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Shoulder Popping – 4 Astonishing Causes And How To Treat It

Popping and clicking in the joint is crepitus. Shoulder popping is a very common condition. It is experienced by many individuals daily.
 It is believed that the sound comes from the development of small gas bubbles in the liquid inside the joint. This liquid is known as the synovial liquid. It can occur in any of your joints yet is generally normal in your knees, fingers, and, obviously, your shoulders.
So for what reason is your shoulder popping? What’s the significance here? Read on to get familiar with your shoulder working systems, and some normal and not-so-basic shoulder conditions.

1. Anatomy Of The Shoulder Joint

Shoulder joint Anatomy - Ligaments, Movements, Blood supply , Nerve supply and Clinical anatomy

 The shoulder joint is a synovial ball and socket type of joint. It consists of the head of the humerus and the glenoid process and hence is also known as the glenohumeral joint.
The head of the humerus fits into the glenoid process like a ball and socket. The head of the humerus is roughly spherical in shape and the glenoid process acts as a bowl.
The glenoid process is not as shallow as compared to the head of the humerus and hence is a bit unstable. This is the reason why shoulder dislocation is quite common.

 1.1. Joint Capsule And Bursae 

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Photo by Morgan Vander Hart on Unsplash

The joint case is a synovial sheath that encases the constructions of the joint. It reaches out from the anatomical neck of the humerus to the boundary or ‘edge’ of the glenoid fossa. The joint case is careless, allowing more noteworthy portability (especially abduction).

 The synovial layer lines the inward surface of the joint case. It delivers synovial liquid to decrease friction between the articular surfaces.
To decrease friction in the shoulder joint, a few synovial bursae are available. A bursa is a synovial liquid-filled sac. They go about as a pad among ligaments and other joint constructions.
The bursae that are significant are:
  1. Subacromial – found below the deltoid and acromion, and inferior to the supraspinatus ligament and joint case. The subacromial bursa diminishes grinding underneath the deltoid. This helps in advancing the free movement of the rotator cuff ligaments. Subacromial bursitis (for example aggravation of the bursa) can be a reason for shoulder pain.
  2. Subscapular – situated between the subscapularis ligament and the scapula. It lessens strain on the ligament during movement at the shoulder joint.
 There are other minor bursae present between the ligaments of the muscles around the joint.

1.2. Ligaments

 In the shoulder joint, the tendons assume a critical part in establishing bony structures.

1.2.1. Glenohumeral ligaments

Shoulder Joint -  Glenohumeral Joint - 3D Anatomy Tutorial

The joint capsule is shaped by this collection of ligaments associating the humerus with the glenoid fossa. They are the primary wellspring of strength for the shoulder, holding it set up and keeping it from disengaging anteriorly. They act to settle the front part of the joint.

1.2.2. Coracohumeral Ligament
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Image by Cedric Clth from Pixabay
It appends the foundation of the coracoid interaction to the more noteworthy tubercle of the humerus. It upholds a piece of the joint capsule.

1.2.3. Transverse humeral Ligament

transverse humeral ligament test

It ranges the distance between the two tubercles of the humerus. It holds the ligament of the long head of the biceps in the intertubercular groove.

1.2.4. Coraco–clavicular Ligament 

Shoulder Special Test - Coracoclavicular Ligament

It is made out of the trapezoid and conoid ligaments. It runs from the clavicle to the coracoid process of the scapula. They work close by the acromioclavicular ligament to keep up the arrangement of the clavicle comparable to the scapula.
They have critical strength. But, enormous powers (for example after a high-energy fall) can tear these ligaments as a component of an acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) injury. In serious ACJ injury, the coracoclavicular tendons may need a careful fix.
The other significant ligament is the coracoacromial tendon. Running between the acromion and coracoid cycle of the scapula frames the coracoacromial curve. This construction overlies the shoulder joint, forestalling unrivaled removal of the humeral head

2. Causes Of Shoulder Popping

There can be many causes of shoulder popping but we have listed the very common ones:

2.1. Osteoarthritis

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Image by Angelo Esslinger from Pixabay
As you get older, the stress-absorbing ligament in your joints wears out. This is a condition known as osteoarthritis. The joint loses the measure of padding in the middle of the bones.
Osteoarthritis can cause grinding sounds – the sound of the bones rubbing against one another. The increase in friction can cause hurt and firmness. More confusion can be that nerves can get packed in the diminished joint space.
Osteoarthritis is a broad grievance that accompanies age and overuse of a joint. It’s more predominant on the off chance that you work in the occupation including redundant strain to the shoulder and arms.
Approaches to treating joint pain incorporate keeping proper weight, staying away from high-effect activities, and strengthening the surrounding muscles.

2.2. Unhealed Fracture

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Photo by Harlie Raethel on Unsplash
If you have a new fracture, e.g., in your ribs or shoulder bone, that has not mended as expected, it can create shoulder popping. In this situation, the bone segments moving against one another are at fault. The present circumstance requires clinical appraisal, as you may need careful management.

2.3. Bursitis

What Is Bursitis and How Can It Be Treated?

Inside the shoulder complex, there is a little liquid-filled sac, known as the bursa, that sits inside the joint capsule. The bursa goes about as a pad and a safeguard, helping the joint slide together upon development. If it gets irritated and inflamed through injury or tedious pressure or strain, it is known as bursitis.
With any inflammation and swelling, there’s less space for everything to move, and structures can turn out to be tight, causing granulation. Assuming you presume bursitis, attempt to try not to do any exasperate movements to allow it an opportunity to settle. You ought to likewise rehearse the standard treatment procedure (ice and prescription if necessary).

 2.4. Rotator Cuff Tears

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Image by Milius007 from Pixabay
The rotator cuff muscles are subjected to a lot of strain and stress in the day to day life. They can tear in partially or fully because of old age or general overuse. When torn, the lopsided surfaces can rub together, causing breaking commotions. Torment can be very sharp in development.

 3. When Is Shoulder Popping Liable To Happen?

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Image by Robert Wilkos from Pixabay
 Shoulder popping mostly happens when your arms are lifted, particularly above shoulder level. At the point when you perform pushing movements, particularly at the gym. For example, push-ups, seat presses, or side raises.
Other regular exercises can cause shoulder popping too. Like -tossing a ball or in any event, something as basic as putting a purse behind you. If the recurrence of your shoulder popping increases out of nowhere or it happens within the sight of pain, at that point it’s encouraged to look for a clinical conference.

4. Is Shoulder Popping With No Pain Good Or Bad?

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Image by Jenny Friedrichs from Pixabay
Shoulder popping appears to be harmless. All things considered, there’s no pain, simply that irritating popping when you move your shoulder now and then.
In any case, if there’s no pain doesn’t mean there’s no issue. There’s good news and bad news here.
The good news? All that shoulder popping could be no biggie. The bad news? That popping could be gradually biting up your shoulder joint, and it could be a warning sign that joint pain is on its way.
Investigative procedures like X-rays can help diagnose any problem in the joint like decreased joint space.

 5. Treatment For Shoulder Popping Pain

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Image by Angelo Esslinger from Pixabay
Normal medicines for repeating shoulder torment include:
  • Corticosteroid infusions
  • Calming prescriptions
  • Non-intrusive treatment
  • Chiropractic change of your bones
  • Massage treatment
In different cases, over-the-counter pain relievers may be all you need. A specialist will settle on a treatment plan contingent upon what’s causing your shoulder popping condition.
Sometimes, home cures are enough to treat shoulder-popping pain. If your shoulders break or pop at times without causing you a lot of inconvenience, you should take a stab at treating your crepitus at home. Consider attempting a couple of these home cures when you feel your shoulder popping:
  • Yoga

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Photo by kike vega on Unsplash
Yoga poses have been shown to have amazing benefits on pain in any part of the body. When it comes to shoulder popping, it is obvious that yoga would act as a miracle healer for the same.
  • Posture Correction

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Photo by jose aljovin on Unsplash
Improper posture can harm the muscles of our body. It causes strain and pressure on all the muscles and causes misalignment of the body. Correcting your posture can help relieve the back muscles and could also help with the pain.
Avoiding slouching could also be helpful.
  • Foam roller

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Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Foam rollers are an amazing way to get your soft tissues mobilized at home. They are also inexpensive and can help a great deal with pain and other such conditions.
  • Ice Compress

Applying ice compress to the area of pain can help soothe the nerves and in turn help soothe the pain as well.
  • Massage

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Image by Angelo Esslinger from Pixabay
Massaging areas where you feel sore could help get the lymphatic system to work and avoid any pooling of waste materials. This could help in decreasing swelling and help promote speedy recovery of the area.
  • Rest

Shoulder popping
Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
Providing proper rest to the area is very necessary to avoid the condition to turn chronic. Rest allows tissues to heal and helps in recovery as well.

6. Conclusion

Shoulder popping can be a common and benign phenomenon that occurs in many individuals without any underlying medical issues. It is often caused by the movement of tendons or ligaments over bony structures and is typically harmless. However, if shoulder popping is accompanied by pain, swelling, or limited range of motion, it may indicate an underlying problem that requires medical evaluation and treatment.

By and large, it tends to be hard to forestall shoulder popping or cracking. In any case, an individual can find ways to diminish the danger of any further harm.

 If there is pain or growing pain, try not to overuse the shoulder joint to forestall further injury. It is particularly critical to keep away from arduous exercises including heaps of shoulder use. For example, physical games and those that include overhead tossing.
Rest, massage, mitigating drugs, and heat can help a shoulder injury mend.


1. Can shoulder popping be a symptom of arthritis?

A. Yes, shoulder popping can be associated with certain types of arthritis, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. If you suspect arthritis might be causing your shoulder popping, it is essential to consult a doctor for proper evaluation and management.

2. Can stress or anxiety cause shoulder popping?

A. While stress and anxiety can contribute to muscle tension and discomfort, there is no direct evidence linking them to shoulder popping. However, if you notice an increase in shoulder popping during times of heightened stress, it might be beneficial to manage stress levels through relaxation techniques or counseling.

3. Is it safe to continue exercising with shoulder popping?

A. If shoulder popping is not causing pain or functional impairment, it is generally safe to continue exercising. However, if you experience pain or discomfort during exercise, it is advisable to modify or avoid the activity and consult a healthcare professional.

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Last Updated on by Anudeep


Ayushi Mahajan

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