how to get rid of swollen eyes how to get rid of swollen eyes

How To Get Rid Of A Swollen Eye: 4 Best Ways

Eyes are crucial as they enable us to see the world around us. But, the complications in the eyes make us worry about it. The human cornea is known to be one of the delicate or fragile parts of the face. This article deals with how to get rid of a swollen eye.

Typically, the swelling in the eyes can not be claimed as harmful or less harmful just because of its intensity of impact. Whatever its reason, swollen eyelids are an ill will.

There are possible reasons or symptoms associated with the formation of swollen eyes and the cause determines the consequences. Though we can not avoid the probability of eye swelling1, we can curb the likelihood of its impact.

how to get rid of a swollen eye
Image by Anja from Pixabay

Diverse views concern the variations in determining the magnitude of the impact of eye swelling. It depends on several reasons.

Suppose, you have eyelid swelling due to lack of sleep, anxiety, or flowing tears, this is neither a cause for worry nor a hurry to see a doctor. However, on the other side, if the complication is serious, this is a matter of concern, not procrastination.

Furthermore, as we have advanced in technology, it has increased the ambit of possibility and probability of everything. So, as technology grows faster, scopes, measures, or remedies have become convenient and approachable.

1. Swollen Eye

As the term, the swollen eye itself denotes eyelid swelling or puffiness. The swollen eyelid can be due to various reasons. This structure of puffy eyes (periorbital puffiness) is defined as swollen eyes.

11 Reasons Why Your Eyes Are Puffy | Health

There are several causes associated with swollen eyelids:

However, there is no technical distinction based on the grounds associated with forming swollen eyelids. But, for our convenience and understanding, we can distinguish the causes or symptoms into two segments. The common is the first, and the severe is the second cause.

The most common cause of swollen eyelids 2or eye-related allergies: i.e. viral, conjunctivitis, or allergic conjunctivitis.

Viruses and allergies are the common symptoms of eyelid swelling. This type of viral infection is considered to cause infectious conjunctivitis.

In addition, the latter, allergic conjunctivitis, is an allergy. Some symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis are excessive itching in the eyes, red eyes, and swollen development of separate layers of eyes.

2. Common Causes Include

The common symptoms relating to swollen eyelids are given below.

These issues are of low magnitude, so there is no substantiality to be troublesome about them. However, everyday home remedies should be taken diligently.

2.1. Emotional Activities Such As Crying

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Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

You might have seen people, maybe your near ones, e.g., someone in a peer group crying. Furthermore, as a result of tear flow, a thick eyelash or simply a swollen eyelid appears. As per the studies, this is the upshot of excessive tears. The excessive tears, thus, exceed the lacrimal (eye) drainage system3.

So, along with the tears in your eyes, fluid retention begins to occur through your nose all of a sudden.

2.2. Effects of Waking Up

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Photo by Kinga Howard on Unsplash

Some of you have surely noticed swollen eyes when you wake up. Studies show that this is one of the most common causes of eye swelling.

Notably, this is not an inflammation but rather a spontaneous process. However, at some times or to some people, this can be a regular or varied phenomenon and of much concern.

Research has shown that this could be due to the myriad or even a small amount of salt intake on the previous night or during the day.

2.3. Unable to Sleep or Feeling Restless

This is quite common, when you are restless due to lack of sleep or tiredness, one can notice a bulgy structure in the eyes. The very reason for the same cause would be the leakage of the fluids which settle when you are asleep.

But, due to sleeplessness or lack of sleep, the blood vessels present in the eyes4 lose, leak, and mix with the fluid which leads to dark circles and puffy eye reactions.

2.4. Pink Eye

Gravitas | Conjunctivitis: The new Covid symptom

A little before the swelling, you probably noticed a reddishness or a pinkish texture in your eyes. This may or may not create irritation and itching at the same time. Additionally, extensive itching and irritation may lead to watery eyes.

2.5. Contact Lenses

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Photo by Lensabl on Unsplash

Some people are allergic to contact lenses. The symptoms of the same may also include swelling or giant papillary conjunctivitis. As a result, styes or bumps develop.

Simply put, there are several reasons for eye puffiness, and they are interlinked.

2.5.1. Serious Complications

  1. Macular Edema
  2. Anaphylaxis

Along with normal eye drooping problems. Other serious complications of swelling in the eyes may include Macular Edema and Anaphylaxis.

  • Macular Edema

What Is Macular Edema?

This is an unavoidable issue, for it is serious to the extent that it can lead to concise vision loss. There are various reasons for this as well. Its impact on a patient’s disease proneness is varied.

  1. Aging factor
  2. Veins blockage in retinoic membrane
  3. Surgery related to eye
  4. Heavy medications (possibly antibiotics)
  • Origin

Macular Edema and Ischemia

Macular Edema, in which macular means a portion of the retina located at the eye’s back, occurs when blood vessels leak in or near the retina, i.e., the macula.

Coming to the consequential part, the impact of macular edema may vary from person to person based on their disease-resistant ability.

The patients undergoing diabetes are the probable condition for developing macular diabetes. Such a diabetic presence can cause macular edema. This is known as diabetic retinopathy5. But, in people with no disease proneness, one may undergo obstructed vision or double vision.

  • Anaphylaxis


It starts with severe itchiness in the eyes and may also be on the face. After that, the symptoms include swelling, rashes, fastening of the heartbeat, itchiness, difficulty ingesting, and respiratory conditions. This is evident only in that the anaphylaxis is taking place.

Other serious symptoms may include,

2.6. Insect Bite

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Photo by Nathan Cima on Unsplash

Insect bites can also affect the eyes, resulting in a swollen eye. If not treated properly, eye infections can occur. So, if any insect has bitten you in the eyes, such as bugs like bees or ants, you should not delay and reach the doctor immediately.

First, a few household techniques can be applied in the initial infection to reduce swelling or related allergic reactions. However, if you find out that the infection is not cured properly, take medical treatment.

2.7. Blepharitis

Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation) | Causes, Risk Factors, Signs & Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

It is listed as a severe cause. This inflammation gives the eye a swollen and red texture.

Blepharitis doesn’t just result in red and rash eyes; eye irritation or tear production is affected in the same way.

Subsequently, people suffering from this may feel agitated, angry, and annoyed about it. There are symptoms concerning blepharitis6 such as itching, reddishness in eyelashes or lids, etc.

However, there are diagnoses prescribed to get rid of blepharitis.

What Is The Fastest Way To Heal A Swollen Eyelid? How Long Should A Swollen Eyelid Last?

Yes, a lot can be done to reduce the chances of puffy eyes. If not their occurrence, at least their magnitude can be brought down or closed to redundancy.

First, steps to reduce the probability of the occurrence of swollen eyes. Second, to eradicate the gravity of the impact.

3. Medical Treatment

3.1. Ice Packs

This is practically deemed the feasible and relieving medium to lessen the pain and effect of eye swelling. You can buy the ice packs or make them easily at home by rolling ice crystals in a cloth and packing them in plastic or cotton cloth. This is like applying the bag contour of a cold compress only.

This acts like a cool compress. Applying a tea bag would work instead of using an ice pack. These traditional or home remedies can help you feel relaxed and unblock the oil glands or glands.

In addition, studies suggest that, during such conditions, one must use an ice pack for about 20 minutes. Notably, don’t keep it still. Apply it gradually.

In addition to this step only, one can apply warm water as warm water compress is also proven to be beneficial to retribute circulation. This is an important healing process.

3.1.1. Beneficial Exercises

Yogic asana, like Padahastasana, is recommended to rejuvenate our dead cells and revitalize blood circulation of body cells. This will help detoxify dead cells of the eye and end swelling. However, this asana is conditionable as patients with sciatica, spondylitis, heart disease with high BP issues, and hernia of the stomach are not advisable to do it.

However, other than this asana, a little jumping, jogging, and a gentle massage around the eye would work for everyone with any kind of issue.

