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An Insight into Barrett’s Esophagus Meal Plan

GERD, Gastroesophageal reflux disease, is one of the essential topics of discussion when we consider digestive disorders. As the name suggests, it refers to the upper alimentary pathway or the channel connecting the esophagus and stomach. The article will deal with a unique case—Barrett’s esophagus. It will cover the symptoms, causing agents, and some treatment methods. Eventually, we will look at the dietary chart made in response to this disease.  

1. An Account of Barrett’s Esophagus

The esophagus consists of a flat pink lining or epithelium. It continues up to the stomach with an esophageal sphincter at its end. When we intake some spicy or more fatty foods, the acidity level in our stomach gets disturbed. It leads to the malfunction of the enzyme-secreting activities. A common condition that arises is acid reflux. The acidic contents or secretions make the content reflux back. Sometimes, the acid itself refluxes back to the food pipe. It is acid reflux. 

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Source: Unlimphotos

Acid reflux damages the epithelium’s lining, which thickens and becomes red in appearance. The worsened condition may even lead to esophageal cancer. Hence, Barrett’s esophagus is a significant medical condition, and one should not ignore it. We need to be aware of the symptoms to avoid it. 

2. Identification of Barrett’s Esophagus

The symptoms may arise or may be the result of long term GERD conditions. It includes-

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Source: Unlimphotos
  • The feeling of fullness followed by chest pain.
  • Frequent regurgitation of stomach contents. 
  • Heartburn
  • Blood in vomit is another symptom. 
  • Difficulty in Swallowing 
  • Sore Throat

Among these, if one has blood in vomit frequently, breathing difficulty, and facing interference in daily activities, then one should visit the doctor immediately.

3. List of Agents Causing it

  • The primary reason is Acid Reflux. Hence, factors contributing to it will have a negative effect. Eating spicy or high-fat food can cause acid reflux. It will inactivate or disturb enzyme-secreting activity.
  • Long-term GERD medical condition may lead to Barrett’s Esophagus. 
  • The odds of having Barrett’s Esophagus can increase if you have a family history of GERD-related disorders. 
  • A Certain habit like smoking and drinking also contributes to it. 
  • Avoiding workouts leads to obesity. Often overweight can cause it. It is because being overweight slows down the metabolic processes. 
  • Adults aged more than 50 are more likely to get it. So age is also a factor. 
  • To some extent, stomach ulcers may also lead to Barrett’s esophagus.

4. List of Treatments Advised

Some complex complications can lead to cancer. One can opt for periodic endoscopy. It will help to identify the early symptoms in the upper abdominal tract. It can facilitate biopsy if needed.  

Doctors can prescribe acid-suppressing medicines so that their effect gets reduced. Medicines which is helpful in this case are omeprazolelansoprazoleesomeprazole, pantoprazole, and rabeprazole.

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Source: Unlimphotos

Cryotherapy is another treatment method. It involves passing hot and cold water through the esophagus. This cycle of freezing and heating the infected region causes the death of affected cells.   

Surgery is one of the last options available to doctors. The affected region is removed, and a small piece from the intestine is attached. This procedure has fewer complications. After surgery, one must be admitted to the hospital, and the infection region heals within 2-3 weeks. 

5. A Healthy Meal Plan

5.1. Foods Advised to Eat

It is advisable to have fruits and vegetables. They are rich in fiber. The inheritance quality of fiber is that it eases the process of digestion. In addition to this, fruits have anti-inflammatory effects. It will reduce the overall acidity in the food pipe and will not cause heartburn.

Whole grains are a combination of foods one must include in the diet plan. They may consist of bread, pasta, oatmeal, and so on. Again, whole grains are rich in fiber and will help with digestion.

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Source: Unlimphotos

Acid reflux causes this, so a low-acid diet meal is advised. This includes items like cauliflower, melons, nuts, and so on.

One can increase the consumption of watery meals. Diluting will help reduce the acidity. Soups, herbal teas, and juicy fruits are the best options.  

Lean protein can be added to the diet plan. Examples include lean poultry, lentils, non-fat yoghurts, and so on.  

5.2. Foods Advised to Avoid

One needs to avoid having sugary food items. It will lead to an increase in blood pressure. It increases the secretion of insulin hormones. Over-increasing secretion can change the tissue texture and result in unnecessary disorders. 

Consumption of food items with high sugar and carbohydrates will lead to obesity and weight gain. Instead, one can switch to glucose, fructose, fruit juices, baked products, etc.  

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Source: Unlimphotos

One needs to avoid food items that trigger acid reflux in the body. These include chocolate, alcoholic drinks, tea, coffee, tomato-based products, etc. 

6. Frequently Asked Questions

Q) Are GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus the same? 

GERD and Barrett’s esophagus are related but not the same. GERD refers to long-term Gastro-esophageal disorders that include all types of disorders. However, Barrett’s esophagus is a unique case in which the epithelial lining gets damaged. 

Q) Which types of foods are advised not to be consumed in such conditions? 

Food items including high sugar and carbohydrate content are advised not to be consumed. Food causing acid reflux is not advisable to consume.       

Q) What are some common symptoms of Barrett’s Esophagus?    

  • The feeling of fullness followed by chest pain.
  • Frequent regurgitation of stomach contents. 
  • Heartburn
  • Blood in vomit is another symptom.   

7. In the End

The article discussed the meal plan for this disorder. The primary cause is the acid reflux behind any GERD disorders. So, we should prevent foods that trigger acid reflux. It is not a very common disorder, affecting 1.2-1.6% of the population. The average age of incurring this is 55, so it is understandable that it does not affect young children. Untreated disorders may lead to cancer. Hence, precautions are better than cure.     

Last Updated on by AnoushkaRoy


Soumyo Dey

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