A girl doing child pose A girl doing child pose

5 Advantages of Child Pose: A Complete Guide

Yoga has an incredible role in physical and mental tension relief. It encourages physical strength and flexibility and also targets the complete well-being of a person. It is always good to do yoga 1as it gives you incredible benefits.

Well, various yoga poses have unbelievable advantages. But there is one restorative pose, which calms down the body system and soothes your mind.

This article “5 Advantages of Child Pose” is going to be a complete guide for those who don’t know about child pose.

The child’s pose maintains flow and relaxes your muscles. In this pose, it is important to keep your big toes touching the ground. Even in case of a knee injury, you can do this pose with added support. It is also good to perform to modify a child’s pose to increase stretching and flexibility.

Child pose benefits
Image by Yoopho on Unlimphotos

1. What is Child Pose Or Balasana?

A child pose is one pose with several advantages. It is a common yoga pose, that can be done very easily. It is also known as Balasana2, which is a Sanskrit word. In Sanskrit, ‘Bala‘ means ‘children‘ or ‘child-like‘, and ‘asana‘ means ‘seated yoga pose‘.

This pose is simple to do but covers all the areas of the body. It gives a good stretch to the muscles of the thighs, shoulder blades, neck, abdomen, and ankles.

A child’s pose mainly focuses on relaxing your mind and breathing. It is considered a resting pose because when you do this pose you enter into a resting state with a calm mind and soothing breathing practice.

Out of other yoga poses, Child’s pose aims to give good stretch and release anxiety. Due to the effectiveness of the child’s pose, it is used as a resting pose while practicing yoga or in between advanced yoga practices.

2. Advantages Of Child Pose or Resting Pose

yoga balasana
Image by leaf on Unlimphotos

Yoga postures are for relaxation and mindfulness. They are not only good for body health but also for mental peace3. Some people even use yoga as a therapy for mental health.

Hence, without any doubt, it is clear that an extended child’s pose is incredible for the rejuvenation of the body and mind.

Due to the benefits of yoga practice, it is suggested to do 30 minutes of yoga practice every day. Each posture targets different parts and muscles of the body.

Similarly, with the child’s pose, incredible advantages including a deeper stretch in shoulders, arms, hips thighs, and ankles are gained.

It is best to do this before doing more difficult poses. It is considered a counter pose used for warming up and cooling down your body before and after each yoga session.

If you want to know what benefits a child’s pose gives to your body, here is a list:

2.1 Strengthen Lower Back Muscles

Pain in the lower back is quite common which is a result of a lot of tension in that area due to long sitting work hours. In this pose, you bring your arms forward with good stretch, giving your spine a nice lengthening, which is important to support your back.

When you sit and fold forward to accomplish the child pose, you will activate your shoulders, belly, hips, and thigh muscles. It is a good opener pose for hips and thighs.

2.2 Improves Blood Circulation

The heart performs blood circulation function but the lungs play a great role in this process. Blood circulation involves the transport of oxygenated blood to tissues and carries deoxygenated blood4 to the lungs.

Lungs expand to give space for more air as a result more blood gets oxygenated. In this way, more oxygenated blood circulates in the body. That’s why deep breathing is good to improve circulation. Which is done in a child’s pose.

2.3 Good Stretching of Shoulder, Ankles, and Thighs

The major muscles covered in this asana are the shoulders, hips, and thighs. When you sit on your knees, you will feel a nice stretch in your heels as well. Balasana is good for knees to strengthen knee ligaments and tendons.

Moreover, it enhances the flexibility of your shoulders, thighs, torso, knees, ankles, and heels. So, it is good to include it in your yoga sessions.

2.4 Boosts Energy

While doing balasana, you take continuous slow breaths, that stimulate your internal organs. It gives a gentle massage to these organs and boosts your immunity as well. Your body feels relaxed and calm.

2.5 Gives Mental Calmness

Through continuous breathing, you feel calm and relaxed. Your focus also increases when you keep your focus on breaths. In the bow-down position, your head rests on the mat keeping you away from distractions.

Hence it will encourage mental calmness and peacefulness. And reduces outer distractions, which cause a barrier to your concentration ability.

3. Child’s Pose Variations

3.1 Arm Variations

child pose variation
Image by anderm on Unlimphotos

3.1.1 Forward Arm Stretch

This variation straightens your arms and shoulders.

How to Do: Bring your arms in a straight position as much as you can, with your palms touching the mat.

3.1.2 Arms Alongside the Thighs with Palms Facing Above

It is the opposite of the above one.

How To Do: Rest your arms in such a way that your palms face the sky or ceiling.

3.1.3 Arm Side Stretch

To feel a good stretch in the trunk region.

How to Do: Stretch your hands forward on each side of the mat alternatively.

3.2 Legs/Knees Variations

3.2.1 Wider Knee Child Pose

This is one of the best yoga poses for pregnant women.

How to Do:

  1. By keeping your knees wide, you give more space to your belly to rest on the mat.
  2. If your head is not reaching the ground then take the support of a yoga block or your stacked fists.
  3. Rest your forehead on the yoga block to get in a comfortable posture.
Child pose in pregnancy
Image by Iko on Unlimphotos

3.2.2 Touch Knee Child Pose

This variation of the child pose opens the hip and thigh muscles.

How to Do: Bend forward will your front torso supported on your thighs.

3.3 Head Variations

3.3.1 Head Touching The Floor

This variation is quite similar to the normal child pose posture, it is done when one gets comfortable with the child’s pose. But here you don’t take the support of any towel or pillow for resting your head on the floor.

3.3.2 Side-Turned Head Position

This variation helps with neck pain as it gives a nice stretch in the neck muscles.

How to Do: Rest your head on your resting hands by doing side turns on each side.

4. Step By Step Guide For Simple Child’s Pose Yoga Practice

The basics of all the child’s poses are the same. That means, that if you can do the simple child pose, then it will be easy for you to perform and modify the child’s pose. Here is the easy and quick step guide on how to do a child’s pose with perfection(Before starting, remember to do it on a yoga mat).

Follow these step-by-step instructions to gain excellency in child’s pose yoga:

4.1 Seats In Kneeling Position

  1.  Begin with a seated position.
  2. Knees bent and hips resting on your heels.
  3. The Head and upper body are in a straight position.
  4. Palms resting on thighs. Keep yourself in a relaxed state and breath slowly.

4.2 Bow Forward

Once you feel comfortable in a kneeling position, start bending forward with raised both hands above the head. Before moving forward to the floor, inhale the air, then exhale it slowly when you bow forward with extended hands. Try to bend till your hands touch the floor. While doing this make sure your big toes touch the floor and your knees are wide apart to give space for the front torso.

For pregnant women, it is good to keep their knees hip-width apart.

4.3 Move Forehead to the Floor

With the bent posture, knees wider, and arms forward, try to lower your forehead to touch the yoga mat. If you are not able to rest your forehead on the ground, then place your hands on the pillow beneath the forehead. Keep yourself in this pose and take deep breaths slowly.

4.4 Try to Bring Torso Close to Your Thighs

It is an important step in a child’s pose. To keep your torso close to the thighs, you can also place a folded blanket or rolled towel between your bottom and calves. This is a helpful way to relax the arms and forehead on the floor.

4.5 Relax and Breath

The last important thing in a child’s pose is to relax the muscles and take breaths. You can also close your eyes to feel calm and relaxed. More importantly, focus on your breathing and release tension from the torso and back area, and feel relaxed.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long should you hold child’s pose?

Maintain the position for up to one minute if employed as a counterpose. Otherwise, hold the position for three to five minutes if performed as a standalone yin stance.

2. Is childs pose good for periods?

Yes, as child pose helps you to open up your hips and lower back, which is beneficial if you suffer from lower back cramps 5during your period6.


To get the best results through yoga, it should be practiced daily. Initially, it should be done under the supervision of a skilled trainer, or it may lead to muscle sprain.

Committing yourself to yoga will increase your spiritual awareness and slowly improve your muscle-nerve coordination as well. Therefore, practicing yoga will lead you to a healthy and happy life.

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  2. Ishikawa, Takahiro, et al. “Hot yoga increases SIRT6 gene expression, inhibits ROS generation, and improves skin condition.” Glycative Stress Research 8.3 (2021): 123-135. ↩︎
  3. Enos, Gary. “Lawsuit: Peace Corps denies assignments over outdated mental health concerns.” Mental Health Weekly 33.39 (2023): 1-3. ↩︎
  4. Malte, Hans, Gunnar Lykkeboe, and Tobias Wang. “The magnitude of the Bohr effect profoundly influences the shape and position of the blood oxygen equilibrium curve.” Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 254 (2021): 110880. ↩︎
  5. Dargahi, Roghayeh, et al. “Does Coronavirus Disease Affect Sleep Disorders in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy in Women With Low Back Pain?.” International Journal of Women’s Health & Reproduction Sciences 9.4 (2021). ↩︎
  6. Crawford, Joseph, et al. “COVID-19: 20 countries’ higher education intra-period digital pedagogy responses.” Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching 3.1 (2020): 1-20. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Suchi


Laveleena Sharma

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