how to apply foundation how to apply foundation

6 Best Steps On How To Apply Foundation Immaculately

If you are wondering how to apply foundation the right way or how to apply foundation that doesn’t look sketchy, then this is the best guide for you.

In the journey for an I-woke-up-like-this, perfect foundation finish plays a major role, here we’ll be looking at the different techniques for applying foundation.

And also get you acquainted with how to apply foundation, how to get everything on point, and how not to look cakey while you’re going for your most important interview or meeting.

Various Techniques of Applying Foundation

Let’s talk about the different ways in which we can apply foundation first.

1. How to Apply Foundation With Fingers?

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By Vladimir Georgiev on Shutterstock

Our fingers are likely the most utilized part of our whole body. Applying your base with your fingers is the ideal method for accomplishing a distinct, flawless finish.

You’ll find that the item ingests very quickly, and you’ll get a more controlled application. It is the quickest application method for getting cosmetics all over. But, since your hands can’t buff or spread the foundation like a wipe or brush, you need to take additional consideration in mixing.

To begin, ensure your fingers are perfect. Take foundation in your hand—this helps warm up the thing.

Dunk your ring finger in (it’s ideal to utilize your ring finger to apply the product gently since it utilizes a minimal measure of strain) and spread the item delicately around your skin, beginning in your T-zone and mixing outwards.

Also, remember that foundation shouldn’t be applied like other cream products—apply in a dabbing motion (which means gently tapping) and never rub, as shown in the video:

How to apply Flawless Foundation with Finger for Beginners

2. How to Apply Foundation With a Brush?

Makeup brush considers a concentrated application, so they’ll give you a flawless foundation look and full coverage. The drawback is that the fibres like to leave little streaks and lines all over. So you need to have the correct foundation brush.

You texture your cosmetics 1by placing them in little spots so close to one another that they mix to create a perfect completion and even coverage.

Apply a few dabs of it onto your face with your fingers, then, at that point, take the foundation brush and spot it to mix everything.


3. How to Apply Foundation With a Sponge?

Assuming you need the most expert, photoshop-level completion, beauty blenders are the best approach, especially for applying liquid foundation.

A beauty blender will give you an artificially glamorized look and full coverage, and you can utilize a similar wipe to mix all your cream items. It comes in various shapes and sizes, and hence it should be chosen by keeping in mind your beauty needs.

First (and this is vital), drench your wipe and press out any excess water until no water trickles—this will make it twofold in size.


Then plunge it into the liquid foundation you put on the rear of your hand and utilize a touching movement—never smirch or swipe—to skip the side of the wipe all around your face. Use the sharp tip of the wipe to mix it around your nose and eyes. 

So, let’s get started with how to apply foundation.

How to Apply Foundation Correctly?

Here are some of the things you need to know before applying foundation.

I. Getting Ready and Priming Your Skin  

A) Clean up

The first step in learning how to apply foundation is cleaning appropriately, and eliminating any soil and oil from any past cosmetics. Utilize cleansing water to reduce redness. Choose appropriately as per your skin type.

You can give it a try too –

  • Avene Micellar Lotion
  • Buy Avène Micellar Lotion 200ml · Indiaor Garnier SkinActive

B) Peel and tone your skin

Flaky or oily skin doesn’t make a decent base. Utilize a peeling scour containing hydroxy corrosive2 2-3 times each week. Also, utilize a facial toner every day in the wake of purifying your face to keep up with smooth and even skin.

C) Apply cream

Everybody should apply a cream or moisturizer with an SPF 3of 15 or higher before putting on makeup. This will assist with shielding you from the sun’s harmful beams and give you the perfect shining look.

D) Add preliminary

Preliminary can streamline the outer layer of your skin and limit the appearance of pores. It additionally battles sparkle and helps your makeup adhere throughout the day. Apply it with your fingers to work the item into your skin.

E) Shading right your skin

A shading corrector should be applied before applying a liquid foundation. Use a tone corrector to conceal dark circles under your eyes. Distinctive tone correctors are fit for various issues.

II. Working with Your Foundation

A) Start with a limited quantity

You don’t need a weighty look, so it’s ideal, to begin with, less foundation and add more only when you want to. Spot the foundation on the focal point of your brow, under your eyes, and on your nose and chin.

B) Spread the foundation outward

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By Vladimir Georgiev on Shutterstock

Start at the focal point of your face and spread the foundation toward your hairline and neck. You can utilize your fingers, a brush, or a wipe to mix your makeup.

Regardless of what you pick, you need to use a texturing method, which implies tenderly tapping it into your skin rather than scouring or wiping.

C) Use your fingers, a synthetic brush, or a sponge depending upon the inclusion required

An engineered brush is ideal, and you should spread the foundation by polishing it in little circles. Clean your wipe consistently to stay away from microbes 4development.

Try one of these cliques’ most loved foundations:

  • NARS Sheer Glow FoundationSheer Glow Foundation | NARS Cosmetics
  • or YSL Youth Liberator Foundation
Buy Forever Youth Liberator Foundation Online at Low Prices in India -

D) Mix your foundation

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By JAYANNPO on Shutterstock

Utilize your instrument of the decision to mix foundation around your face. There shouldn’t be any recognizable lines to make out where it starts or finishes; it should blend flawlessly into your ears, neck, and hairline.

E) Cover flaws

Apply concealer after your foundation. Conceal pimples or different imperfections with a touch of concealer. Crush a limited quantity onto the rear of your hand and speck it onto the flaw with clean fingers.

Make sure to mix it by delicately tapping the hid region with a wipe or brush. Attempt a thicker, full-inclusion recipe.

