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Often we see new diet plans to lose weight1. Most of us, at some point in time, have struggled to lose weight but have you heard about the popular 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds?
Nowadays, with everyone having a busy schedule, exercising is something that doesn’t come easy. However, with the desire to lose weight fast, a healthy eating pattern and a proper diet plan are required.
Thus, the new diet plan, a 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds which got popular celebrities and fitness enthusiasts observed great popularity.
1. What Is This 7 Day Diet Plan to Lose 10 Pounds?
The 7-day diet plan to lose weight quickly is a GM(General Motors) diet plan which promises to help you lose around 7 kilos a week.
In this weight loss plan, you’ve to eat different food items from different categories for each day.
The 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds is considered to be highly effective, as it works according to the principle of energy balance.2
2. What Should I Eat to Lose 10 Pounds in 7 Days?
To lose several pounds in a week, the 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds is the perfect plan to start with.
Different foods on different days mean different types of food to be consumed each day. A person can either consume dairy products all day or just green vegetables all day and nothing else.
If a person is to consume fruits for their 3rd day, they should not eat any vegetables or even green beans, cherry tomatoes, etc. They would kick-start their day with a bowl of fruits and end with a bowl of fruits and eat fruits alone throughout the day.
The most important of all, whenever you’re signing up for some diet, is the need to stay hydrated.
Staying hydrated is also a necessity when it comes to a GM diet plan as this diet plan causes a lot of nutrient deficiencies, as do most fad diets. Also, water is believed to be helping burn fat faster.
Apart from this, the diet plan given below might help you lose weight effectively-
2.1. Day 1 of the 7-Day Diet Plan

Eat only fruits and nothing else. Although you can select a bowl of any fruit for a meal – one at a time, melons are preferred as they help in weight loss.
Also, since you’re supposed to eat only fruits, you cannot include any extra additions, not even Greek yogurt to go with it.
2.2. Day 2 of the 7-Day Diet Plan

Eat only vegetables, either raw or cooked.
Starting from green beans to baby spinach and a bowl of diced mushrooms, anything that goes by the category of vegetables can be consumed on the second day of this 7-day diet plan.
2.3. Day 3 of the 7-Day Diet Plan
Combine fruits and vegetables for your third day, minus potatoes and bananas.
You can have fruits for your breakfast and some for your lunch, some vegetables for your evening snack, and some veggies for your dinner.
2.4. Day 4 of the 7-Day Diet Plan

According to, you can eat 284 grams of beef, chicken, or fish on the 4th day.
If you’re a vegetarian, brown rice or cottage cheese as a replacement works just fine. You should increase your water intake by 2 glasses to get rid of the toxic components present in your body.
In case of hunger pangs, you might add 6 whole or chopped tomatoes to your diet.
2.5. Day 5 of the 7-Day Diet Plan

In complete contrast to the diet of day 2, you can eat bananas and milk all day long on day 5. The bananas are limited to 8 and 3 glasses of skimmed milk are to be consumed, at the most.
2.6. Day 6 of the 7-Day Diet Plan
Repeat day 4, minus the extra tomatoes. Instead, you can consume lots of vegetables but no potatoes should be included.
2.7. Day 7 of the 7-Day Diet Plan
The final day of the diet means all the days are added up together. Since it is the 7th and the final day, you’re free to consume fruits, vegetables, brown rice, and even fresh fruit juice.

This is the end of the 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds. No eggs are allowed in this 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds since the minimum calorie intake has to be met with foods containing fewer calories.
3. What Else Should Keep in Mind?
There are other things to keep in mind if you want to lose 10 pounds in 7 days. To get the best results, you should avoid junk food to eat healthily. When frying something, try olive oil.
Olive oil is full of antioxidants and heart-friendly fats, which is a suitable alternative to your regular oil. Extra virgin olive oil is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory. Olive oil can also be used as an alternative to butter.3

