Cherry Almond Smoothie 2 Cherry Almond Smoothie 2

19 Best Meal Replacement Smoothies

A healthy meal is fundamental to maintain the overall well-being of our health. This energy booster healthy diet supplies our body with essential nutrients to fend off health issues.

Three meals a day are necessary to stay fit and fine without the worry of over or under-eating.

Are you losing interest in your diet due to the same type of food? Need something different?

For a change, meal replacement smoothies work their magic with stuffed natural fibers, supplemental vitamins, immune-building proteins, and other needed nutrients.

Furthermore, on busy days these creamy and appetizing smoothies are a quick grab.

1. Almond and Banana Smoothie

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By: SherSor/Shutterstock

All-time healthy, the almond banana smoothie is rarely ready to leave its delectable taste from your taste buds, making you crave more.

This breakfast smoothie satisfies your tummy with all-day boosting energy nutrients – omega 3, vitamins, and minerals.

The blend of frozen potassium and fibrous bananas, almonds, protein-rich milk, butter, and the deliciously sprinkled flax seeds dish the finest morning meal replacement smoothies.

These soft creamy-textured smoothie ones hit the taste buds, igniting the craving for more complementing almonds, banana, and sprinkled flax.

2. Mango-Carrot-Spinach Smoothie

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Photo by Jugoslocos on Unsplash

The heavy workout requires an energy booster and Mango, Carrot and Spinach blend complementarily stand out to be the ideal post-workout meal replacement smoothies.

This green mixture of mango and spinach brims with antioxidants and nutrients, and this shake blends well to fill in the required fluids and works its creamy magic to maintain the workout-addict body.

Ingredients: Chunks of mango, frozen carrots, and spinach.

Check out Spinach Smoothie Benefits.

3. Strawberry-Banana-Oats Smoothie

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By: pilipphoto/Shutterstock

Strawberry Banana and Oat Fuse is a healthy start on a new day and works as the finest meal replacement smoothie for dinner time. Vitamin C-rich fresh strawberries cater to boost immunity levels and bless you with glowing skin.

The addition of oatmeal to the shake helps in weight loss. The interesting secret of this smoothie is that kids crave its nectarous flavor.

Replace your meal with this strawberry-flavored smoothie to stash up your energy levels with healthy carbs and fats.

Ingredients: Frozen strawberries, bananas, quick oats, Greek yogurt, unsweetened almond milk, and honey.

4. Avocado-Banana-Spinach Smoothie

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By: IIdi Papp on Shutterstock

Velvety green smoothie, a liquid combo of avocado, bananas, and greens, is crammed with satiating nutrients blending to be a delish meal replacement smoothie.

Intake of smoothies on a fat-burning diet helps energize your body with grams of proteins and other healthy nutrients that nurture your digestive health.

Avocado smoothie is stuffed with nourishing skin nutrients and is a heart-friendly diet.

Are you fed up with bananas? Wanna try something new? Well, then go ahead and swap bananas with mangoes or peaches. If you are out of spinach, any leafy veggies, too, will work.

You’ll receive a fresh dose of nourishment from this well-blended pristine creamy texture.

5. Blueberry-Coconut Smoothie

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Nataliya Arzamasova on Shutterstock

Is your work being a nuisance to your weight loss diet?

Well, hello, replace your meals with the real quick and luscious blueberry coconut smoothie and get going with your work without worrying about your diet.

Coconut works its shift in boosting the immunity system while simultaneously cutting off your weight.

The prime choice of nutritionists is blueberries. They are rich in antioxidants and phytoflavinoids and have high potassium and vitamin C value.

These heart and cancer healthy meal replacement smoothies are anti-inflammatory and help in strengthening the metabolism.

The delicious purple shake garnished with coconut is enjoyed by kids as well.

6. Spinach-Banana-Flax Smoothie

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Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

Add a plant-based diet by running after meal replacement smoothies to thrive your energetic self through fresh fruits and vegetables.

Iron-rich spinach is the production-supply of oxygen for the red blood cells, and with high levels of minerals, it helps fend off diabetes.

All you need is a cup of spinach, ½ bananas, almond milk, and flaxseeds for a perfect blend.

Add a tinge of any nut butter to the smoothie to strike the taste buds of your toddlers.

7. Pumpkin Ginger Blend Smoothie

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Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

As fall festival comes around the corner, the highly palatable pumpkin pie can be converted to creamy liquid by mixing it with ginger, giving up gingerbread for a change.

Yellowish-orange nutritionally packed healthy, gluten-free and vegan meal replacement smoothies are fat-free and high in proteins and plan to be the best holiday treat.

Ingredients: Pumpkin puree, mashed bananas, protein powder, milk, ginger, cinnamon, and molasses.

Try the appetizing dessert smoothie this enchanting winter.

8. Chocolate Berry Smoothie

plant based breakfast ideas

Your darling chocolate has blended itself to form a luscious smoothie.

Craving for chocolates never dies, so prepare a delish sweet course, snack, or a meal replacement smoothie filled with all types of berries to enhance the taste.

The antioxidant stuffed chocolate smoothie acts as the best skin shield and a heart-healthy protein shake. The wonderful health benefits of chocolate will sway you away.

The recipe is easy: Cocoa powder, berries, almond milk, and honey as per sweetness.

9. Kiwi and Avocado Smoothie

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By: Zb89V on Shutterstock

A green glowing smoothie gives you bright glowing skin.

The three greens in one blend form a perfect combo of fruits and leafy veggies for a healthy diet. This healthy meal replacement smoothie is an easy grab on your hectic schedule, energizing you with the required carbs, vitamins, and minerals.

Kiwi carries metabolism-enriching antioxidants and functions to maintain the digestive system. The nutrients packed protein smoothie has a delectable taste.

Ingredients: Kiwis, avocado, fresh spinach, coconut milk, honey, and grated ginger.

10. Oatmeal and Avocado Smoothie

Avocado Hair mask

It’s smoothie time! Please fill up your jar and sip it at any time of the day.

Oat avocado smoothie nourishes your skin from the inside out, always maintaining its hydration levels. Coconut water majorly contributes to keeping you hydrated all day long.

A pinch of chia and flax seeds returns your beauty sleep with its anti-inflammatory omega-3.

Your body receives energetic nutrients from the plant-based proteins, fibers, and healthy fats present in this nutritive smoothie.

Ingredients: Avocado, coconut water, soaked oats, chia seeds, and flax seeds.

11. Peanut Butter Smoothie

Photo by Bruna Branco on Unsplash

Substitute your breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals with a luscious peanut butter smoothie. It is also a good drink for snacks.

This easy-go peanut butter banana smoothie teems with loads of potassium, fibers, calcium, and proteins. Unlike cold cereals, it’ll keep you sated and energetic for long hours.

Additionally, peanut butter does wonders in boosting heart health, reducing weight, lowering the risk of breast diseases, and is superb for bodybuilding.

Ingredients: Bananas, peanut butter, Greek yogurt, flax seeds, and almond milk.

12. Jelly and Almond Butter Smoothie

The deliciously reddish-purple, jelly-filled smoothie is a colorful burst of flavors on the taste buds.

This fruit shake contains less saturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, carbs, and proteins. It is the best post-workout meal replacement smoothie.

Ingredients: Frozen blueberries and cherries, almond milk and butter, and plant-based protein powder.

13. Blackberry-Blueberry-Raspberry Smoothie

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By: rom_olik/Shutterstock

Triple berry fusion.

Berry fusion smoothies serve to be the best meal replacement smoothies as its rich in beneficial carbs, loads of fibers, and rich nutrients. The berry fusion of frozen fruits is an excellent choice for a post-workout snack.

Ingredients: Berries – strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries, and Greek yogurt.

14. Chocolate Banana and Peanut Butter Smoothie

Chocolate banana smoothie
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Rise and shine, slurping the dulce of mixed peanut butter and overripe bananas topped with antioxidant chocolates.

Your favorite peanut butter has now decided to give a break to its complementary bread and has paired up with chocolate and banana to be a delightful meal replacement smoothie.

This creamy layered protein-rich meal replacement smoothie keeps you going the whole day with high energy levels.

Ingredients: Overripe bananas, nut butter, cocoa powder, and unsweetened almond milk.

15. Kale-Spinach-Pear Smoothie

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Photo by Victoria Alexandrova on Unsplash

The idea of eating nutritionally healthy leafy veggies is cringed-worthy, but the blend of kale, spinach, and pear is a delectable fusion for a smoothie.

Another green smoothie, but the taste is nothing like the greens you generally taste. These meal replacement smoothies full of nutritional proteins, carbohydrates, and suitable high fibers are high-energy boosters.

Kids love this healthy smoothie, so imagine how tasty it would be.

The creamy green texture will feel like heaven to your taste buds.

Ingredients: Spinach, kale, pear, milk, and honey for sweetness.

16. Flax-Spinach Smoothie

Spinach Flax Smoothie is the creamiest protein shake to opt for as a post-workout snack.

Healthy spinach, which is often despised for its taste, is blissfully blended into mango, banana, and pineapple flavors, uniting a fruity blast on the tastebuds.

This smoothie recipe with a unique combination of flakes of chia and flax seeds offers a better protein source along with energy-efficient nourishments.

Ingredients: Pineapple, banana and mango, flax, and chia seeds.

17. Peach and Oat Blend Smoothie

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Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

This healthy go and sweet-tart velvety peach smoothie is a morning meal replacement smoothie.

Heart-healthy and blood sugar-balancing oats pack your fruit drink not only with vitamins and minerals but also plant-based proteins.

Peach oat smoothie plays its magic if you are on a fat-burning diet by energizing your metabolism. Add a few chia seeds and orange juice to this oat smoothie recipe, which lightens your boring oatmeal.

Ingredients: Peach, oats, frozen banana, chia seeds, and orange juice.

18. Carrot Cake Protein Shake

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Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Treat yourself to different healthy meal replacement smoothies, a rich source of vitamin A.

This carrot cake-flavored smoothie gives a fresh start to a day with its nutrients and healthy fats.

Ingredients: Carrots, banana, cinnamon, minced ginger, and nutmeg.

19. Raw Banana Bread Smoothie

Sip on your banana bread muffin in a smoothie form.

This naturally sweet smoothie with loads of walnuts, protein-rich chia seeds, fibrous oats, minerals, and vitamin-rich bananas is a perfect blend with honey.

Banana bread meal replacement smoothie is a major source of nourishment to the body along with its amazing flavors.

Ingredients: Bananas, unsweetened almond milk, oats, and nutmeg.


Blend various fruits and veggies and give this amazing meal replacement smoothie a shot that’ll leave you craving for more. These energy-building smoothies are a must to keep you going through the day with their healthy nutrients.

Frequently asked questions:

Q. Are meal replacement smoothies good for weight loss?
  • Research has found that meal replacement shakes can help with weight loss. One study tracked two groups of people as they tried to lose weight over the course of 3 months. At the end of the study, the group that did not use meal replacement shakes lost only 1.5% of their initial body weight.
Q. Are meal replacements safe?
  • Dr. Jyoti Arya, Dietician at Manipal Hospitals, Baner says, “Meal replacement shakes are safe because they are composed of healthy ingredients, but although they contain some essential nutrients, they do not have all the nutrients the body requires such as enzymes and antioxidants.
Q. Is it OK to have a meal replacement shake every day?
  • “Most people should not consume pre-made, bottled meal replacements on a day-to-day basis.” Meal replacement shakes are not without their benefits, but incorporating them into a balanced diet takes a good understanding of what kind of nutrients your body needs

Last Updated on by ibtisam72


Brinel Correia

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