Problem solving steps Problem solving steps

5 Effective Problem Solving Steps

Problem solving steps1 are the algorithm used to involve figuring out a solution. Do you know why many job providers assess the problem-solving skills2 of the applicants? This ability can benefit both the organization and team members. So the smooth functioning of any service, problem-solving skills of the team members are a must.

Why does one achieve problem-solving skills?

Because life is always unpredictable, problems arise anytime. If one cannot handle the arising problems, it will cause troubles in the progress of the situation. Instead of avoiding problems, it is better to solve problems using various strategies.

To become successful in your job, private, or social life, you must have confident problem-solving skills. The leadership of an organization must develop problem solving steps and guide its employees to run them successfully.

Problem Solving Steps

There is no problem without a solution. Implementing the correct strategy is the best method for problem-solving3. How can one find possible solutions for every problem? How can one find a new plan or alternative solutions?

Is problem-solving a skill an inborn talent or an acquired one? Is decision-making a skill? What is effective problem-solving? This article will help you address a problem and find out why the problem is and its possible ways.

What Is a Problem?

A problem can be a situation, person, or thing that happens unexpectedly before the development of a situation and needs to be dealt with or answered. It causes restlessness, doubt, or pain in the process.

A problem is a disturbance where people experience frustration in achieving an intention. Frustration can be a barrier to an aim. A problem is not a problem unless it is regarded as a problem by people themselves.

Some problems can be resolved alone, while others need help from others.

Problem solving steps
Photo by Kat Jayne from Pexels

Problem Solving Steps of Great Thinkers

There are certain individual factors affecting solutions, the processes of reasoning, and logical thinking. Outstanding thinkers use many ways of problem-solving.4 Though people have individual ways of thinking, even if the kinds of problems are different, there is a specific approach pattern in great thinkers’ problem-solving approach. The five problem solving steps for great thinkers are:

  • Preparation
  • Incubation
  • Illumination
  • Evaluation
  • Revision
Problem Solving Steps
Photo by Miguel Á. Padriñán from Pexels

1. Preparation

In the Preparation Stage, the thinker finds out the basic cause of the problem and collects the facts and materials that seem relevant to it.

2. Incubation

The next step is Incubation. If he cannot reach a clear solution even after trying hours or days, he can give it up for a while. This time unconscious processes work.

3. Illumination

In the third step, Illumination, you get an insight, a novel solution suddenly. Most of us might have experienced these types of progress5.

4. Evaluation

In the fourth step, the thinker evaluates the solution. This is the testing stage – evaluation.

5. Revision

If the idea does not work, you may go back to the first stage again. Sometimes, a revision may help to find out the solution.

Individual Factors in Problem Solving Skills

The problem-solving skills of an individual depend on various personal factors.

  • Intelligence. A brighter individual can clear up a problem better.
  • Motivation plays a major role in problem-solving. Motivation helps people get started and also defines the problem. Great problem solvers often get interested in solving problems. This will give them some satisfaction.
  • The way people are used to doing things produces a readiness to go about a new problem in a particular way. There is a tendency to think of objects in the way they usually function. If something functions in a different way also create trouble.
  • Identifying and solving problems is facilitated by active listening. Actively listening to others will help you identify challenges and problems others face or problems within a project. To find solutions or create a plan for dealing with these issues quickly, you must be able to spot them as soon as possible.

How to Solve Problems? Problem Solving Steps

Most great thinkers follow some general five problem solving steps. But there are other procedures one can implement in the problem-solving process. They are:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Possible Solutions
  3. Evaluate Alternatives
  4. Decision on a solution
  5. Implement the Solution
  6. Evaluate the Potential Solution

All these steps are repeatable. One can come back to the previous step anytime and repeat the steps.

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Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

1. Define the Problem

Step One is to define the problem, the circumstances, backdrop, and signs of the problem. Once we get a clear idea of the problem, he examines the wider symptoms to discover the implications. Who it affects, and how important it is to resolve the symptoms.

2. Root Causes of the Problem

The underlying cause of the problem is called the root cause. Once all the symptoms are found, the next move is to find out the fundamental cause of the problem.

3. Create Alternative Solutions

The third step is to create a variety of solutions that is more than one single solution. Often the most conclusive answer is not the most potential solution to the problem. It is developing a major plan.

Action Plan

action plan
By chrupka/

Here people can develop a list of plans to approach the main cause of the problem.

• Develop a list of solutions to the problem, though the problem is strange.

• Analyze how each solution relates to the main reason and implementation of the problem.

• Fix if the alternatives can be merged to give an ideal solution to the problem.

This stage eliminates the ideas that will cause negative consequences in dealing with the implementation.

4. Select One Solution

Evaluate all the selected alternative solutions and narrow them down to one. Then analyze which solution is most workable and which solution is approved by those who will implement and use it.

5. Implement the Solution

Implementing alternatives to address the principal reason. You should verify if the actions are completed and monitor and collect data. If the problem still exists, you can repeat the step process. It would be best if you focused on the unforeseen consequences too. Assure the problem will not come back and relate lessons learned.

In the implementation of resolutions, leaders may impart knowledge, sell them, or facilitate its implementation. Getting others involved in implementation is an effective method of securing buy-in and minimizing opposition to future changes.

A feedback channel should be incorporated into the implementation regardless of how it is implemented. By doing so, actual events can be monitored and tested continuously. The best solution for problem-solving, and the techniques used to gain clarity, are those that remain in place and respond to future changes.

Different Problem Solving Strategies

  1. Trial and Error
  2. Algorithms
  3. Heuristics
  4. Insight

Whenever a problem arises, one can use algorithms to solve the problem. Solving a mathematical problem by using different steps is a problem-solving algorithm. It is the step-by-step implementation strategy of solving a problem.

The trial and Error technique uses different solutions to decide potential solutions. This method helps to identify unwanted data and focus on alternatives.

If people have experienced similar situations, ‘insight’ helps them identify the problem and eliminate problems. Insight happens suddenly, and it occurs outside of consciousness.

Heuristics is a problem-solving method that helps uncover more solutions in most cases, and it uses unique perspectives to solve a problem. It is using new ideas and discovering alternatives.

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Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels

How to Teach Problem Solving Skills?

To prepare the children for a better future, they will be taught problem-solving by using their skills. Most problems cannot be solved by simply memorizing things. They should be taught to analyze things and reach conclusions.

Developing problem-solving skills differs from child to child; however, children must demonstrate perseverance and creativity in approaching problems, especially when dealing with setbacks or resolving conflict. Furthermore, as children grow, they will need more complex academic and interpersonal skills, so problem-solving is one of the most important skills they can acquire.

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Photo by Monstera from Pexels

Learn the Problem-Solving Process and What Are Important Things?

By tackling problems early, children have a better chance of dealing with bigger challenges in the future. The concepts of cause and effect are better understood by students who learn how to problem-solve.

Solving problems is a lot of fun. In this case, students can choose how to approach the problem and work at their own pace. Students with varying abilities can succeed and fail on the same problem because the focus is not limited to a particular answer.

problem solving steps
Photo by Monstera from Pexels

To develop children, schools must understand the importance of problem-solving. Teaching problem-solving skills at an early age by giving simple instructions and activities helps them develop their skills.

When solving a problem, it is usually necessary to combine several problem-solving steps. Every situation requires a different tool. Choosing the right tool to solve the problem will come from experience with the tool. In considering the information and training needed to ensure effective problem-solving, organizations should consider their expertise in solving problems.

We can exert control over our environment both as individuals and as organizations when we solve problems. Problem-solving gives us a means of discovering why things are broken, as well as deciding how to go about fixing them.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Problem-Solving an Acquired Skill?

Problem-solving is a difficult talent to master. It necessitates critical thinking, decision-making, creativity, and data processing.

2. What Is the Significance of Problem-Solving?

Problem-solving allows us to detect and capitalize on opportunities in the environment, as well as exert (some) control over the future.

3. What Exactly Are Problem-Solving Tools?

issue-solving tools are tactics that can assist in determining the root cause of an issue and identifying the best accessible solutions.

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  1. Akkermans, Hans, Bob Wielinga, and Guus Schreiber. “Steps in constructing problem solving methods.” Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems: 7th European Workshop, EKAW’93 Toulouse and Caylus, France September 6–10, 1993 Proceedings 7. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1993. ↩︎
  2. Norman, Geoffrey R. “Problem‐solving skills, solving problems and problem‐based learning.” Medical education 22.4 (1988): 279-286. ↩︎
  3. Benjamins, V. Richard, and Dieter Fensel. “Problem-solving methods.” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 49.4 (1998): 305-313. ↩︎
  4. Laurillard, Diana. “Styles and approaches in problem-solving.” The experience of learning 2 (1997): 127. ↩︎
  5. Quinn, Jesse TE, et al. “Recent progress in the development of n-type organic semiconductors for organic field effect transistors.” Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5.34 (2017): 8654-8681. ↩︎

Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf



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