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May it be listening to music, cooking, dancing, or even simply drinking tea, we all have coping skills it is possible one would not even know about.
In this article, we will see various coping skills for adults, but before that, it is necessary to understand what coping skills are.
The things we do to manage our anxiety and stress are called coping skills. In simpler words, we can say that they are the reaction to our stress1 and anxiety2 and if we go by the words of Hans Selye it would be that it is our reaction to the stress that kills us not stress it.
6 Best Coping Skills For Adults You Must Know
Also before going further, it is necessary to be aware that if a person is seeking coping strategies it doesn’t mean that he or she is mentally unhealthy. Even a happy and resilient person may have to go for these skills just to get through something difficult.
Coping is done by all of us in different ways. It can be conscious or even subconscious and it can range from anything from having a tub of ice cream with a good movie to going out for drinks.
Now we will share with you various coping skills for adults divided into various categories you can go through the article to find what may be best for you.
Positive Coping Skills For Adults
There are numerous coping skills for adults to choose from. You can find among them whatever can help you in building resilience and thriving.

1. Social Coping Skills For Adults
The best way to cope with stress and anxiety would be to talk to someone close to you and trust you. If you find it difficult to have a face-to-face conversation then writing a note would help, after that, you can always send that note to the person you trust.
And if you don’t want to share your problem due to any reason then spending time with friends and family would be very helpful. You can also adopt a little pet to care for or play with as one of the coping skills for adults.
Volunteering at some NGO 3or helping someone in need would give you some peace of mind, as what you give is what you get. Other than that you can always use humour in public and with friends for the purpose of coping and making life more joyful.
2. Use Diversion As Coping Skills For Adults
There can be a lot of things as a diversion for someone who wants to get a break from reality. If a hot relaxing bath is your thing then it can be helpful after a long stressful day. Some people like to watch movies or series with their favourite snacks. Maybe you want to go shopping or on a drive to relax.
Other than that many people like to organize when they want to be distracted or play a game. You can also indulge in your hobbies as coping skills for adults. They can be playing an instrument, singing, dancing, reading, gardening, painting, writing, photography, or anything else.
Going on a solo trip or a vacation with friends and family can also be great. It is preferred to go on little gateway during the holiday seasons to be always from all the stress and tension of daily life.
3. Venting Out As Coping Skills For Adults
Another way to cope would be to let all that frustration out and there are many ways to do so. Normally people feel like crying when tensed and frustrated, while some go laughing or yelling.
An impressive venting-out option would be to engage in exercise or some sport. This method is chosen by many of those who find themselves in a tight spot on regular basis. Exercises like running, cycling, swimming or anything in which you sweat are splendid.
When it comes to sports any one of them can serve as venting out options. You may prefer boxing or any other physical sport if you are constantly angry and annoyed.
4. Spirituality As Coping Skills For Adults
Many people turn to god whenever they find themselves clueless and pathless. But spirituality isn’t always about god, you can use nature to cope or get involved in a worthy cause. This way you will feel like being part of something greater.
Other than this practicing yoga4, meditation and praying can also be supportive during your coping journey. Click here to get more tips for using spirituality as a coping mechanism.
5. Physical Maintenance As Coping Skills For Adults
Many people find themselves getting better if they are physically up to the mark. Because much of the stress can be due to not enough sleep, disturbed routine, or overall bad health of the body.
So you can look at your life and see what is it that you are doing wrong. Change your routine to make it more suitable for you. Don’t forget to add at least six to seven hours of adequate and quality sleep to it. Along with it is necessary to eat a healthy and balanced diet, full of nutrients and minerals.
Aside from that practicing deep breathing can keep you calm throughout the day.
6. Cognitive Coping Skills For Adults
Another coping skill for adults will be cognitive coping. Cognitive skills are intellectual activities that can be done to manage stress and anxiety. This involves things like making a gratitude list, a list of your strengths and goals, or a pros-cons list.
You can also look at the positive aspects of a situation, keeping negative feelings away by acting opposite to them. Brainstorming solutions to a problem can also help to give a perspective and idea of what you are dealing with.
It is also recommended to have lower expectations from situations so that you are not affected that much if it goes wrong. You can surely pamper yourself if everything goes well. This will make you adaptive and flexible.
Negative Coping Skills For Adults
While there are lots of positive coping skills, people may find themselves engaging in negative ones rather quickly. But these are harmful to you and to those around you.
Some of these negative coping skills for adults include using drugs5, alcohol, sedatives, and other stimulants. Ignoring and bottling up feelings, being in denial, engaging in self-mutilation, and working way too much would also be considered negative coping.

Some of the coping skills that affect your health like sleeping too much to avoid the day’s problems or overeating, also called stress eating to “stuff your feeling” is commonly practiced whenever feeling helpless.
Another thing is if all the healthy coping skills are just used to avoid the problem then they can become unhealthy. It is advised to use coping skills for getting through the situation and solving it rather than using them as a means to serve your denial and avoidance.
We understand that it may seem easier to adopt these practices but try to avoid them as much as possible for your own sake.
How To Strengthen Your Mental State?
While coping skills can be used as a means to an end but you are already mentally strong and resilient there may be chances that stressful situations may not affect you that much. So strengthening your mental health can be like preparing yourself to face future events.
To do so first thing you need to accomplish is confidence, confidence in yourself and your work. This way you won’t be able to be let down by anyone or anything.
This can be done by recognizing your strengths, taking compliments whenever given, and working on your weaknesses.

You should also spend time with your family and friends on regular basis. We, humans, are social animals and we always feel good with somebody’s support. Check up on your loved ones and share your burdens with them.
Besides this, you need to be at peace with yourself and live in the moment, be realistic. Become your best friend, know yourself, invest in yourself and work on yourself. Reserve some time in your day to love yourself.
Volunteering can also be greatly effective to maintain peace within you. Giving support to others in need whenever you can helps you more than it would help them.
Because Newton’s law rightly says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, the same applies to this situation too.
Closing Thoughts
There are many numbers of coping skills but not all of them need to work on by everyone. The trick is to find what suits you best, not only to carry you in the time of crisis but through it as well.
It is also not necessary that every coping skill will work for every situation. You may need to choose different coping skills for various situations, so experiment with them and remember there is always room for improvement when it comes to coping skills.
Also, try to make yourself resilient and increase your overall mental health by following the tips mentioned above. It may be difficult and time-consuming at first but it will help you considerably in the long run.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. How to cope with stress?
Accept what has happened cannot be changed but the future is in your hands. Try to maintain a regular schedule, get enough sleep, consume a nutritious diet, and exercise.
2. What is the psychology behind coping skills?
Coping tricks often divert a person’s attention. In order to cope, you usually have to accept or tolerate unpleasant situations or truths while attempting to maintain a healthy sense of self and emotional balance.
3. How do people cope with life?
Feeling more confident can be encouraged through self-control and acceptance of oneself. Being resilient involves a variety of skills, but it can make it easier for you to handle whatever challenges life throws at you.
Stay safe and healthy!
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Last Updated on by Suchi