What Can I Give My Dog For Arthritis: 7 Key Facts

Most of us in today’s world are dog lovers. They live not only in our homes but in a larger part of our hearts. We think of them as our children or very close family members. We care for them like our own, so seeing them suffer from diseases is disheartening.

Arthritis pain in dogs is as painful as human arthritis. It has been seen that most senior dogs generally suffer from joint pain and other problems related to dog arthritis1. Most dogs are very efficient in concealing their age after becoming a victim.

In this situation, many people ask, “What can I give my dog for arthritis?” The answer depends on the joint health condition. This article will dig into the various factors leading to a dog’s arthritis pain and how to provide help.

Recognizing Dog’s Arthritis

When the arthritis is in the initial or intermediate state in older dogs, you will notice that the dog is facing problems getting up from a sitting or lying position. The dog may also have problems jumping inside a car or on beds. Other dogs may start limping when they walk or act stiff and sore.

People generally confuse the signs of arthritis as an age-related problem. Please observe your dogs properly to detect whether it is just an age-related problem, or your dog is suffering from dog arthritis.

Make sure to give your dog as much love, care, and attention along with all the medications to help him quickly recover. Some pet parents might also give their dogs joint supplements, but it is always better to consult a veteran doctor before experimenting with anything in your pet.

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Image from Depositphotos

If your pet is in or close to the golden years, you can treat arthritis or help your dog at home to provide some comfort. Before applying any tips and tricks, cross-check with the information available online. You can also go for some pain medications.

After you think your dog’s pain is in control, make an appointment with a reliable veteran doctor and get your pet checked. It will relieve the pet parents and prevent any future problems.

Get Help As Soon As Possible

For older dogs, please do not take any chances; consult a veteran doctor at the earliest. You might do all the necessary things to keep your dog’s arthritis pain at bay, but a veteran is your dog’s best friend. He will be able to identify the exact reason for the problem and provide veterinary medicine to help your pet ease the pain.

The veteran must listen carefully to everything the pet’s parents say and note down all the necessary details. It is also the doctor’s responsibility to find out whether there are any other symptoms or not that the pet’s parents might have neglected or missed out on.

After listening to the problems explained by the dog’s parents, the veteran will conduct some thorough tests to reach the core of the problem. After the test results are out, the veteran and the pet parents work together to combat all the problems the arthritic dogs face.

After the tests, if the veteran doctor determines arthritis in dogs through physical examination, do not worry. There are plenty of ways by which arthritic dogs that be treated at home. Several options like joint supplements, pain medications, acupuncture2, and laser therapy are the common treatments used for treating arthritis in dogs.

No such treatment is better than the rest, but all these treatments will effectively help relieve pain in dogs. Some dog owners also try a lot of remedies at once. 

It is still not advised to try all of the remedies at once because the dog might not be able to tolerate the hard treatment. Therefore, finding the right treatment methods and the perfect combination that suits your dog can be difficult. But please do not lose patience as you wish the best for your pet.

What Can I Give My Dog For Arthritis At Home?

The advice of the veteran 3in treating arthritis in dogs is the best possible way to relieve the animal from pain. Most of the methods used to treat arthritis, like acupuncture and physical therapy, are performed in the respective offices of the veterans. In such a scenario, you might wonder what you can do to treat arthritis in your dog at home.

To counter this problem, below are some tips you can follow to relieve the dog’s joint pain at home without any side effects.

1. Create A Prescription And Record The Progress

After you visit your veteran, they will provide you with some prescription medications to help combat the dog’s pain. These medicines will help ease the pain and improve joint health. Some pain medication that can be prescribed to your dog is mentioned below.

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs



  • Muscle relaxants

  • Opioid medications

  • Medicines to relieve nerve pain

According to the doctor’s prescription, your dog must take these medicines once or twice a day for a long period. The other prescribed medicines can be used as and when required.

One of the best pieces of advice for looking after your dog’s pain management is to sit with your veteran and devise a medication plan that suits your dog the best. Also, it is better to keep your vet updated about the progress your little child’s progress.

Maintaining a journal for the journey of the senior dogs is a great idea as it helps the veterans closely monitor each of the symptoms and process of improvement. It will also act as a support for the veterans in finalizing the next steps of treatment.

Feeding a dog the prescribed medication is not an easy task. You can always look online for the different tips and tricks you can try to feed your dogs the medicines the veteran prescribes.

Please never give human medicine to your dog in place of the prescribed veterinary medicine. You and your dog might be suffering from the same joint pain, but as your dog’s medicine won’t be effective on you, your medicine is of no use to the dog.

There are different NSAIDs available for humans and pets. Giving a dog a human NSAI can be fatal, and the dog might not be able to adjust to it.

