Ankle Popping Ankle Popping

Ankle Popping: 6 Causes and Best Treatment

Ankle popping, also known as Crepitus and is commonly seen in individuals. Until now, there is no proof that the popping of joints has adverse consequences. Experts separate between an individual popping their joints and condition-related popping.
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The popping could have a few symptoms to a more genuine medical issue if there are:
  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Restricted range of motion
  • A past injury
Flying with a connection to an ailment, for the most part, happens more and can be agonizing. Actual popping has no pain and isn’t a reason for concern.

Causes of Ankle Popping

Ankle Popping
Causes of ankle popping/Image via Pexels
Ankle Popping is normal. It is anything but a reason for worry. But, if your ankle popping includes ankle joint pain or swelling, it might have a more genuine cause.
The following reasons can cause ankle popping if it isn’t causing pain:

1) Gas Discharge

At the point when you move your ankle, you stretch the joint. The joint contains fluids and liquid that keep it nourished. When air pockets of nitrogen or different gases are in this liquid form, it leads to ankle popping.
Tight muscles can add to this gas discharge and are the reason you may see your ankle popping more after rest or when you get up in the morning.
Joint popping brought about by gas discharge is ordinary. It is anything but a sign of common harm or a fundamental condition.

2) Ligament Subluxation

The ligaments of your peroneal muscles join together by a band of tissues. These tissues are the peroneal retinaculum.
If this band gets stretched, isolated, or torn, it can cause peroneal subluxation that is subluxation of the joint, which leads to a snapping event when you move your lower leg.
Subluxation is generally a bit complicated. It happens in competitors when an abrupt power contorts their lower leg in an internal direction. This kind of injury may need a careful fix.

3) Ligament Dislocation

Disengagement happens when the ligaments of your peroneal tendon and muscles get pushed out of their area.
At the point when this occurs, it can cause a sound like an ankle popping or snapping. Along these, there are a few other symptoms like aggravation, swelling and pain.
A peroneal ligament separation may happen during an ankle sprain. You’ll need clinical regard to guarantee that the ligaments get back to their right position.

4) Osteochondral Lesion

Osteochondral sores are wounds to the ligament on the ends of your bones, and these injuries can cause clicking and locking of joints. The condition has swelling and restricted scope of movement.
Osteochondral injuries are evident in 50 to 70 percent of ankle injuries. Specialists can analyze them utilizing MRI, a sort of imaging test. These sores may need a medical procedure.
These sores can likewise shape because of osteoarthritis. As you age, the ligaments of your bones wear out, and the uneven edges can cause pain.

5) Osteochondritis Dissecans

 It is a condition wherein a little section of bone isolates and makes the ligament in the joints erode and can cause a breaking sound. It is regular in the ankle joint, which causes ankle popping.

6) Peroneal Ligament Injury

The peroneal ligaments go through the lower leg toward the foot. Supporting a physical issue with these ligaments may cause a popping sound in the lower leg.

Benefits of Ankle Popping

Ankle Popping
Image via Pexels
Some clinical experts perform manipulation of joints which can bring out the popping sound. Manipulation is a typical strategy that alignment specialists use.
  •  It can help in curing stiffness and decreasing the range of motion.
  • The physiotherapist uses strain to help realign joints that are lopsided yet not separated.
This realignment might include a popping noise, but there is no proof that a popping joint indicates a more effective arrangement. It happens as a symptom of the strain applied.

Treatment of Ankle Popping

Ankle Popping
Treatment/Image via Pexels
Ankle popping does not need any treatment as it does not cause any issues. But still, if you want to test the problem, there are a few methods to do so.
Strengthening and stretching of the ankle joint can help treat ankle popping. It will also help in increasing ankle mobility.
These are a few easy stretches and strengthening exercises that one can do at home to get rid of ankle popping:

1) Towel Stretch

Towel Stretch Demo - BRBJ Foot & Ankle

The towel stretch will extend the muscles in the legs and feet. To do a towel stretch, follow these steps:
  • Sit with the two legs straight out in front.
  • Fold a towel over the highest point of the foot, holding the towel at one or the flip side.
  • Force the towel, so the toes point back toward the body.
  • Stand firm on the foothold for 30 seconds, and afterward, release for 30 seconds.
  • Rehash the stretch afterward and change to the contrary side.

2) Calf Raises

Ankle exercise - calf raise

The calf raises will likewise extend the muscles in the legs and ankle joints. To do a calf raise, carry out the following:
  • Remain on a somewhat raised surface, like a stage.
  • Keep the heels of your feet on the outside of the stage.
  • Then allow the impact points to hang off the back.
  • Push up with the toes, so the heels raise over the surface.
  • Allow the heels to fall beneath the surface.
  • Rehash the stretch a few times.

3) Toe Pull

Foot & Ankle Exercise: Towel Toe Curls

The toe pull extends the muscles in the legs and lower legs. To do a toe pull:
  • Sit in a seat and raise one leg off the ground, keeping it straight.
  • Arch the foot back toward the body.
  • Stand firm on the footing for several seconds.
  • Delivery the toes and lower the leg back to the ground.
  • Repeat the stretch after that, and change to the contrary side.

4) Standing Heel Raise

Standing Heel Raises

Standing heel raise brings stretch to the muscles up in the lower legs and foot. To do a standing heel raise:
  • Remain with the feet only more extensive than the shoulders.
  • Spot the hands on the thighs and curve the knees somewhat.
  • Lift one heel, keeping the toes on the ground, and afterward lower it back down once more.
  • Rehash this activity a few times for each heel.

5) Golf Ball Roll

Foam Roller Self Massage Arch of Foot Using Golf Ball

The golf ball moves and extends the muscles in the feet and lower legs. To do the golf ball roll:
  • Sit on a seat and spot a golf ball under the foot. Any comparative size will work.
  • Roll the foot over it.
  • Repeat the activity utilizing the other foot.

The Bottom Line – Ankle Popping

Ankle Popping
The bottom line/Image via Pexels
Ankle popping isn’t generally a genuine condition. If it’s not causing pain or distress, it doesn’t need treatment. Yet, if your ankle popping includes pain or swelling, you should visit a doctor for treatment.
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Q. Is popping a sprained ankle bad?
  • A popping sound following a sprained ankle can indicate a loose tendon or ligament that is slapping against the ankle bone. This loosening is often temporary, in which case things shortly return to normal. Other times, surgery could be needed to repair tendons or ligaments that have become permanently stretched.
Q. How long does an ankle pop take to heal?
  • The healing process takes about four weeks to six weeks. The acronym R.I.C.E is a good way to remember what to do: Rest your ankle by not walking on it. Ice should be immediately applied.
Q. Can a sprained ankle heal on its own?
  • Most sprains heal on their own, but rebuilding strength in your ankle can help prevent future injuries. If you don’t allow your ankle ligaments time to heal, you may have long-lasting instability (chronic ankle sprains) or repeat ankle sprains.

Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology


Ayushi Mahajan

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