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Wisdom tooth pain can be intense in some people. This pain is generally due to the growth of wisdom teeth that erupts your gum line to come out on your tooth surface.
Sometimes you will have various other symptoms of wisdom tooth pain as well. To get rid of wisdom tooth pain, you should follow certain remedies. It doesn’t mean that your wisdom tooth pain will completely vanish, but it will decrease after using some medications.

How To Stop Wisdom Tooth Pain With Remedies?
Generally, wisdom teeth pain goes on its own after a few days, but in some cases, the pain will be high and needs the dentist’s recommendation and advice.
Still, if the pain is bearable to some extent, then you should try the following remedies:
1. Saltwater Mouth Rinse
Saltwater has always positively impacted wisdom teeth to reduce pain and relieve your mouth. Saltwater contains sodium chloride that will reduce swelling and inflamed gums.
Saltwater rinses will relieve wisdom tooth pain and also prevent bacteria growth1 and infections. Just add teaspoons of salt in warm water and mix them to use.
2. Numbing Gel
You should also use numbing gel for numbing your affected area. Numbing gels contain benzocaine2 which will help in reducing wisdom tooth pain and will provide soothing effects.
There may be some folks allergic to numbing gel due to the presence of benzocaine. For them, it is not advisable to use such a gel.
You can get the numbing gel in offline stores or online. Just don’t skip checking the instructions in the manual given inside.
3. Ibuprofen
It is one of the best over-the-counter pain relievers for people suffering from wisdom tooth pain. You should try Ibuprofen to reduce inflammation and for soothing effects on the gum line.

It would help if you took Ibuprofen according to the dosage mentioned in the instructions or as your doctor says.
4. Applying An Ice Pack
Applying an ice pack directly to your jaw to reduce inflammation will definitely help. Reducing inflammation will further help in reducing pain.
5. Cloves
Cloves are known for their numbing effects that will reduce pain for sure. Clove is an excellent analgesic that would be great for your oral health3. Clove will also have good results in killing the bacteria in the mouth.
You could try clove essential oil for your wisdom tooth pain or could also try boiling a few cloves in water and then massage it on your gums. Make sure you do not exceed using 4 to 6 cloves.

6. Tea Bags
Few studies have come up with the benefits of tea bags. According to reports, tea bags contain tannins outstanding for their anti-inflammatory properties4. These tea bags are also efficacious for bacterial infections due to their anti-bacterial properties.
It would help if you tried making a cup of tea by placing the tea bags in it. Put the cup inside your refrigerator without removing the tea bags.
After a few minutes, please take out the chill tea bag from the fridge and place it on your painful gums.

7. Aspirin
Aspirin is a tremendous medicine for headaches. Asprin would also help in reducing wisdom tooth pain.
According to studies, Aspirin is a great pain-dulling or reading agent for mouth discomfort. You need to stick to the perfect dose and don’t overdose yourself.
Check the label before using Aspirin to overcome wisdom tooth pain.
8. Menthol
Menthol would be another relief for your wisdom tooth pain relief. Menthol would show analgesic effects on your painful gums.
It would help if you tried diluting any mouthwash (with alcohol) with peppermint flavour with menthol.
9. Turmeric
Turmeric is another popular spice found in every Indian kitchen. Turmeric is rich in anti-bacterial properties that will maintain your oral health. It is also a very effective analgesic5 with amazing anti-inflammatory properties.
Due to these properties, turmeric would be great for wisdom tooth pain relief. You should try adding an adequate amount of turmeric to water and boil it for a few minutes. Then use that water to apply on your painful gums for some relief.
You could also try applying turmeric directly on your gums and massage or rub it a little.
10. Peppermint

Peppermint is a great agent for reducing pain in wisdom teeth. It would help if you used peppermint to get the benefits of essential oil present in that for soothing effects and help your inflamed gums.
You should rub the peppermint oil (original and authentic one) directly on the impacted area in your mouth. You could also apply peppermint extract by using a cotton ball to soak it.
11. Remove Wisdom teeth
If home remedies and medication do not show any changes in your pain, you should try removing your wisdom teeth.
Wisdom teeth removal will ultimately alleviate the pain in your gums, giving you relief. Also, talk to a dentist or professional for better advice before taking any step.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How long do wisdom teeth pains last?
Wisdom tooth pain usually lasts for about 2-7 days. If the pain persists beyond that, it is advisable to contact your dentist.
2. At what age do wisdom teeth grow?
Wisdom teeth usually start to appear between the ages of 17 and 25.
How to stop wisdom tooth pain would be a very difficult question if you don’t start taking care of your oral health at an early stage. It would help if you tried all these home remedies for dealing with high-intensity wisdom tooth pain.
After trying these remedies, if things do not work, you should talk to a dentist to get a suitable answer to stop wisdom tooth pain. Go ahead! And explore all these home remedies for relief and oral health care.
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- Van Houte, J., and D. B. Green. “Relationship between the concentration of bacteria in saliva and the colonization of teeth in humans.” Infection and immunity 9.4 (1974): 624-630. ↩︎
- Khair-ul-Bariyah, Syeda, et al. “Benzocaine: review on a drug with unfold potential.” Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 20.1 (2020): 3-11. ↩︎
- Kaur, Deepanjeet, and Kaushal K. Chandrul. “Syzygium aromaticum L.(Clove): A vital herbal drug used in periodontal disease.” Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research 5.02 (2017): 45-51. ↩︎
- Tharaniya, Murugan, et al. “Evaluating nutritional values for lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) herb tea formulation used in tea bags.” Innovations in Agriculture 6 (2023): e32870. ↩︎
- Eke‐Okoro, U. J., et al. “Curcumin in turmeric: Basic and clinical evidence for a potential role in analgesia.” Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics 43.4 (2018): 460-466. ↩︎
Last Updated on by laibaarif