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Liver detox is one of the best ways to keep our body healthy 1for a long time. It helps keep us healthy and is also very useful in increasing our system’s metabolism.
People who follow the liver detoxification process are often confused about how to know if detox is working. Today, we will clear this doubt in this article.
What Is The Meaning Of Liver Detox?
We might not be aware that our bodies are exposed to harmful chemicals and products daily. The toxins include pollutants, industrial products, heavy metals, chemicals, alcohol, and cosmetic additives.
It does not end here because the food we consume daily and the medication we survive on can have toxins. Consumption of processed and unhealthy foods is another important reason for liver detox.2
The liver is an organ that cleans itself and removes all the unwanted materials and waste products in the body. It is the same with the liver as well. But, everything has certain limitations. The natural liver detoxification process is limited to certain aspects; after that, it is required to clean and detoxify the liver manually.

One of the best ways of keeping our liver healthy is to maintain a healthy diet. We should reduce alcohol as much as possible and avoid consuming unhealthy foods.
Many people start the process of liver cleansing3 but do not understand if they are being benefited from it or not. Today, in this article, let us talk about the good effects that can act as a sign of liver detox.
How To Know If Detox Is Working?
Following a detox diet for a month or more will yield good results. Let us talk about some of the signs that can confirm that your live detox diet is working.
1. You Feel More Energetic
Having more energy and being more active is one of the major signs confirming that your detox diet is working just fine. Some common feelings of being energetic can involve feeling more refreshed after waking up, and you seem to have more energy to go with your entire day.

It is also considered among good detox symptoms if you don’t feel the need to take a nap in the middle of the day or as soon as you reach home from work. It also indicates that your liver is clearing the oxidative stress4. These small changes draw insight into how your liver cleanses process works and will benefit you even more in the long run.
2. You Have Better Skin
Getting a liver cleanse is one of the best ways of having clear and glowing skin. It is so because the liver plays a very important role in regulating the hormones5 in our bodies. When our liver is not in the right state, it can cause hormonal imbalance.
Proper liver functions lead to hormonal balance in our bodies, which solves many issues. One such issue is facing the problems of acne and breakouts. If our liver is healthy and is performing in the right condition, there are very few chances of facing acne and breakout due to indigestion and hormonal imbalance.

One of the many benefits of liver cleanse is that it can help women eliminate the hormonal acne 6caused before and during menstruation. Proper liver functioning will result in few breakouts and cystic acne during that month.
3. You Feel More Focused
It is often said that when our body feels good, we have a good mental state. A minor inconvenience in the body can lead to long-lasting mental discomfort. So when our body is functioning correctly, we can focus on the jobs that need to be addressed rather than worrying about health problems.
When we have a properly functioning liver, it is expected that the liver will break down the waste products and toxins that positively impact our mental state. It also ensures that fewer toxins are sent to the brain to avoid any condition like brain fog or a mental disorder.
4. It Helps In Weight Loss
Maintaining a proper liver detox cycle is effective in the journey of weight loss. Gaining weight is one of the major signs of a non-functional or less functional liver. Performing the correct liver cleanse is crucial as it helps cut down on unhealthy and processed foods.
When a person infuses more vegetables, fruits, and whole foods into their diet, they are naturally increasing the fiber intake in their body. Intaking more fiber and protein and maintaining a healthy diet is beneficial for the body and helps lose weight.

In addition, switching to a plant-based diet means that fewer calories are accumulated in your body. It is also very healthy for our digestive system. People also opt for an all-liquid diet to get efficient results if they plan to lose weight.
5. Makes You Feel Less Bloated
When our liver is healthy and can eliminate toxins correctly, all the hormones in our bodies work just fine. As a result of the proper hormonal balance in the body, the metabolism also increases. There is a major chance of feeling less bloated if you follow a proper liver cleanse.

All the things mentioned above result in less water retention in the body, leading to less bloating or no bloating. It also ensures that all digestive problems are resolved by promoting healthy bowel movements.
6. Reduce Inflammation In the Body
Inflammation is a very natural phenomenon that occurs in the body. It is the body’s way of reacting to any injury or infection. In some cases, it is seen that inflammation is one of the main causes that trigger the immune system to attract healthy body parts.
If left unchecked for a long time, it can lead to serious problems like diabetes, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and liver disease.
The free radicals produced by our bodies are the main cause of inflammation. If the liver function is improper, these toxins tend to build up, which in turn interacts with the cells of the body and forms inflammation. Proper liver detox is very effective in reducing inflammation.
7. Healthy Gut
Having a properly functioning liver is a boon to the digestive system. It is because when our food is not digested properly, it deposes toxins and other toxic substances in the digestive tract. If these toxins are left untreated for a long time, they can cause many problems like fatty liver disease, bloating, nausea, and many other health conditions.
Most of these problems will be resolved if the liver’s detoxification process works properly. It will also help protect the body from future liver damage. Living a healthy lifestyle and eating liver-friendly foods contribute to not only having a healthy liver but the overall health of our bodies.
8. Healthy Weight
“Persistent organic pollutants” are the other names for the toxic substances in our food. Our body generally detects these toxins and declares them unfit for digestion.

These toxins accumulate in various parts of our bodies leading to serious side effects. It is one of the main reasons why people tend to gain weight all of a sudden. It also explains the fact why people have a hard time losing weight. Removing toxins is one effective way to maintain a healthy weight.
If the liver detoxification process is done correctly, fewer toxins are stored in the form of fats in the body. In addition, if you maintain a habit of exercising daily and avoiding unhealthy foods, your body adjusts to its best possible capacity. It will also help you maintain a healthy weight as your body will not have the chance of accumulating toxins as fat.
9. Abdominal Pain Decreases
People often seem to face pain in the right quadrant of their abdomen. It can be caused due to inflammation in the liver7 and excess alcohol consumption. The inflammation is generally caused when the liver is not able to function properly and is also not capable of eliminating toxins.
A proper detox process can be very helpful in reducing any abdominal pain that is caused by the inflammation of the liver. Many detox diets are available online if you plan to do a liver detox. For better results, you can also consult a dietician or a nutritionist.
How Can You Perform Liver Detox?
There are various ways by which you can perform a liver detox. You can either consult a doctor or make up the decision by yourself. Listed below are some examples of how you can perform a liver detox.

1. Herbal Supplements
One of the useful things used to treat liver cancer and liver cirrhosis is milk thistle. It has active ingredients like potent antioxidants, silymarin8, and anti-inflammatory properties.
Milk Thistle is a popular substance for treating various liver diseases and cancer.
Apart from milk thistle, some other substances are equally effective in the liver detox process. The list of those substances is mentioned below.
Green tea
Calcium D-glucarate
Dandelion root
Apple cider vinegar
Bladderwrack extract

2. Amino Acids
The proteins we intake consist of building blocks known as amino acids. Glycine, glutamine, and taurine are the amino acids that are essential for the healthy functioning of the liver.
When you reach phase two of your detoxification system, you will be able to see that these amino acids are used by the body to convert toxins into something less toxic in nature.
Patients with liver disease are prescribed certain foods along with amino acids. It is because amino acids have well-known benefits in treating liver disease.
Some drinks are also available that boost the liver detox process. It is always better to consult a doctor before spending money on these products.
Natural Way To Perform Liver Detox
If you do not want to take supplements, taking up natural liver detox is the best for you. There are a lot of ways by which you can perform liver detox naturally. However, this might not be a long-term effect.
Some of the ways by which you can take up natural liver cleanse are mentioned below.
1. Eating Liver Healthy Foods
You can have a healthy liver by maintaining the balance between plant-based proteins and animal proteins. Intaking green vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage are beneficial for the liver.

Make sure to boil all the vegetables before consuming them, as the pesticides present might harm the liver detox diet.
2. Avoid Eating Sugar And Saturated Fats
One of the most natural ways to perform a liver cleanse is to avoid eating anything that contains sugar. Apart from that, it is also advised to avoid any food items that contain saturated fats.

Taking all these, refined carbohydrates are a major reason for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 9This condition happens when the liver cannot eliminate waste products and toxins due to the fat accumulating in the liver.
It is also one of the major causes of insulin resistance and diabetes.
3. Stay Away From Alcohol Consumption
Alcohol is a strict no if you plan to get a liver cleanse. Alcohol is the most harmful substance for the liver and is solely responsible for any inflammation in the liver.

