Mirtazapine withdrawal Mirtazapine withdrawal

10 Common Mirtazapine Withdrawal Symptoms You Should Know

You might have noticed certain changes after you reduced the usage of Mirtazapine Remeron. Those are the mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms.1

To understand the details of such symptoms, one should have proper knowledge about this antidepressant.

Mirtazapine, commonly known under the trade name Remeron2 is medically used for treating depression and other anxiety disorders. Consumed orally, this drug balances mood and makes people comfortable.

Use this medicine only under the prescription of a medical professional. It might take some time to get the results.

Under any circumstance, you should not stop taking this medicine without the consultation of your doctor. Continue the intake according to the instructions provided by your doctor.

This drug has side effects as well. Understand your body and be alert enough to recognize any negative impacts it has on your body.

There are a lot of things to consider before you start taking this antidepressant. If you have any underlying health conditions, be sure to share them with your doctor.

Some medications can interact with mirtazapine and lead to serotonin syndrome.3

Strictly follow the instructions regarding the dose, intake, and other details, from your doctor.

10 Mirtazapine Withdrawal Symptoms

Quick discontinuation of this drug can create intense withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, it is recommended to lower the dose and then slowly quit the intake. The withdrawal symptoms4 may last for a few weeks.

Give your body some time to adapt to life without antidepressant medication like mirtazapine. Reduce the dosage and detox. The duration of your detox program can vary according to your dosage.

Your body will start showing mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms within 5 to 9 days after tapering off the drug.

Here are some common mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms:

1. Headache

Mirtazapine withdrawal can result in headaches. The pain can progress and may even lead to relapse in the form of depression.5

This can last for weeks after the discontinuation of the drug.

2. Insomnia

You may find it hard to sleep once you have stopped consuming the drug. Sleeplessness is also a mirtazapine withdrawal symptom.

Mirtazapine withdrawal
Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash / copyright 2021

3. Appetite Changes

Withdrawal symptoms include changes in eating patterns. A decrease in appetite is common among Mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms.

4. Restlessness

Stopping mirtazapine can create restlessness. One may move any part of their body unintentionally in a continuous movement. This often leads to stress and possibly self-harm.

5. Vertigo

A person who is undergoing mirtazapine withdrawal often has Vertigo or false sensations regarding movements. The sensations of spinning and swaying result in vomiting, sweating, and other difficulties.

6. Anxiety

Anxiety is very evident when people stop taking Remeron. It leads to stress, inner chaos, worry, and overreaction. The Anxiety can persist for several weeks.

Mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms
Photo by  Notso on Unsplash / copyright 2021

7. Mania

A person may have a lot of behavioural disorders as a part of mirtazapine withdrawal. They may show too much energy and react unexpectedly or aroused manner. They will have euphoric sensations. Racing thoughts are also experienced by a person who stopped taking Remeron.

8. Panic Attacks

Intense fear and uncomfortable feelings are associated with Remeron withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms can create heart palpitations, chest pain, and uneasiness in breathing which are signs of a panic attack.6

9. Fatigue

For several weeks after mirtazapine withdrawal, a person may feel fatigued and low in energy. It can cause drowsiness. With the lowering of mirtazapine dosage, a person may be unproductive and stressed.

Photo by Doğukan Şahin on Unsplash

10. Depression

Mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms include depression or relapse in your condition. It can continue for several weeks. Self-esteem issues, low mood, pain, hallucinations, and suicidal thoughts are all experienced by people who discontinue the intake of this drug.

Side Effects of Mirtazapine

Mirtazapine has several side effects. Dizziness, increased appetite, and sedation are some of them. These are not of high risk. The side effects of coming off mirtazapine, during the initial stages of usage, you may feel restlessness and irritability.

Sometimes, this drug can affect your decision-making, thinking process, and reactions. Therefore, you shouldn’t do tasks like driving as it needs a lot of focus.

Weight gain, dry mouth, drowsiness, and constipation are also some side effects of this antidepressant. Mild sensations will go away within days.

Mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms
Photo by Christner Furt on Unsplash / copyright 2021

There are some serious life-threatening after-effects too. Vision problems, serotonin syndrome, and infections are some of them that you can expect after taking mirtazapine.

Suicidal thoughts, self-harming, panic attacks, fatigue, insomnia, headache, anxiety, seizures, allergies, mania, and low immunity are also aftereffects of using Remeron antidepressants.

This is a safe medication if you use it properly. Your body may react to the discontinuation of this drug dangerously. Antidepressants should be used carefully and under proper guidance by a professional.

Substance abuse and overdose have a fatal impact. In such conditions, seek medical advice and professional support.

How to Manage Mirtazapine Withdrawal?

Lowering the dosage is much better than tapering off the drug rapidly. You can check how your body responds when the dosage is reduced. This will also reduce Remeron withdrawal symptoms.

Remeron is a medication that increases serotonin levels in the brain. When you stop the intake of antidepressants, the levels can lower and result in withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, give adequate time for your body to prepare before tapering off the drug.

The Mirtazapine withdrawal timeline varies with each individual. Tapering and detox can be a long-term process for individuals taking 45 mg of Mirtazapine Remeron. But following a recovery plan can help you greatly reduce the life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

You shouldn’t use any other medications while tapering off Remeron. Don’t use alcohol or any other drugs. Ask your doctor if you want to use any other medications during withdrawal.

Quitting antidepressants is a stressful process. Choose a rehabilitation centre for your recovery process and detox. With individual therapy and programs to boost your journey, tapering off the drug will be easier.


Mirtazapine should be taken only by consulting a medical professional. Although the majority of the mirtazapine withdrawal symptoms are not life-damaging, be on the safe side by seeking medical advice.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women shouldn’t take this drug. The body processes of older adults take more time to process drugs like Remeron.

So the risk of side effects is higher among them. People under the age of 18 shouldn’t consume this antidepressant.

Find out more here.

Common Myths & Misconceptions About Antidepressants
Icy Health
  1. Montgomery, S. A. “Safety of mirtazapine: a review.” International clinical psychopharmacology 10 (1995): 37-45. ↩︎
  2. De Boer, Th, G. S. F. Ruigt, and H. H. G. Berendsen. “The α2‐selective adrenoceptor antagonist org 3770 (mirtazapine, Remeron®) enhances noradrenergic and serotonergic transmission.” Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental 10.S2 (1995): S107-S118. ↩︎
  3. Sternbach, Harvey. “The serotonin syndrome.” Am J Psychiatry 148.6 (1991): 705-713. ↩︎
  4. West, Robert, and Michael Gossop. “Overview: a comparison of withdrawal symptoms from different drug classes.” Addiction 89.11 (1994): 1483-1489. ↩︎
  5. Beck, Aaron T., William Y. Rial, and Karl Rickels. “Short form of depression inventory: cross-validation.” Psychological reports 34.3_suppl (1974): 1184-1186. ↩︎
  6. Katerndahl, David A. “Panic attacks and panic disorder.” Journal of family practice 43.3 (1996): 275-283. ↩︎

Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf


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