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Every year, hundreds of people in North California get free case evaluations on seeking Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. But, there is no guarantee of a positive result even working with a good disability lawyer. But there are some signs that you will be approved for disability, and it can help you win a claim for SSDI or SSI benefits.
The Social Security Disability benefits can be claimed when you are not able to work at least for 12 months.
Will you be Approved for Disability?
Social Security Administration denies most disability claims. The applicants need to submit claims with solid evidence of a disability. To make the Social Security Disability process, you need to present sufficient medical evidence with proof that the applicant cannot work.
Successful disability applicants earn enough work credits. Moreover, they earn less than the limit set by substantial gainful activity (SGA). If you hire a Social Security Lawyer who will help you navigate the disability claim process, it will be easy for your Social Security disability claim approved.
However, some signs will help you with your disability benefits claim. But most importantly, for your disability claim, you need to support your application with some solid medical evidence. If your medical records are strong enough, then there is a chance that your application can be approved for disability.
8 Signs That You Will be Approved for Disability
1. Sufficient Medical Evidence
Applicants fail to submit compelling medical evidence, due to which the SSA denies most of the disability applications. However one can receive disability benefits if the medical condition is strong enough to compel the SSA. The SSA determines the benefits eligibility by a Blue Booklist. It stores all the medical records and the symptoms that will qualify the claimants for Social Security Disability Benefits.
The following medical evidence is to be submitted during the submission of the application:
- Medical history record
- Reports of diagnosis
- CT scans and X-rays
- Treatments description
- Drug receipts and prescription
You will also need a signed document by your medical professionals confirming the medical condition and the accuracy of the diagnostic test. This document must be submitted along with other documents for your Social Security Disability attorney.
2. Compelling Your Disability to Work
The disability claims approval increases if the disability claimants can demonstrate that you are not in a condition to work or perform work outside of their trained area of expertise.
To be eligible for disability benefits, the applicant must submit proof that they have not worked for the last 12 consecutive months. The applicant also needs to submit the documents of the employer’s information with copies of paycheck stubs and monthly bank statements.

The Social Security Attorney (SSA) can deny your application if you fail to provide sufficient evidence to get the disability benefits.
Moreover, with valid documentation from your doctor, you can have a great chance of getting approved or awarded disability benefits. But only test results and physician’s reports are not going to help. You will need to provide some documents and details about your current health how it responds to treatment and the outcomes of this treatment.
3. Work Credits
Work Credits are gained by paying Social Security Taxes. When you have given enough social security taxes and have earned enough work credits, the SSA can approve your disability claim. When American workers make $1470 from company wages or self-employment compensation, they generate one work credit for that.
The Social Security Administration has established several work credits. They can be claimed by referring to the age when an applicant first experienced symptoms of a disability.1
4. Less Earning Than The SGA
The SSA can approve your disability claim if you cannot participate in substantial gainful activity. The minimum monthly SGA is based on the severity of an applicant’s disability according to the SSA guidelines. However, to approve applicants who are blind requires a higher amount of SGA by the Federal Regulatory Standards.
5. Non-Medical Requirements
The SSDI is determined by the work credits you have earned before becoming disabled. To use the work credits first, you need to work for five years, at least full-time out of the last ten years.
Your work credits earned will be dependent on your age and when you become disabled. Most importantly, you will require 40 credits, out of which 20 credits will be achieved in the last 10 years up to the year you become disabled. However, a young worker does not need so many work credits to be approved for disability.
The amount which is required depending on the age group is:
- If the applicant is less than 24 years old, then the applicant needs six credits in the three-year period, which must end by the beginning of your disability period.
- If the applicant is between 24 and 31 years old, then the applicant needs some work credits, which will be equal to half the time working between ages 21 and to disability period.
- If between 31 to 42 years old, the applicant will only require 20 work credits to qualify for disability benefits.
- If the applicant is above the age of 42, then the number of work credits required will be based on a sliding scale. This will add two credits every two years to the required 20 credits. An applicant with 50 years will require 28 credits to fill in the application.
6. 12 Months Disability

If your disability prevents you from working at least for a year then, there is a chance that you will get disability benefits help. This will increase your chance to qualify for disability and get approved for disability.
But, if your medical conditions state that your disability will not last for at least one year, then you will not qualify for Social Security Benefits.
7. Blue Book Listing
There are specific criteria, that if you can show your conditions meet the disabling requirements in the Blue Book listing, you can get SSDI help.
However, if you cannot show any matching of your case with the listing, you may still qualify through a medical-vocational allowance and by completing a residual functional capacity (RFC) form after tests conducted by your doctor.
Even if the applicant is capable of performing the Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA), still the applicant will not be able to claim the disability benefits. Moreover, if the applicant had a monthly income more than the SGA, during their past work will not be able to get the SSDB benefits.
Even if your disability problems are listed in the SSA Blue Book, it is not an automatic guarantee of eligibility for the attorneys. But during your work history, if you earned enough credits less than the SGA listings, you may be eligible for the benefits.
The Administrative Law Judge (ALJ)will tell you at the end of the hearing that you are selected for disability benefits. This process is called the bench decision2. If your other professional qualities are disabled and you no longer go to work, then the ALJ will approve your disability claim.
8. Hiring a Security Attorney

Most of the claims are refused, so the applicant must consult and work with a Social Security lawyer. It is always beneficial to take some legal advice since it boosts the appeals process. These lawyers help clients in receiving disability benefits from the SSA.
You can even visit for help with your claim, but it does not examine your matter. Remember, this is not a law firm. It will just provide you with the name of a subscriber attorney or advocate. User’s matter on request of a free case evaluation will be provided with the name of a subscriber lawyer in this field. The subscribing lawyers and advocates will contact the applicant in the evaluation.
These lawyers are independent attorneys who pay a fee to be listed on the website, and on request, this independent attorney or advocate appears on the user’s website. With the help of free evaluation and your advocate’s credentials, the conclusion of the process may be boosted since he will constantly be in touch with the SSA.
Key Takeaways
More than 33% of claims are accepted during the initial application. However, if your initial application is denied, you should request a reconsideration appeal.
So, it is vital to check your disabilities first. Claimants over 50 years of age are considered “advanced age” and have a great chance to qualify for the claim. Since such age has less restrictive work limits.
Moreover, the SSA benefits are calculated by the workers’ compensation. So make sure your disabilities significantly limit your ability to do essential work such as walking or sitting. Once you’re confirmed with the signs that you will be approved for disability, you should proceed with the application.
- Sheehan, David V., Kathy Harnett-Sheehan, and BA8923116 Raj. “The measurement of disability.” International clinical psychopharmacology 11 (1996): 89-95. ↩︎
- Segal, Jennifer A. “Representative decision making on the federal bench: Clinton’s district court appointees.” Political Research Quarterly 53.1 (2000): 137-150. ↩︎
Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf