Acidic reflux Acidic reflux

Acidic Reflux Ruining Sleep? 5 Nighttime Fixes

Acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a common condition when the acid from the stomach comes back to the oesophagus. Even though it can strike anywhere and at any moment, the patients mostly suffer at night, and their well-being gets almost entirely ruined as their sleep is impacted. Luckily, there are many approaches that anyone can engage in to provide a very comforting reflux-free sleep.

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2. Understanding Acidic Reflux

The procedure of preventing and healing acquired night-time reflux begins by studying the pathogenesis and then analyzing the main signs. The LES muscle, which functions half-closed at the bottom of the oesophagus, may become weak or relax abnormally, thereby maintaining stomach acid. This will cover various complaints from Heartburn to chest distress to difficulty consuming food with a sour aftertaste.

Several factors can worsen nighttime acidity reflux; therefore, all those aspects should be examined and taken care of to eliminate them. These factors may include:

2.1. Position

Consistently sleeping in a supine position (on your back) frequently intensifies the reflux symptoms as the stomach acid gets more opportunities to travel back to the esophagus. Placing the gastric contents allows gastro-esophageal reflux to take place, leading to further irritation and discomfort. People should choose elevated positions or lie on their left side to limit overnight reflux. Being in such positions can help inhibit the backflow of the stomach’s contents, which will reduce symptoms associated with acidic reflux.

Woman sleeping peacefully for better rest.
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2.2. Diet

Rich and spicy foods that have been binged-eaten at night can fuel acidic reflux symptoms to flare-ups in addition to a lot of carbohydrates and alcoholic beverages. The same foods and drinks that do these things can also cause the relaxation of the esophagal sphincter at the bottom and increase the production of stomach acid, thereby exacerbating the reflux. For efficient night-time reflux management, it’s vital to avoid consuming these aggravating foods and drinks just before going to bed and choose lighter, easily digestible snacks instead.

2.3. Lifestyle Habits

In addition, smoking and stress, both closely related to obesity, are major predisposing causes of acidic reflux. Smoking is the cause of both decreased function of LES and increased production of stomach acid, resulting in the worsening of reflux symptoms. Similarly, stress can cause overeating and unhealthy eating, through which reflux is further exasperated. To get rid of nightly reflux, people must try to quit smoking as well as employ stress-relieving techniques and weight management through weekly gym attendance and eating a balanced diet.

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2.4. Medications

Certain medications, like NSAIDs, calcium channel blockers, and some antidepressants, may irritate the LES and make the oesophagus walls redder. They can perturb the usual performance of the upper part of the digestive tract, allowing it to easily reflux stomach acid onto the lower part, where it causes irritability and inflammation. Consultation with your doctor is vital concerning such medications and their possible influence on your nighttime reflux. Also, you should discuss alternative treatment options and try the best treatment to manage the symptoms.

3. Effective Strategies to Stop Acidic Reflux at Night

3.1. Elevate the Upper Body

Avoiding too much upper body movement when sleeping will result in acid returning to the oesophagus. These can be achieved through using a wide-shape pillow or elevating the bed’s height by at least 6-8 inches by placing blocks beneath it. Raising one’s bed level may be among the most significant circumstances, minimizing the use of acid attacks during sleeping hours.

3.2. Practice Good Eating Habits

Healthy eating habits may be your weapon of choice in curbing acid reflux and can work wonders before and throughout bedtime. A heavy meal like a spicy or acidic one should be avoided for a few hours before bedtime. Also, avoid the consumption of caffeine and alcohol during that period. Conversely, eat smaller amounts of the items that sit lighter in your stomach while avoiding eating a heavy and excessive meal not entirely before going to bed. Just like the issue, you should not sit up immediately after a meal because this allows reflux to happen.

Image shows a mix of acidic and alkaline foods
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3.3. Dietary Modifications Beyond Food Types:

Portion size management is integral to developing a reflux management plan because overeating can worsen your symptoms. Scheduling meals between 3-4 hours before bedtime, rather than right before bedtime, will prevent the food in the stomach from refluxing into the oesophagus. Moreover, healthy eating habits, like eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly, help digestion and reduce the chances of reflux.

3.4. Monitor Body Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight can trigger improved overall health status and protect from frustrations triggered by acidic reflux. Excessive weight, mainly in the abdomen, can pressure the lower oesophagal sphincter and the stomach and intensify reflux symptoms. By eating a balanced diet, including an exercise schedule, you can reach and maintain a healthy weight, reducing nighttime reflux.

Person standing on a digital bathroom scale checking weight.
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3.5. Identify Trigger Foods

Many foods and beverages can induce or aggravate acid reflux symptoms, and it is crucial to determine whether these injuring triggers can be eliminated to prevent night discomfort. The main trigger foods are citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, garlic, chocolates, caffeine, spicy foods and fried foods full of fat. It may be possible to identify that some foods are the reason for your symptoms through a food diary. This will help you make informed dietary decisions.

3.6. Natural Remedies

A tea like ginger, liquorice root (with careful consideration for those with blood pressure issues), and chamomile might better soothe reflux symptoms. Nevertheless, you need to seek professional assistance before using any herbal remedies as a part of the treatment. Other than that, aloe vera juice tailored for oral ingestion and having the ability to heal the oesophagus could also reduce acidic reflux-related discomfort.

3.7. Practice Stress Management Techniques

Stress, one of the causes of acute acidic reflux symptoms, indirectly increases the production of stomach acid and causes muscle spasms, including in the LES. Practising stress-reducing techniques like meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and progressive muscle relaxation is very likely to help cope with night reflux symptoms. Forming a routine before bedtime that will help you achieve calmness and comfort can be helpful as it leads to better quality sleep and, thus, fewer episodes of reflux.

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3.8. Sleep Routine

Establishing a regular sleep cycle by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day helps digestion work well, and refluxes will be minimal. A bedtime routine incorporating a warm bath, reading, or relaxation techniques can be an excellent addition to sleep quality and minimize the risk of night-time reflux symptoms.

3.9. Consult a Healthcare Professional

If your acid reflux problem reappears after all of the lifestyle changes have been introduced, you will need to see a doctor. In case of an emergency and need their form, they can investigate your symptoms enough, prescribing drugs or other treatments when necessary. Based on your condition, your healthcare professional may prescribe you medications of both categories, relieving the symptoms and avoiding possible complications.

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3.10. Long-Term Management

For those mulling over a weight management program, reaching out to a registered dietitian or doctor for an individualized and effective weight-reduction plan is critical to eliminating reflux problems. Moreover, working on medical issues, for example, hiatal hernia, with the help of a doctor’s advice, could lead to a diagnosis of the exact suffering and the recommendations of the treatment strategies for dealing with the reflux and improving a general condition.

In The End

The quality of nightlife can be significantly influenced by acidic reflux if an affected person is woken up when the symptoms occur. Another way to control nighttime acidic reflux is to adjust the body’s position when sleeping. Also, adopting diets that work for the body, paying attention to body weight, recognizing trigger foods, handling stress well, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, and seeking professional advice are the potential contributing factors for successful management cases.

It is important to note that what helps one person might not make another one better; keeping this in mind, one might need to try several ways until he/she finds the most effective strategy to deal with nighttime reflux symptoms. A proactive approach to acidic reflux reduces its negative effects on health and makes sleep more relaxed.

Last Updated on by Rajeshwari_Das


Durba Datta

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