How to reverse tooth decay How to reverse tooth decay

How to Reverse Tooth Decay: Best 5 Ways

Are you worried about your dental cavity? This article will help you find 5 super strategies on How to Reverse Tooth Decay.
First, we should understand what a cavity is. A cavity is a hole in the tooth caused by plaque bacteria that can attack the teeth in any direction, causing tooth decay. If we keep it unnoticed for a long time, it can get larger and, in the end, cause severe pain.
But luckily, we have many possible ways to prevent cavities. Before giving tips on how to reverse tooth decay, let’s find out the root cause of tooth decay.

Dental decay is the culmination of three factors – sugary food, acid, and bacteria in saliva. It appears as white dots and eventually turns yellow and brown and thereafter dissolves the teeth.

As per many research studies, dental caries or tooth decay is the most common health condition. A diet of high sugar and processed food is the primary cause of dental caries. 

Alright!! Let us now discuss the solutions of how to reverse tooth decay.

1. How to Reverse Tooth Decay Best 5 Ways

1.1 Brushing and Flossing

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photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Our tooth is composed of three layers _ Enamel, dentin, and pulp. As enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, the cavity has to do smashing work to make a hole in the tooth. Our consistency in brushing and flossing in the right way can be enough to prevent tooth decay.

  1. However, there are a few harmful bacteria in the mouth. These harmful bacteria convert sugary foods into acids which can dissolve tooth enamel and, thus, cause cavities. Bacteria, along with acid, cause rotting of teeth, and further damage occurs when food is left behind. The hidden sugars in our foods are often the cause of tooth decay.
  2. Brushing and flossing regularly help you remove dirt particles and keep harmful bacteria away from the mouth. Many of us do not give importance to flossing as much as brushing. Flossing is equally important for oral hygiene. Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 minutes at a right angle to reduce plaque to a large extent.
  3. It is important for oral hygiene, and it is the principal key for how to reverse tooth decay. Healthy oral care habits are pivotal to perpetuating strong teeth and gum.

1.2 Sugar-Free Chewing Gum

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photo by Anaya Katlego on Unsplash

The other technique you can use against tooth decay is chewing a piece of sugar-free gum after your meals or snacks. It will keep your teeth healthy. 

  1. After eating and drinking, your teeth are in exposure to the attack from plaque bacteria. In such circumstances, you can chew sugar-free gum. Chewing sugar-free gum increases the production of saliva and thereby helps neutralize plaque acids on teeth.
  2. Chew your sugar-free gum for a minimum of 15 minutes for a better result. 


1.3. Oil Pulling on How to Reverse Tooth Decay

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photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Oil pulling is the other method and is considered to be an organic method to reverse cavities.

  1. It is an old technique based on the ancient Ayurvedic curing approach. It uses the startling assistance of oil to nutrify the tissues inside your mouth, especially the gums. This activity can draw out food particles or tartar within the teeth and thereby clean the mouth. 
  2. Take one teaspoon full of any edible oil, preferably coconut, sesame, or olive oil, early morning before eating anything.
  3. Swish the oil around in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes without swallowing it. (The oil with saliva forms toxins, and it is not good to take in the liquid)
  4. Once you have finished the activity properly, spit the oil out. The oil turns milky white if it is correctly done. (The oil may cause clogging in pipes, so avoid spitting in sinks in the house)
  5. Wash your mouth well immediately after oil pulling.
  6. Oil pulling is considered a remedy for oral hygiene, such as fresh breath, whiter teeth, clearer sinuses, etc. But you can’t take it as an alternative to your brushing or flossing. You can do it along with your other dental care habits.

1.4 Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride is essential for enamel strength. It is called ‘nature’s cavity fighter.’ Dentists prescribe fluoride in their treatments. 

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photo by 莎莉 彭 on Unsplash
  1. Drinking water with fluoride is good for oral health. Fluoride works well with saliva to fight against plaque. Some countries add a small amount of fluoride to public water supplies, and that process is water fluoridation.
  2. Drinking fluoridated water can reduce the pervasiveness of the dental cavity. However, intake of more than enough amount of fluoridated water will cause many health issues.
  3. Fluoride toothpaste can also rectify tooth decay since fluoride can reverse the acid attack from plaque bacteria and protect our enamel. It can thicken the level of fluoride in the teeth. Fluoride mouthwash is the other option on how to reverse tooth decay.

1.5. Healthy Diet 

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photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Foods and drinks have an important role in oral health. The easy availability of fast and unhealthy food makes dental caries the most common health condition globally. 

How to reverse tooth decay is also based on the foods and drinks you intake regularly. Instead of fast food or other unhealthy food habits, you should focus on more calcium-rich food. Eating food with natural probiotics will also help to solve dental issues. 

  1. Excessive consumption of candies and sugary drinks leads to tooth decay. You must keep yourself at a one-hand distance from candies or other sweets to reverse tooth decay.
  2. Avoiding phytic acid from your menu is also good for dental health. This natural substance is mostly found in plant seeds. Phytic acid encourages mineral deficiencies. Phytic acid influences minerals unfavorably in enamel and thus causes cavities. You can use several techniques to demolish phytates from your cooking ingredients, such as Sprouting, Cooking, Baking, Processing, Soaking, Fermenting, and Yeast leavening.
  3. Saliva is our natural fighter against harmful bacteria in the mouth. Drinking plenty of water keeps you away from a dry mouth and thereby helps saliva function properly.
  4. Water helps thin out the acids made by plaque bacteria. Moreover, staying hydrated always keeps our bodies healthy and immune.

2. The Bottom Line – How to Revere Tooth Decay 

The steps mentioned above can help to slow down or stop the course of tooth decay and improve your oral health, even if it is not feasible to reverse tooth decay on your own. It’s crucial to remember that receiving expert dental guidance is necessary for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

These steps are supporting or preventive, even though they can aid in managing tooth decay. It is impossible for the tooth structure to normally recover once it has been lost to decay. Therefore, to prevent severe tooth damage and the requirement for more invasive operations, early intervention, and preventive measures are essential.

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Last Updated on by Ghanesh1431



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