicates that there is something wrong with your body.

It may be a sign of hormonal disbalance, fibroids, or issues like adenomyosis may be the reason for severe pain. But what does a period without cramps mean?

3. No Spotting Before Or In Between Periods

Spotting between the cycles is not a sign of healthy spotting. Instead, it is a matter of concern and you should pay attention to this issue to avoid any major problems.

4. Mild PMS Symptoms

Severe PMS symptoms are a matter of concern like mood swings, irritation, bloating, breast tenderness, and so on. If these signs occur every time then you should pay some attention to them as it is an indication of something not well.

Probably it is clear to you now what a healthy period looks like. So if you are having a period without cramps normal instead severe pain is a matter of concern.

The menstrual experience of every woman is different, some bleed for 2-3 days whereas others experience cramps and bleeding for up to 5-7 days. Bleeding flow may also vary from light to heavy similarly pain varies from negligible, mild to severe.

As long as the menstrual cycle remains constant and occurs timely then you don’t need to worry. But stay aware and pay attention if you feel changes in your monthly cycle.

Is it Normal to Feel Cramps Without Periods?

It is normal to experience cramps during periods. Although they are not the only cause of cramps. So if you are experiencing cramps without periods you don’t need to worry but sometimes this issue needs attention.

There are many reasons besides periods that result in painful cramps, Some reasons behind painful period cramps are:-

Anxiety, smoking, improper period flow, longer cycle. If you are experiencing other health issues together with cramps like dizziness, excessive bleeding, weakness and so on then you should immediately consult with a doctor.

To be honest, I would give anything for a period without cramps, what about you?

Symptoms of a Period Without Cramps

Usually, cramps begin on the first or second day of periods in the lower abdomen. If they occur beside it, which means it is not related to periods then you should see a doctor, if you notice cramps or discharge.

Reasons for Cramps Without Menstruating?

Cramps can occur because of various reasons besides periods. The pain of cramps varies from normal to severe. Below mentioned are the reasons for cramps besides menstruation:-

1. Ovulation

Ovulation is the most basic reason for cramps without a period. It generally happens between 10-15 days of menstruation, the process of releasing unfertilized eggs by ovaries for the menstrual cycle causes pain but not every time.

But sometimes it is noticed that women experience little to sharp pain in the lower stomach while ovulating.

2. Pregnancy

Having cramps without periods can occur because of pregnancy. Painful cramps frequently occur during pregnancy, when fertilized embryo implants.

Some other issues that women experience during pregnancy include vomiting, nausea, spotting, and so on.

3. Ovarian Cysts

An ovarian cyst is another cause of sharp cramps. There are fluid-filled sacs around ovaries, so if they don’t permit the egg to ovulate or don’t close completely after releasing the egg.

In both of these situations, women will feel painful cramps. Also, ruptured ovarian cyst needs to be treated

4. Endometriosis

When the uterine lining grows in ovaries, fallopian tubes, or bladder, basically on the outer surface of the uterus then in that case Endometriosis develops.

To solve or treat this issue, you can consult a doctor for hormone therapy or medications for relieving pain.

5. Interstitial cystitis

It is a condition that results in health issues related to the bladder. It is another cause of cramps. You will experience painful cramps in addition to frequent urges to urinate.

You can correct this problem with a healthy diet and lifestyle. This is also known by its other name painful bladder syndrome.6

In addition to the above-mentioned issues, there are some other causes of cramps without periods like perimenopause, pelvic inflammatory disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ovarian cancer, ulcerative colitis, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, and others.

Now that you are probably clear with the symptoms, you should consult a doctor if you are noticing weird things and disturbances in your cycle or having cramps without periods.

How to Improve Menstrual Health?

First of all, everyone must maintain personal hygiene every time, not only while menstruating. People hype caring about themselves but it is necessary and you should give extra care to yourself in your period days.

Your hygiene will help you to improve your menstrual health. Below are some ways to improve your menstrual health.

In your every period cycle, many changes take place with you like unexpected food cravings, mood swings, premenstrual syndrome, and hormonal changes but one thing needs to be constant and that is your hygiene, This will help you feel positive, and have a happy vibe that will avoid physical sickness and infections.