Additionally, avoid eye makeup until the time bound you are undergoing swelling; otherwise, this will create further eyelid inflammation and infection and continuous fluid retention. So, it is advised not to apply makeup on swollen eyelids.

How to get rid of Under Eye Bags or Puffy Eyes? | Under Eye Bags से छुटकारा कैसे पाएं | DMC

 3.2. Apply Eye Cream

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Photo by Poko Skincare on Unsplash

Consider it as an option. It is not necessary for puffy eyes. Remember, if an aging person is facing puffiness. There is a probability that aging is a factor related to the same. However, if the swelling in the eye is serious one must approach the eye doctor.

3.3. Reduce Salt Consumption

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Photo by Faran Raufi on Unsplash

Many people are in the habit of taking excessive salt in their diets. However, this is prudent to know, more than an average salt is like venom to High blood pressure (BP), and heart patients. Additionally, salt consumption often leads to swelling in the eyes. So, it is better to reduce holistically helpful sodium consumption

3.4. Eye Drops

An over-the-counter (OTC) eye drop is prescribed for dry eyes and excessive fluid retention. Antihistamine eye drops are also good for eye conjunctivitis.

Immediately washing the eyes or gentle massage can help to lose the blockage of oil glands.

4. Conclusion

As per the ophthalmologists, you can subside most of the swollen eyelid-related issues on your own to reduce eyelid swelling. In some serious conditions, you should see a doctor.

As the eyes are made up of loose fat tissues, they are one of the most sensitive parts of our body. Overlooking would not work, and treatment by an untrained person may have side effects. So, awareness about the same is an essential prerequisite.

Aging people must be more sincere as the tissue becomes soft with age.

In this article, we mainly discussed the swollen eye structure. We have also learned that there are plenty of symptoms and reasons associated with different problems.

Along with this, there are variations on the consequential scale. Simply put, we should not get worried if normal eye discharge or consuming sodium products causes eye puffiness. More attention is required if you are experiencing symptoms related to the severe causes of swollen eyes.


1. Can a swollen eye be a sign of an allergic reaction?

Yes, a swollen eye can be a common symptom of an allergic reaction, especially if accompanied by itching, redness, and watery eyes. Allergic reactions to substances like pollen, pet dander, dust mites, or certain medications can lead to eye swelling.

2. When should I seek immediate medical attention for a swollen eye?

You should seek immediate medical attention if the swelling is severe, accompanied by severe pain, or vision problems, or if it occurs after an injury or trauma to the eye. Additionally, if you have a history of allergies and suspect it might be an allergic reaction causing the swelling, it’s essential to consult a healthcare professional.

3. How is a swollen eye treated?

Treatment for a swollen eye depends on the underlying cause. If it’s due to an injury or trauma, applying a cold compress and keeping the head elevated may help reduce swelling. For allergies, over-the-counter antihistamines or eye drops might be recommended. In cases of infection, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antiviral medications. It’s essential to consult a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate treatment.

Read more

  1. Clark, Augustino, et al. “Swelling of the arcuate nerve fiber layer after internal limiting membrane peeling.” Retina 32.8 (2012): 1608-1613. ↩︎
  2. Papier, Art, David J. Tuttle, and Tara J. Mahar. “Differential diagnosis of the swollen red eyelid.” American family physician 76.12 (2007): 1815-1824. ↩︎
  3. Doane, Marshall G. “Blinking and the mechanics of the lacrimal drainage system.” Ophthalmology 88.8 (1981): 844-851. ↩︎
  4. Jocson, V. L., and W. M. Grant. “Interconnections of blood vessels and aqueous vessels in human eyes.” Archives of Ophthalmology 73.5 (1965): 707-720. ↩︎
  5. Fong, Donald S., et al. “Diabetic retinopathy.” Diabetes care 27.10 (2004): 2540-2553. ↩︎
  6. Bernardes, Taliana Freitas, and Adriana Alvim Bonfioli. “Blepharitis.” Seminars in ophthalmology. Vol. 25. No. 3. Taylor & Francis, 2010. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology

Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology

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