2. Joint Supplements To The Rescue

Before diving into the joint supplements that should be given to the dogs, let us understand the joint anatomy of the dogs. The joints of the dogs are covered with a thick layer of cartilage.

The work of these cartilages acts as a shock absorber and helps the dogs move freely as it allows smooth bone movement.

With age, the joint mechanics of the dogs become less efficient; it can also happen because of some injuries. Once the efficiency of the joint mechanics decreases, the senior dogs find it difficult to move freely without any pain.

The dogs’ bone now glides against each other as the layer of cartilage become thin. It is the main reason dogs with arthritis experience pain in their joints; in some cases, they can also be the victim of inflammation.

Many available supplements on the market act as the best supplements for dogs. Listed below are some of the supplements that can help with dog arthritis.

a. Glucosamine And Chondroitin Sulphate

Glycosaminoglycans, or GAGs5, are dogs’ building blocks of healthy cartilage. It is, therefore, one of the best supplements that can be used in treating dog arthritis.

b. Turmeric Or Cumin

It is most commonly known as human supplements, but turmeric and cumin are equally effective in treating dog arthritis pain.

It is one of the best natural remedies that you can use for your dog’s joint pain. Many types of research show that not only in humans but cumin and turmeric can cure pain in most pets, including dogs.

c. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)

The compound is a famous supplement for dog joint pain as it is effective in forming new cartilage. Regrowth of new cartilage ensures smoother movement of the bones and is also effective in reducing inflammation and pain.

When the joint fluid increases, the joints move freely without colliding.

d. Omega 3-fatty acids

Omega 3 6fatty acids are rich in anti-inflammatory properties. As a result, it helps your dog reduce pain by reducing inflammation. It is the most prescribed supplement for dog arthritis.

e. Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is considered a major component of joint fluid in dogs. It ensures the cartilage is healthy by ensuring less wear and tear on the bone cartilage.

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Image from Depositphotos

All of the supplements mentioned above have a blend of all the properties that are required in treating dog arthritis. Even though all of these supplements are available on the market, it is hard to find out which supplement will suit your dog the best.

To get your dog back to the active lifestyle, consult with your veteran and ask him for advice. You and your veteran can also sit and discuss your dog’s symptoms and analyze which supplement will suit the best.

3. Keep A Check On Your Dog’s Diet

Many dog owners might not know this, but keeping your dog’s diet in check can contribute greatly to your pet’s joint health. Control what and how much your dog eats to help your arthritic dogs at home.

a. Feed The Right Amount Of Food

It is very dangerous to overfeed your dogs, especially if they are a victim of dog arthritis. Dog owners often cannot resist the cute puppy eyes of their pets when they ask for extra food and treats. Due to our love, we might not want to reject them and feed them more food.

If your dog can maintain a healthy weight, it will not bear extra pressure on the joints. Even if your dog is overweight, try and make your pet lose those extra pounds. In this way, the joints of the dogs will stay healthy as they won’t have e a lot of pressure on them. It is also effective in increasing mobility.

If you’re worried about how to find out if your dog is overweight or not, you will have to find out the canine body condition score of your pet.

b. Select The Proper Food

We should not feed dogs anything and everything available in our homes. Their food should contain proper nutrition as it helps keep them healthy and contributes to the healthy growth of the dogs.

Most dog foods on the market contain all the ingredients and nutrition required for dogs’ healthy growth and active lifestyles. Always read the label before buying your dog food, as the label contains all the necessary information.

If your dog is overweight, your veteran might suggest you feed a certain number of calories daily. In this case, use the food with low-calorie intake as it will effectively manage weight.

You can also consult with your veteran and find out if a therapeutic weight loss diet will be a good option for your dog or not.

In most cases, following prescription medications along with the prescribed diet is very effective in making your dog lose some pounds. You can also home-cook the food for your dog. But make sure not to put extra oil and spice as it may harm your pet. Please consult a veteran nutritionist and cook the food according to their direction.

Another important thing to remember is that when you are planning to make your dog lose some weight, do not restrict your pet to the necessary daily food. In this case, you might unintentionally cut off some of the essential vitamins required for the dogs’ healthy growth and active lifestyle.

Under proper guidance, many overweight dogs lose up to 2% of their body weight weekly.

4. Exercising Is The Key

In many dogs with arthritis, it has been seen that the longer they stay in a position, the more difficult it gets for them to get up. Not only in dogs, but the case is also quite similar in humans. To counter this problem, exercising is the key

Regardless of the weight, it is important to maintain a habit of exercising with your dog daily. Do not let your dog exercise alone, but rather burn some calories with your pet. In this way, he will be interested in working out too.

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Image from Depositphotos

Getting some fresh air every evening or morning hurts nobody. Taking your dog out for a run or walk every day is one of the best ways to keep the habit of exercising alive. It will also help you in creating a great bond with your dog.

If you find out your dog cannot run, please do not force it. A short and slow walk is also effective in helping your dogs lose some pounds. These walks also help maintain muscle mass, which helps stabilize the joints.

Another great low-impact exercise is swimming. These will also help your dog lose some pounds and will also be a great retreat in the summer.

When a dog is left open, they do not know how to control its limits, so it is the owner’s responsibility to keep a check on them. Do not let them perform any high-impact exercises, and do not let them run for long. It might be one of the factors for increased joint pain.

5. Make Sure To Chop The Nails Off

If a dog has long nails, it might face problems while walking. To avoid this situation, make sure you chop your dogs’ nails regularly. It will not only help your dog walk faster, but it will also help them have a better grip.

If you are unsure how to chop your dogs’ nails, do not worry. Call the pet store or the veteran clinic and book an appointment with a professional. You can choose the appointment as and when required. Once you get a hold of it, you can also try to chop the nails off your dogs on your own.

6. Invest in good Dog Beds

Some dogs may enjoy sleeping on the floor, whereas some like the comfort of a soft and luxurious bed. If your dog is suffering from arthritis, make sure not to let your dog sleep on the floor because hard floors can increase your dog’s joint pain.

They are available in the market in all shapes and sizes these days. Some shops even allow you to customize your dog bed according to your choice. Many companies make orthopedic dog beds, especially for dogs with arthritis or any joint disease.

You will also find an option of a cooling memory foam mattress, which is considered ideal for dogs. You can also go for a slightly elevated bed.

If your dog is unwilling to use the bed, keep it where he prefers to sleep. It will make the dog comfortable and slowly get used to the bedding. You can also keep his bed in your room if you want to.

7. Do Not Overlook Anxiety

Most of the veterans confirmed that pain and anxiety go simultaneously. There is a great chance of him getting affected by anxiety if they are suffering from any pain or disease. 

Make sure always to keep an eye on the behavior of your dog. Your dog might find it difficult to walk or run as efficiently as before, which may bother him.

If required, treat him with more love and care during sickness. It will make him feel good and important and play a very important role in rapid improvement.

You can also give your dog extra time by indulging in his favorite activities. If he likes cuddles, shower him with some extra ones to make him feel more comfortable. Like humans, every animal needs mental support, physical care, and therapy to get well faster.

You can also talk to your veteran about this problem if nothing works. The doctor might prescribe some medicines to help your dog deal with all the anxiety.


If you have reached the end of this article, we hope your confusion about what can I give my dog for arthritis is cleared. Make sure to follow everything mentioned in this article for rapid recovery of your dog.

We wish your little child a speedy recovery!


Q. Is turmeric OK for dogs to eat?
  • Turmeric is widely understood to be safe for dogs in small quantities and is often used in dog food as a color and flavor enhancer. However, the quantity typically used in dog food is often too small to provide any anti-inflammatory benefits.
Q. What not to feed a dog with arthritis?
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fatty Proteins
  • Fats
  • Oil
Q. Is rice bad for arthritis in dogs?
  • If your dog has arthritis, grain-free food may be the way to go. Many processed commercial dog foods contain grains such as wheat, rice, soy, and spelled, which can cause your dog’s blood sugar levels to fluctuate and increase painful swelling. Limiting the grains in your dog’s diet can decrease their inflammation.

  1. Scherer, Hans Ulrich, Thomas Häupl, and Gerd R. Burmester. “The etiology of rheumatoid arthritis.” Journal of autoimmunity 110 (2020): 102400. ↩︎
  2. Chen, Teng, et al. “Acupuncture for pain management: molecular mechanisms of action.” The American journal of Chinese medicine 48.04 (2020): 793-811. ↩︎
  3. Levey, Daniel F., et al. “Bi-ancestral depression GWAS in the Million Veteran Program and meta-analysis in> 1.2 million individuals highlight new therapeutic directions.” Nature neuroscience 24.7 (2021): 954-963. ↩︎
  4. Bindu, Samik, Somnath Mazumder, and Uday Bandyopadhyay. “Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and organ damage: A current perspective.” Biochemical pharmacology 180 (2020): 114147. ↩︎
  5. Przybylski, Cédric, et al. “Surface plasmon resonance imaging coupled to on-chip mass spectrometry: a new tool to probe protein-GAG interactions.” Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 412 (2020): 507-519. ↩︎
  6. Djuricic, Ivana, and Philip C. Calder. “Beneficial outcomes of omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on human health: An update for 2021.” Nutrients 13.7 (2021): 2421. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Suchi


Annanya Chakraborty
  1. My friend has a black Labrador retriever and recently doctor suspected some symptoms of arthritis in him , we were really worried for his diet but reading your article really gave me a good knowledge about arthritis in dog , I am surely going to share with this with my friend.

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