Menstrual health is affected by small things that you do daily. So if you do follow a healthy lifestyle then you can easily maintain good menstrual health.

So you can follow these things to improve your health and hygiene:-

1. Exercise for a Period Without Cramps

It is a myth that females should avoid exercise during their periods, instead of little movements or light exercising would be great, although it is fine to avoid intense exercise or if you are not feeling well then you can avoid it.

But light exercises or yoga asanas will be helpful not only in relieving pain but also for your mental health, and mood swings It will keep your overall body at ease.

If you do yoga asana properly which is beneficial for this purpose then in return you will feel relief from stress and painful periods or menstrual cramps.

If you are not aware of how to properly perform asana then you can take digital sessions. Do it in your comfort but make sure to do it properly.

2. Maintain Hygiene

It is necessary to maintain personal hygiene every time but you need to give it special attention during periods. As the pH of the vagina or pelvic area disturbs because of periods or vaginal bleeding to maintain and avoid infections.

Also cleaning properly with a gentle cleanser will reduce odour and irritation. If you are experiencing any kind of infection consult your doctor to avoid any kind of serious problems. Treat it at its earliest to avoid getting the problem worse.

3. Eat a Balance Diet

Taking a balanced diet is necessary at every age, your menstrual health is also affected by your diet, and even your diet and lifestyle play an important role in your menstrual health.

You should eat nutritious food properly and timely, as periods may result in exhausting your physical health or dysmenorrhea.

So taking a properly nutritious diet will add wonders to your health. If your body is strong enough, having it will help in avoiding severe cramping and hormone balance sharp as well.

4. Additional Supplements

When you feel painful cramps, or an uneasy feeling during periods taking a painkiller seems the best option but it is not as a painkiller has various side effects that will impact your health in the long run. If you take painkillers frequently then it will adversely affect your physical health.

So instead of taking painkillers consider using natural solutions. Taking natural supplements will help in managing menstrual health. Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients offer various health benefits. It is also helpful in reducing pain and in proper period flow.

But you need to make sure that the ingredients of products are proper and safe, The brand and the producer must have properly mentioned the instructions or it is best to consult a doctor regarding what to use, how to use, and so on.

5. Consultation

It is best to visit a doctor regarding problems you are experiencing. They will also guide you on how to maintain your menstrual health and hygiene.

Period health changes according to age so you can consider taking a regular check-up after some time with your gynecologist, as it will avoid any major problems regarding your health.

The age group between 18 to 21 should consult a gynecologist for even small weird things happening to them as major changes take place in this age group.

Irregular periods, hormone level changes, any sort of period cramps, severe pain, or irritation might need consultation or treatment.

Final Note: Period Without Cramps

In a nutshell, the conclusion is that it is completely normal to notice mild symptoms, and mild cramps during menstrual cycles, also many women experience no abdominal pain.

This is also a common symptom that faces severe symptoms, menstrual irregularities, and hormone imbalances may result in some serious health problems.

Health conditions like period pain without a period, dull cramps, and other menstrual disorders need to be treated. Periods stay consistent depending on women’s health.

If your monthly menstrual cycle is intensely painful then you should consider consulting a doctor. The intensity of period pains varies from person to person, you just need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Harlow, Siobán D., and Meekyong Park. “A longitudinal study of risk factors for the occurrence, duration and severity of menstrual cramps in a cohort of college women.” Bjog: An International Journal Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 103.11 (1996): 1134-1142. ↩︎
  2. Herschman, Harvey R. “Prostaglandin synthase 2.” Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Lipids and Lipid Metabolism 1299.1 (1996): 125-140. ↩︎
  3. Franks, Stephen. “Polycystic ovary syndrome.” New England Journal of Medicine 333.13 (1995): 853-861. ↩︎
  4. Lebovic, Dan I., Michael D. Mueller, and Robert N. Taylor. “Immunobiology of endometriosis.” Fertility and sterility 75.1 (2001): 1-10. ↩︎
  5. Latthe, Pallavi Manish, and Rita Champaneria. “Dysmenorrhoea.” BMJ clinical evidence 2011 (2011). ↩︎
  6. Van de Merwe, Joop P., et al. “Diagnostic criteria, classification, and nomenclature for painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis: an ESSIC proposal.” European urology 53.1 (2008): 60-67. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology



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