how to prevent yeast infection while taking antibiotics how to prevent yeast infection while taking antibiotics

5 Tips To Prevent Yeast Infection While Taking Antibiotics

Fungal infections in the vagina are called vaginal yeast 1infections or candidiasis. A fungus known as Candida is responsible for causing this infection. The fungus lives in between many other valuable bacteria in the vagina with its balanced mix. But it activates when a woman starts taking antibiotics. It kills the natural biome and becomes responsible for the abnormal growth of the Candida fungus called Candida Albicans2. So, we should be aware of how to prevent yeast infection while taking antibiotics.

We often use antibiotics for sinus infections, strep throat, or bacterial infections. Though antibiotics kill harmful bacteria, it helps yeast growth. So, you can suffer from vaginal yeast infections due to antibiotics. But, we will help you with how to prevent yeast infection while taking antibiotics. 

Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection

There are many common symptoms of vaginal yeast infections which are noticeable right before menstruation. The woman can face

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  • white, lumpy, and odorless vaginal discharge

  • increased risk of vaginal discharge

  • distress while urination

  • the burning sensation around the vulva

  • intense itching sensation around the vulva

Antibiotics Which Cause Yeast Infections

Though antibiotics are mainly responsible for yeast infections, not all antibiotics cause yeast infections. Some drugs can kill different types of bacteria in the body. Let us tell you about three different types of broad-spectrum antibiotics which can increase the risk of a yeast infection.

1. Quinolones

Most doctors prescribe quinolones to treat different UTIs, bacterial prostatitis, and pneumonia3. Certain medications given can be

  • Moxifloxacin (Avelox)

  • Levofloxacin (Levaquin)

  • Ciprofloxacin (Cipro)

2. Broad-Spectrum Penicillins

Some broad-spectrum penicillins with similar symptoms and vaginal irritation can be amoxicillin and ampicillin.

3. Tetracyclines

Tetracyclines 4are prescribed for acne, intestinal tract infections, eye infections, gum diseases, and sexually transmitted infections. Some common tetracyclines that can lead to most yeast infections

  • Minocycline

  • Omadacycline

  • Tetracycline

  • Travacycline

How To Prevent Yeast Infection While Taking Antibiotics

Antibiotics are capable of killing beneficial bacteria, which also include Lactobacillus. If your body does not have this bacteria, your vagina will become less acidic, which will cause yeast infections.

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So, it is safe to say that you should take antibiotics only when necessary. Since you can prevent vaginal candidiasis only when necessary, it is known that antibiotics do not work against viral infections like colds and flu. Also, it does not work against all bacterial infections, including sinus infections, bronchitis, and ear infections. So, it would be best to always take professional medical advice before taking antibiotics.

Other than this, there are several other ways by which you can reduce the risk of vaginal yeast infection.

1. Restoring The Healthy Bacteria

Antibiotics destroy the beneficial bacteria in your body. This can cause many problems to your body, including vaginal yeast infection. So, to reduce this kind of damage to your body, you can increase the number of healthy bacteria in your body.

Try to add a probiotic supplement to your diet which contains Lactobacillus acidophilus5. Also, yogurts having active cultures can increase the number of good bacteria in your body.

2. Stop Using Antibiotics Regularly

Antibiotics cause significant damage to your body by killing good bacteria. So, you should always avoid using antibiotics on regular terms.

If you are relying on antibiotics for healing, then it will do more worse to your body. So, it would be best if you always asked for a better alternative than antibiotics. It will be better if you try something natural for dealing with the bad bacteria in your body.

However, if your doctor has recommended you take the antibiotics, you should finish the entire course. If you do not complete the course and wipe off the harmful bacteria, they can later cause resistance against the antibiotics. This will create more problems later on.

3. Follow A Healthy Daily Routine

Indeed, antibiotics have a lot of uses, but they can create many problems, and you can end up with yeast infection. If you get a yeast infection, then the natural bacteria of your body will be imbalanced. To prevent yeast infections, make sure you

  • Wear loose clothing

  • Avoid using feminine hygiene products that include douces

  • Wear breathable cotton underwear

  • Change the wet bathing suits and underwear

  • Do not use hot tubs or hot baths

4. Use Yogurt

Eating yogurt can significantly help you replenish the good bacteria.

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If you get a yeast infection, then yogurt can help you prevent this infection. You can apply the yogurt near the vagina, which offers excellent help. Also, it would be best if you did not choose the flavored yogurt. In addition, make sure that the yogurt does not contain any sweeteners and has live active cultures.

Yogurt is also capable of giving itch relief to your vulva.

5. Use Of Over-the-Counter Medications

An over-the-counter antifungal ointment or suppository will help you deal with yeast infections that are mainly caused due to antibiotics. Typically, the agents released from the antifungal ointments 6take the place of the good bacteria and then keep the recurrent yeast infections in check.

In addition to this, you can prevent vaginal yeast infection symptoms if you take antifungals at the same tie you start taking antibiotics. However, taking medications for fungal infections in between your bacterial infection course will also work.


Pregnant people should avoid treating yeast infections due to birth control risks. In a 2013 study, pregnant people who took fluconazole faced an increased risk of birth abnormalities.

There are many other things that you should be aware of. You should avoid hot tubs and mostly avoid vaginal deodorant products.

Vaginal infections can cause you a lot of trouble and worse complication if you are pregnant. So, it would be best if you relied on peer-reviewed studies and medical associations before you start taking antibiotics. Most yeast thrives in moist environments, so you should try wearing cotton clothes.

Cotton can soak up the moisture and help you in preventing vaginal infection. So, go to your doctor and take his guidance for dealing with the yeast infection problems. You can also look for other information on how to prevent yeast infection while taking antibiotics.

7 Tips To Keep Your Vagina Healthy
Icy Health

  1. Superti, Fabiana, and Francesco De Seta. “Warding off recurrent yeast and bacterial vaginal infections: Lactoferrin and lactobacilli.” Microorganisms 8.1 (2020): 130. ↩︎
  2. Talapko, Jasminka, et al. “Candida albicans—the virulence factors and clinical manifestations of infection.” Journal of Fungi 7.2 (2021): 79. ↩︎
  3. de Benedictis, Fernando M., et al. “Complicated pneumonia in children.” The Lancet 396.10253 (2020): 786-798. ↩︎
  4. Scaria, Jaimy, K. V. Anupama, and P. V. Nidheesh. “Tetracyclines in the environment: An overview on the occurrence, fate, toxicity, detection, removal methods, and sludge management.” Science of The Total Environment 771 (2021): 145291. ↩︎
  5. María Remes-Troche, José, et al. “Lactobacillus acidophilus LB: A useful pharmabiotic for the treatment of digestive disorders.” Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology 13 (2020): 1756284820971201. ↩︎
  6. Lubis, M. F., et al. “Acute toxicity and antifungal activity of the ointment Murraya koenigii ethanol extract.” Rasayan J. Chem. 15.1 (2022): 256-261. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology


Susanta Biswas

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