When alcohol is consumed in high quantity, it leads to the buildup of products known as reactive free radicals. These radicals are responsible for causing inflammation and oxidative stress in the liver.
Acetaldehyde is another very harmful byproduct present in alcohol which is the leading cause of inflammation and tissue damage, not only in the liver but throughout the body.
4. Drink Green Tea
Introducing green tea to your live detox diet is one of the blessings you can provide to your body. It is a good source of antioxidants for all the organs in our bodies. Not only is it good for your liver, but it also has various medicinal properties.

Replace your coffee with a cup of green tea in the morning to attain the most health benefits.
5. Include Turmeric
Turmeric has several health benefits. It is also an antiseptic that helps in preventing any infection or inflammation. It is also known for increasing the liver-life by improving its overall health. Adding more turmeric to your food also effectively performs a good liver cleanse.
Many people might have difficulty consuming more turmeric altogether; therefore, you can choose to add a decent amount of turmeric to your dishes and other savory items.

You can try another recipe if you plan to switch to a liver-cleanse diet. In a small glass, take orange juice. Add water, ginger, and turmeric to this glass of orange juice. Drink this at any time of the day at your convenience and enjoy the benefits.
6. Switch To A Plant-Based Diet
Consuming more saturated fat in our diet weakens our metabolism and does not allow the proper functioning of insulin in our bodies. It is one of the main causes of insulin resistance. Cutting off meat and cheese intake is very effective on the liver to cleanse process as these substances are the main reason for the saturated fat buildup in our body.

Instead of animal proteins, look for more options in plant-based proteins. It will not only keep you healthy but will keep your body from many diseases in the long run.
You can always opt for a plant-based diet with more fruits, whole grains, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.
Side Effects Of Liver Detox
Like every other thing in the world, liver detox also has some side effects. Apart from being healthy for overall health, certain side effects must be kept in mind while performing a liver cleanse.
If you face any of these symptoms at any time in your diver detox process, it is advised to consult a doctor immediately.
1. Withdrawal Symptoms
A person will experience withdrawal symptoms if a person has gone cold turkey, they will be able to experience withdrawal symptoms. Some common symptoms during this time are a pain in muscle pain, joint pain, headache, and laziness.

The general cause is that the body withdraws from all the harmful chemical substances used to produce toxins. But do not worry, all these symptoms are temporary, and the body begins to adjust slowly.
2. Nausea
Another common side effect of liver cleansing is nausea and abdominal pain. In this case, people might face common symptoms like nausea, headache, stomach disorder, indigestion, and several other symptoms. All the food items used in cleansing the liver might not be suitable for every individual.

Here are some of the quick remedies that you can try to get rid of these symptoms quickly and effectively.
Intake of Supplements Along With Food
If you are stomach upset because of certain foods, it is best to take some supplements along with your food. Some of the starchy food items like peanut butter sandwiches, pasta, and banana are easy to digest and does not cause any harm to the stomach. They are easily digestible and hence soothe the digestive system.
These foods help create a barrier between the pills and the stomach, allowing better absorption and reducing nausea.
Adequate Amount Of Water
If you plan to take liver supplements, do not forget to drink plenty of water with them. Drinking enough water will help digest these supplements without making the body lazy, as it is one of the major causes of nausea.
Intake The Herbs Naturally
Instead of taking the herbs, try to incorporate them herbs into your food naturally. One of the very easy ways is to add a pinch of extra turmeric to your dishes or your favorite smoothies. In this way, you will consume fewer spices, which will also be easy for the stomach to digest, leading to fewer abdominal pains.
Take Smaller Dose
Always reduce the dose as per your requirement. Do not force anything on your body, and let it happen naturally. If taking a larger dose is causing trouble, consult a doctor or reduce the dose on your own as per your needs.
Always remember to love your body and do not rush any process.
3. Malnutrition
Some people take up an all-liquid diet to perform the liver cleansing process. It might help detoxify the liver, but it might not contain all the nutrients required for the human body.

Not checking this factor might cause serious malnutrition in pregnant women, children, and people with diabetes.
It is very important to perform liver detox at least once an interval. It keeps the body healthy and ensures the liver’s proper functioning.

There are many ways through which you can perform a liver cleanse. Select the method that suits you the best and start your journey towards a healthy life.
If you are confused about how to know if detox is working or not, do not worry. Check out all the points mentioned above to get detailed knowledge.
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Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology