Wellness - young woman floating in Spa or swimming pool, she is very relaxed. Wellness - young woman floating in Spa or swimming pool, she is very relaxed.

Does a Float Tank Help With Anxiety?

The floating sensation is a unique one. Not only does it have the ability to put you at ease in just about 20 minutes, but it also has a host of other benefits. From being able to reduce stress and anxiety to promoting better sleep, reducing inflammation, and even improving your immune response. 

If you’re wondering if a float tank can help with anxiety, you’ve come to the right place. A float tank is an artificial means of inducing relaxation and meditation by making you feel as though you’re floating in space. If this sounds like something that might be able to help with your anxiety, we’ll take a look at how exactly it does so!

What is a Float Tank?

Float tanks (also known as sensory deprivation tanks) are large, filled with water and a small amount of salt. This solution makes for a highly positive environment that allows you to float effortlessly. In a float tank, you will usually be either wholly or partially submerged in water. You can also control the room temperature and level of light however you like. 

As a result, a float tank is a very relaxing and therapeutic environment. The scientific term for floating is known as hydrotherapy. It’s a widely used therapy in spas, but there’s also a version of it that you can do in the privacy of your home. A water tank that can be used for hydrotherapy is sometimes called a sensory deprivation tank or an isolation tank.

How Does a Float Tank Help With Anxiety?

Floatation is a powerful relaxation technique that can help you relax and even fall asleep easier. Studies have shown that 90% of people feel calm and relaxed after floating, and some even report feeling like they are in a meditative state. The reason is that when you are floating in salt water, your body feels significantly less pressure than on land. 

This is one of the reasons floating is so relaxing, but it also has other benefits. One of the benefits that floating can provide is that it can help you reduce stress. Stress is one of the leading causes of anxiety, so if you can reduce how much stress you feel daily, you may find that you’re starting to deal with your anxiety much better.

Isolation and Darkness

You may wonder why a float tank works so well when you’re completely isolated and in complete darkness. The key is that you’re able to control your environment, and you’re not alone. You’re in the safety of your own company, but you’re not being distracted by the outside world. 

It may seem odd, but isolation (and especially in darkness) is one of the best ways to deal with anxiety. Anxiety is often caused by the fact that you are overthinking everything, so being in a float tank allows you to have a “reset” moment. You’re not thinking about anything or anyone; you’re just thinking about your breathing.

Reducing Stress With Floatation Therapy

If you’re dealing with high levels of stress on a day-to-day basis, you may also find that this is contributing to your anxiety. Stress can be incredibly exhausting, so if it’s affecting you daily, it’s likely to impact your mental health. 

One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is through the use of floatation therapy. As we’ve seen, floating in a water tank allows you to disconnect from your surroundings completely. This is a very effective way to reduce stress, as you will no longer be worrying about your work, your relationships, or any other aspects of your life that are causing you to feel stressed.

Improving Sleep Quality

We’ve explored the various ways a float tank can help with anxiety, but that’s not all it can do. A float tank can also help you to improve your sleep quality. This is because it’s an incredibly relaxing environment. When you’re lying in the water, there is no noise, light, or pressure on your body. 

All these things are known to affect sleep quality, so by being in a float tank, you can promote better sleep. This means that you will be less tired throughout the day, which can also positively impact your ability to deal with anxiety.

Bottom line

If you’re a person who lives with anxiety, you may find that a float tank is one of the most relaxing experiences you’ve ever had. Floating in salt water comfortably and regulating the room’s light and the water’s temperature is a great way to relax and reduce stress. If you suffer from anxiety, a float tank may be able to help you feel more relaxed, sleep better, and reduce your overall stress levels.

Anxiety In The United States Facts Statistics
Icy Health

Last Updated on by riyaspeaks


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