You can try:

  • NARS Radiant Creamy ConcealerBuy NARS Radiant Creamy Concealer, Ginger, 6ml Online at Low Prices in India -
  • Or Tarte Shape Tape Contour Concealer.
shape tape™ concealer | tarte™

F) Apply a setting powder

Wrap up your whole face by applying a setting powder over your foundation.

This is a clear, matte powder that keeps your foundation from sliding around while additionally forestalling oil development from showing through.

Plunge 5the brush in the powder, then, at that point, tap off the overabundance and twirl it over your brow, nose, and jawline in delicate, concentric circles.

 G) Bask in the outcomes

Congrats—you’ve formally learned how to apply a foundation that doesn’t look sketchy without tossing your phone over your head.

Kindly take two or three (billion) selfies and share your new abundance of information with the world.

III. Picking the Best Foundation

A) Pick an item for your skin type

Know whether you have dry, sleek, typical, or combination skin before applying foundation. This will figure out what foundation is ideal for you. There are numerous foundations designed specifically for various skin types and shades.

So before selecting, know your skin tone and type so that it gives a natural-looking finish.

B) Pick the right foundation tone

There are many foundations in the market. Since it sets the base for the remainder of your makeup, it is important to pick something that coordinates with your complexion indistinguishably.

Try various shades on your face (not your hands or your neck) and select the shade that coordinates with your complexion without blending.

C) Get the inclusion you need

If you have explicit inclusion needs, visit the cosmetics counter at a nearby retail chain and take a stab at variants on each to figure out which feels the most agreeable and looks the most sensible on you.

i)  Free powder gives the lightest inclusion.

ii) Spray Foundation gives medium inclusion.

iii) Cream Foundation gives the most inclusion.

Things To Remember

But wait!

Have you got yourself a cakey appearance? Don’t worry! We have got you!

Cake-face is a term utilized in the magnificence business to portray a look that utilizes an excessive amount of foundation and powder, bringing about a thick and exaggerated look, similar to the cosmetics that have been built up.

The following are a couple of basic strides to follow while applying foundation to keep it from looking cakey and sketchy.

1. Hydration Is The Key  

You have presumably heard it multiple times previously, that is because it is valid. Hydrated skin is the initial move towards accomplishing a flawless look.

Whether you know how to apply foundation like an expert or not, dried-out skin will prevent you from achieving the outcomes you were expecting.

2. Decide on A Light Or Medium Coverage Foundation  

Full coverage foundations are immersed with shading colours. If not utilized accurately, these foundations can feel weighty and make your foundation look cakey and inconsistent.

All things being equal, search for light or medium inclusion foundations to layer to build inclusion whenever required.

For instance, the Maybelline Fit Me Matte+Poreless Foundation is lightweight and of medium inclusion, reasonable for typical to slick skin.

3. Utilize A Makeup Sponge

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Photo by Nicola Styles on Unsplash

If you are uncertain about what devices to utilize, a soggy cosmetics wipe or blender? Blender is the ideal choice. The damp cosmetics wipe retains the abundance of foundation and leaves behind a dainty and light layer all over.

4. Apply Powder Only Where Necessary  

Effectively the most widely recognized reason for a cakey appearance is utilizing a lot of powder to set your face. Regardless of whether you are utilizing squeezed or loose powder, be aware of the amount you apply.

Utilize a lightweight powder and delicately dust it just to regions that get slick, similar to your T-zone. You can likewise utilize the powder in your under-eye region to forestall your concealer from wrinkling.

5. Liquefy Your Makeup Together With A Setting Spray  

Whenever you are finished applying foundation and the remainder of your makeup on top, spritz your face with a setting shower to finish the look—setting showers assist with keeping your cosmetics set up and liquefy all your cosmetics together disposing of any good buildup.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to wear a foundation?

The truth is that you don’t HAVE to put on foundation, especially if your skin is wonderfully clear. However, the use of foundation and the entire look it gives the skin are quite advantageous.

2. Can I use BB cream instead of foundation?

Considering BB creams often provide skincare advantages, may be used instead of foundation, and feature SPF, they can simplify your process.

3. What happens if you don’t wear a foundation?

The longer you go without using makeup, the more your skin will be able to regulate its natural exfoliation process, moisture levels, and sebum or oil production.

Important Takeaways

Makeup artists and specialists all have solid assessments regarding applying foundation, yet there’s a case that can be made for every application technique.

But whatever you use would be the right formula for you, and that would be the answer to your question of how to apply foundation.

I also hope this bit-by-bit guide will help you ace your makeup look, and that you have the answer to how to apply foundation.

Got to know about how to apply foundation but need something else, then we have something more for you, click here.

Get glowing!

  1. Fytianos, Georgios, Abbas Rahdar, and George Z. Kyzas. “Nanomaterials in cosmetics: Recent updates.” Nanomaterials 10.5 (2020): 979. ↩︎
  2. Suárez-Vega, Ana, et al. “Properties of hybrid sol-gel coatings with the incorporation of lanthanum 4-hydroxy cinnamate as corrosion inhibitor on carbon steel with different surface finishes.” Applied Surface Science 561 (2021): 149881. ↩︎
  3. He, Hailun, et al. “Natural components in sunscreens: Topical formulations with sun protection factor (SPF).” Biomedicine & pharmacotherapy= Biomedecine & pharmacotherapie 134 (2020): 111161-111161. ↩︎
  4. Nosheen, Shaista, Iqra Ajmal, and Yuanda Song. “Microbes as biofertilizers, a potential approach for sustainable crop production.” Sustainability 13.4 (2021): 1868. ↩︎
  5. Plunge, Svajunas, Mindaugas Gudas, and Arvydas Povilaitis. “Effectiveness of best management practices for non-point source agricultural water pollution control with changing climate–Lithuania’s case.” Agricultural Water Management 267 (2022): 107635. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Suchi


Harsh Bataan

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