Although exercise isn’t recommended or necessary, one might try doing some cardio when on this diet. This helps in keeping your cardiovascular health issues 4in check if you’ve any.
However, if you’re feeling weak or drained of energy, exercising should be inhibited.
4. What Should I Eat to Lose 10 Pounds Fast?
Even if you’re not following the 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds because 1 week seems like a short time to lose 10 pounds, there is still hope for you to lose 10 pounds fast if not in a week.
To lose 10 pounds in a week, you need to work out more frequently and be consistent with your workout.
Exercising is important for your well-being, and adding cardio to your workout routine simply helps you lose body fat and achieve your weight loss goal easily.
Adding more protein and healthy fats to your diet also gives you the necessary nutrition and keeps you full, without adding more fat to your body. Having a compact breakfast with lots of protein is the best way to lose weight.
Apart from all this, while you’re working out and are on a diet to lose weight, make sure that you get enough sleep. Since you’re working out, i.e. putting in great energy towards physical activity and controlling how much food you eat in general, sleep is a necessity to keep you healthy.
5. Is the 7 Day Diet Plan to Lose 10 Pounds Effective?
Yes, you definitely can lose 10 pounds in a week. However, if you ask whether it is a safe method or not, then NO, losing 10 pounds in 7 days is no joke.
This 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds is not easy. Losing weight means shrinking fat cells and the byproducts of the entire process are Co2 and water, which are excreted through sweat and urination. Thus, this 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds isn’t medically correct or assured by any medical sources.
Also, to lose 10 pounds with the help of the 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds means cutting off approximately 700 calories from your diet per day, which might affect your health as it might not be able to adjust to such a calorie deficit.5
A calorie deficit is a key to weight loss, but proper measures should be taken and water weight should be maintained while you are trying to lose body weight.
6. How Much Weight Can You Safely Lose in a Week?
Weight gain may seem fast, but it didn’t happen overnight or even in a week. Similarly, you should not be looking to lose weight too fast, either.
Losing weight too fast might pose several health risks and can lead to you losing water weight or muscle mass. Your need to lose fat and sudden weight loss can lead to the emergence of several medical conditions.

According to health experts from the CDC and NIH, losing 3-4 pounds a week is the maximum limit, and losing beyond that in such a short time might prove to be fatal or even cause several other health consequences.
Thus, you should keep in mind that, while trying to lose weight and be healthy, you should not overdo yourself.
It is important to note that before starting a particular diet, you should always consult your physician to check whether the diet is suitable for you, especially if you’ve any underlying health conditions.
7. What Can I Eat Apart from the Above Foods for Weight Loss Throughout the Diet?
Apart from all the food items that have been mentioned above, there are certain other foods that can be consumed throughout the year. The main thing is to be determined, consistent, confident, and keep the calorie intake in check. Cherry tomatoes and brown rice are excellent examples of such options.

7.1. Consume Whole Wheat
However, apart from following all the weight loss tips and meal plans, you can consume whole grains (say oats or even whole-wheat toast). Even whole wheat pita works just fine.
For breakfast, anything whole wheat is suitable. Apart from that, it is prescribed to consume less fat and even food products that burn fat faster. Whey protein is also a fantastic way to burn fat faster.
7.2. Consume more Fruits and Vegetables
Here are some ways to consume more fruits and vegetables in your daily life:
- When it comes to veggies, green leafy vegetables such as baby spinach and romaine lettuce can work wonders for your body.
- 1 cup of veggies on the mentioned days can help you lose weight while making sure your body gets all the necessary nutrients.
- A cup of metabolism-boosting smoothies can also be included in the diet as well.
Here are our favorite smoothie recipes from
A green smoothie recipe:
- 1 cup of steamed spinach, 1 cup of broccoli florets, half cup of strawberries, one-fourth cup of pineapples, 1 teaspoon of honey (might skip), and 1 cup of almond milk
- blend all the ingredients together and you’ll have the best smoothie, you’ve ever had.

Another smoothie recipe you might end up loving is a green smoothie prepared with common ingredients that give you a lip-smacking taste:
- All you’ve to do is to blend 1 cup of raw spinach, 1 cup of almond milk (might adjust the serving as needed), 1 cup of banana, and 1/2 cup of strawberry.
- Add vanilla essence, if required, and ta-da!
Prefer vegetables over fruits? Don’t worry.
- Take 1 cup of carrot, 1 cup of spinach, 1 teaspoon of chia seeds, 1/4th cup of pineapple, 1 cup of water, 1 cup of kale, and 1 cup of sweet peas.
- Blend them all together and you have a detoxifying smoothie, mostly out of vegetables.
8. How Do I Lose 10 Pounds Fast Apart from Maintaining a Diet?
Even though you’re maintaining the 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds, losing 10 pounds isn’t easy. If you want to speed up the process, there might be several other things that you can do besides following a diet.
8.1. Reduce Intake of Carbs and Sweets
This being said, you not only need to reduce carbohydrates but also need to reduce the amount of sugar intake.
A reduced amount of sugar intake doesn’t mean that you stop consuming sweets and chocolates, but adding an incessant amount of sugar to your food.

Also, packaged food falls under this category. Even smoothies and fruit juices, which are packed contain sugar and can prevent you from achieving your goal, without you knowing.
Also, for consuming fewer carbs, you might try switching to brown rice instead of white rice and flatbreads. Chicken breast makes for an excellent low-carb food item along with green leafy vegetables, broccoli, and cauliflower.
When on a low-carb diet such as this 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds, extra virgin olive oil is the perfect go-to oil for frying anything.
Apart from that, you may ask your physician about pork tenderloin recipes when you’re on a low-carb diet. Pork tenderloin, apparently, contains 0g of carbohydrates and can also be cooked in olive oil.
A low-carb meal plan designed with olive oil is everything you need to take a step forward toward achieving your weight loss goals.
8.2. Make Your Protein Game Strong
When you’re on a diet and want to lose weight faster, replacing carbs and unhealthy fats with protein is a great idea.
Protein can reduce the intensity of hunger and thus prevent you from eating junk food or foods out of your meal plan.
3 meals per day are enough and sometimes, due to our sudden urge to eat during our 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds, we often end up adding other meals or even eating junk food. Protein keeps you full and healthy, helps in muscle building, and keeps you within the meal plan, automatically resulting in losing a few calories.

8.3. Stick to a Healthy Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, and Dinner
If you find it hard to follow a diet, then you can try following a healthy meal plan. Following a healthy meal plan means trying healthier alternatives and adding them to your regular diet.
8.3.1. For Breakfast
One might try unsweetened Greek yogurt or poached egg with sliced avocado, or even a smoothie, for a healthy jump start to your day.
8.3.2. For Lunch
One might try grilled chicken with black beans or Canadian bacon strips with bell peppers.
8.3.3. For Dinner
You might eat roasted cauliflower with Brussels sprouts or salmon with black beans and roasted zucchini. strawberries or roasted pumpkin seeds make for a great snack with low calories.
Add more of such low-fat or zero-calorie alternatives to your grocery list and you will see the difference soon.
8.4. Drink Ample Water
Water is very important for weight loss. While we’re working on our weight loss process, we sometimes tend to miss out on the importance of water.

Water is a natural appetite suppressant, which means that water reduces your appetite and thus automatically reduces the chances of consuming additional calories.
It also helps in burning calories, a bit more than exercise. Drinking water keeps you away from consuming the calories from sweetened beverages and even sports drinks, thus reducing the overall calories consumed from drinks.
8.5. Eat High-Fiber Foods
Adding high-fiber foods to your meals can help you to lose fat faster. Fiber keeps you full, doesn’t contain any fat, and thus reduces the overall calories consumed. Fiber can work wonders for a low-fat diet and also boost metabolism.6
9. Is the GM Diet Safe?
No. The GM Diet (7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds) cannot be called safe.
To date, no research has proven the GM Diet to be safe. This is not generally prescribed by dieticians, as you can gain weight once you stop following the diet after a week and go back to your previous weight.
Also, it can make you weak because of the sudden change in the number of calories consumed.
10. Bottom Line
The 7-day diet plan to lose 10 pounds can work wonders for your body with its low-fat meal plans. However, you should always consult your physician before starting this diet like any other low-fat diet.
Remember, you still need fats, but only low-fat items and other healthy fats.

You might restrict your carbs consumption to a certain limit, but fats are necessary. Breakfasts should never be skipped if you’re serious about your weight loss goal. Losing 10 pounds is not a far-fetched dream, and with us, this is going to be easier than you think. So, all the best for your weight loss journey.

- Dombrowski, Stephan U., et al. “Do more specific plans help you lose weight? Examining the relationship between plan specificity, weight loss goals, and plan content in the context of a weight management programme.” British Journal of Health Psychology 21.4 (2016): 989-1005. ↩︎
- Schoeller, Dale A. “The energy balance equation: looking back and looking forward are two very different views.” Nutrition reviews 67.5 (2009): 249-254. ↩︎
- Anderson, Stacey E., et al. “Evaluation of the hypersensitivity potential of alternative butter flavorings.” Food and chemical toxicology 62 (2013): 373-381. ↩︎
- Fuster, Valentin, Bridget B. Kelly, and Rajesh Vedanthan. “Promoting global cardiovascular health: moving forward.” Circulation 123.15 (2011): 1671-1678. ↩︎
- McMurray, R. G., C. R. Proctor, and W. L. Wilson. “Effect of caloric deficit and dietary manipulation on aerobic and anaerobic exercise.” International journal of sports medicine 12.02 (1991): 167-172. ↩︎
- Afonso, Julieta, et al. “Competitive glucose metabolism as a target to boost bladder cancer immunotherapy.” Nature Reviews Urology 17.2 (2020): 77-106. ↩︎
Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf