High Fiber Foods on wooden background. Flat lay High Fiber Foods on wooden background. Flat lay

10 Highly Healthy Soluble Fiber Foods

Dietary fiber is a carbohydrate derived from plants that the human body cannot break down. Most individuals don’t get the necessary daily quantities of fiber, which is 25 and 38 grams for males and females, respectively, even though it’s important for gut and general health.

Soluble and insoluble fiber foods bulk up stools and provide a food supply for beneficial bacteria in the large intestine. Water is drawn into your stomach by soluble fiber, softening your stool bulk and promoting regular bowel motions.

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Photo by Sarah Chai from Pexels

It can cause you to feel full and relieve constipation while also potentially lowering your cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

Dietary fiber supplements, mostly found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and pulses, are well characterized by their ability to reduce and alleviate constipation. On the other hand, fiber-rich meals can help you maintain a healthy weight while decreasing your risk of developing diabetes, colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, and some forms of cancer. Highly Soluble fiber foods are very much necessary for the overall development of human health.

Varied plant meals have different amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber. Eat a wide variety of soluble fiber foods to get the most health benefits.

Fiber Nourishes The “Good” Microorganisms in Your Stomach

The bacteria inside the body outweigh the cells by a factor of ten. Bacteria can be found on the skin, mouth, and nose, but most bacteria reside in the gut, namely the large intestine.

There are between 500 and 1,000 distinct bacteria in the gut, totaling around 38 trillion cells. Gut bacteria are sometimes referred to as gut ecology.

This isn’t always a negative thing. In reality, you and certain bacteria that dwell in your digestive tract have a mutually beneficial connection.

You supply the bacteria with food, shelter, and a safe environment. In return, they take on some of the responsibilities that the human body cannot do on its own.

Fiber travels through the large intestine mostly unharmed because human cells lack the enzymes required to break it down.

Gut microbes, on the other hand, contain enzymes that can break down many of these fibers.

Soluble fiber foods supplements are necessary for good health for the most significant reason. They work as prebiotics, feeding the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

This approach encourages the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, which can have various health benefits.

The beneficial bacteria generate nutrients and vitamins, such as short-chain fatty acids like acetate, propionate, and butyrate, the latter of which seems to become the most essential for your digestive system.

Benefits Of Soluble Fiber Foods:

1. Improves the Regularity of Bowel Motions

Dietary fiber softens and expands your feces in weight and size. Constipation is less likely with a thick stool since it is simpler to release. If you have loose, watery stools, fiber, which absorbs water and gives the stool weight, can help firm it up.

2. Helps to Keep Your Intestines Healthy

A high-fiber diet can help avoid hemorrhoids and small pouches in the colon. A high-fiber diet has also been shown to reduce the incidence of colon cancer in studies. In the colon, some fiber intake is digested. Researchers have been investigating how this may help to avoid colon illnesses.

3. It Tends to Lower Levels of Cholesterol

Soluble fiber, such as that found in beans, fruits, veggies, flaxseed, and oats, may help decrease blood cholesterol by reducing low-density level cholesterol. According to research, high-fiber meals may also offer additional cardiovascular advantages, such as regulating blood pressure and cholesterol.

4. Aids in The Management of Blood Glucose Levels

Fiber, especially soluble fiber foods, can assist patients with diabetes in controlling their blood sugar levels by slowing sugar absorption. Insoluble fiber, together with a balanced diet, may help to lower the risk of developing diabetes.

5. Assists in The Attainment of A Healthy Weight

Because soluble fiber foods seem to be more satisfying than low-fiber content ones, you will eat very little and feel content for longer. High-fiber meals also take a lot of time to be consumed and generate less power, meaning they contain less caloric per unit of volume of a material.

6. Helps You in Living a Longer Life

According to research, raising your soluble fiber foods consumption, particularly cereal fiber, has been linked to a lower risk of suffering from coronary heart disease and all malignancies.

The Finest Fiber Options for You

You may need to increase your soluble fiber foods intake if you aren’t receiving enough each day. The following are some excellent options:

  1. Products made from whole grains.
  2. Most commonly eaten fruits such as avocados, peaches, and raw guava fruit
  3. Vegetables
  4. Legumes such as beans, peas, and other legumes.
  5. Seeds and nuts such as sunflower seeds.

Refined or prepackaged meals have lower dietary fibers, such as tinned fruits and veggies, sludge-free liquids, white flatbread, pasta servings, and non-whole grain cereals.

The grain’s outer shell (bran) is removed during the purification process, lowering the fiber content. Some Nutritional supplements and iron are put back to enriched meals after manufacturing, but not fiber. They also contain antioxidant and anticancer properties.

Top 10 Soluble Fiber Foods

The top soluble fiber foods that are also plant foods are as follows:

1. Black Beans

Black beans come under soluble fiber foods that are not just a fantastic way to add a meaty texture to your recipes, but they’re also a great source of fiber.

Each cup contains 15 grams per fiber, or 40–60% of the RDA for adults, or roughly what the average person consumes each day.

Fermentable sugar or pectin, a kind of soluble fiber that turns sticky when wet, is found in black beans. This might cause your stomach to take longer to empty, allowing your body more time to absorb nutrients.

In addition to being high in protein and iron, black beans are also low in calories and practically fat-free. 5.4 grams of soluble fiber per three-quarters cup of cooked black beans.

2. Lima Beans

Lima beans, also called butter beans, are large, flat, greenish legumes that fall under soluble fiber foods. They’re mostly carbohydrates and protein, with a little fat thrown in for good measure.

They have less total dietary fiber than black beans, but they have almost the same soluble fiber. Lima beans also possess pectin, a soluble fiber that has been linked to less blood sugar increases after meals.

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Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Lima beans must be soaked and cooked before eating since they are poisonous when eaten raw. Lima beans provide 5.3 grams of total soluble fiber intake every three-quarter cup of lima beans.

Read more about lima beans’ benefits.

3. Carrots

Carrots are among the most widely consumed and delicious veggies on the planet, which also come under soluble fiber foods. Carrots are commonly simmered or steamed, but they may also be shredded into a salad and used to make sweets such as carrot cake.

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Photo by Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels

You might be told as a teenager to eat carrots for better eye vision. Carrots are high in beta carotene, which is turned into vitamin A. This nutrient is good for your eyes, and it’s especially good for night vision.

A cup of diced cooked carrots has 4.6 grams of total dietary fiber content, with 2.4 grams of soluble fiber. Because so many individuals eat this vegetable regularly, it can be a great source of dietary fiber.

Read more about the benefits of carrot juice.

4. Kidney Beans

Kidney beans that come under soluble fiber foods got their name from their distinctive form.

They’re an important component in chilli con carne and a good source of nutritional fiber, complex carbohydrates, and proteins. They are practically fat-free, and they’re high in iron and calcium.

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Photo by Sunsetoned from Pexels

Kidney beans are high in soluble fiber pectin. Beans, on the other hand, might be difficult to digest for some people. If this is the case, increase your kidney bean intake slowly to avoid discomfort. Cooked beans intake slowly will help you in decreasing irritable bowel syndrome.

5. Sweet Potato

Potassium, beta carotene, Vitamin b, and fiber are all abundant in sweet potatoes. A medium sweet potato has more than 400% of the Recommended Daily Consumption of vitamin A. Sweet potatoes are one of the important parts of the soluble fiber foods group.

Furthermore, the typical potato has around 4 grams of fiber, with about half of it soluble.

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Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels

As a result, sweet potatoes can help you get more soluble fiber in your diet.

Sweet potato in the soluble fiber form may have an essential role in weight loss. The more there you consume, the more gastrointestinal system hormones are released, which might also help you lower your overall hunger and blood sugar levels.

Sweet potatoes provide 1.8 grams of soluble fiber for every half cup of cooked sweet potato. This soluble fiber draws water and relieves bowel issues.

6. Oats

Oats are among the most adaptable and nutritious grains available, which come from oat bran and come under soluble fiber foods. Breakfast cereals, waffles, pancakes, and fruit desserts may all be made with them.

They’re high in beta-glucan, a kind of soluble fiber linked to lower LDL 1(low) cholesterol and better blood sugar management. 3 grams of oat β glucan per day is thought to reduce the risk of heart disease. 10 grams of total dietary fiber are found in around 1.25 cups of dried oats.

There are 5.8 grams of insoluble fiber and 4.2 grams of soluble fiber, including 3.6 grams of beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is also responsible for the characteristic creamy texture of porridge.

1.9 grams of soluble fiber is found per cup of cooked oats.

7. Barley

Although some people connect barley with brewers, this healthy and nutritious ancient grain of soluble fiber frequently enhances soups, curries, and casseroles.

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Photo from Pixabay from pexels

It includes around 3.5–5.9% of the soluble fiber beta-glucan2, which reduces cardiovascular disease risk, similar to oats.

0.8 grams of soluble fiber is present per half cup of cooked barley.

8. Broccoli

Broccoli is indeed a cruciferous vegetable that thrives in the fall and winter. It’s generally dark green, although purple variants are also available.

By Yellowj/unlimphotos.com Copyright 2022.

It contains a lot of vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting and folate, magnesium and potassium, and vitamin C. It’s also anti-inflammatory and has properties that can prevent cancer.

Broccoli has 2.6 grams of dietary fiber per 3.5 oz, with much more than 50% soluble. It is one of the important parts of soluble fiber foods.

Broccoli’s rich soluble fiber content can help your gut health by feeding beneficial gut bacteria or microorganisms in your large intestine. These healthy bacterias produce beneficial simple fatty acids like butyrate and acetate. 1.5 grams of soluble fiber content are present in one-half cup of cooked broccoli.

9. Whole Flax Seeds

Linseeds, or flax seeds, are little brown, golden, or yellow seeds that come under soluble fiber foods.

They’re nutrient-dense and may be used to boost the nutritional value of milkshakes, biscuits, and porridge.

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Photo by Delphine Hourlay from pexels

1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds added to your cereal can provide an additional 3.5 grams of fiber and 2 grams of protein. They’re indeed one of the finest sources of omega-3 fatty acids 3found in plants.

Soak powdered flax seeds overnight if feasible since this causes the soluble fiber in the seeds to mix with the water to produce a gel that may assist digestion.

Per tablespoon of whole flax seeds,4 soluble fiber content ranges from 0.6–1.2 grams.

10. Brussels Sprouts

Although Brussels sprouts have supporters and opponents, it is indisputable that this vegetable is high in vitamins, minerals, and cancer-fighting compounds.

Furthermore, with 4 grams of fiber per cup, Brussels sprouts are a wonderful source of fiber, and they also come under soluble fiber foods.

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Photo by Alesia Kozik from Pexels

Brussels sprouts’ soluble fiber can be utilized to feed healthy intestinal flora. These generate vitamin K and vitamin B, as well as short-chain fatty acids, which help to maintain the integrity of your gut lining.

In the one-half cup of Brussels sprouts, there are 2 grams of soluble fiber content.


Fiber-rich meals are beneficial to your health. Having too much fiber too quickly, on the other hand, might cause gastrointestinal gas, discomfort, and cramping. Increase your fiber intake gradually over time. This gives your digestive system’s natural bacteria time to acclimatize to the change.

Soluble fiber foods are beneficial to your stomach and general health, as it lowers bad cholesterol and help you maintain your blood sugar levels, lessening your risk of heart disease.

To boost your soluble fiber consumption, it’s usually better to start small and gradually build up your intake.

Drinking plenty of water is also a good suggestion. This will assist digestion and avoid constipation by allowing the soluble fiber to form a gel.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What Advantages Do Soluble Fiber Foods Have for Our Health?

Eating soluble fiber-rich foods helps lower cholesterol levels, improve blood sugar regulation, encourage regular bowel movements, and lower your chance of developing certain diseases like colon cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

2. How Much Soluble Fiber Should I Take in Each Day?

Adults should consume 25–30 grams of fiber per day, at least 5–10 of which should be soluble fiber. Yet, it could change depending on factors including age, gender, amount of activity, and health.

3. Can Too Much Soluble Fiber Be Bad for You?

Bloating, gas, and diarrhea are gastrointestinal symptoms that can result from consuming too much soluble fiber. Drink plenty of water and gradually increase your fiber intake, as well.

The 6 Essential Nutrients Your Body Needs
Icy Health
  1. Gencer, Baris, et al. “Efficacy and safety of lowering LDL cholesterol in older patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.” The Lancet 396.10263 (2020): 1637-1643. ↩︎
  2. Mathews, Rebecca, Alison Kamil, and YiFang Chu. “Global review of heart health claims for oat beta-glucan products.” Nutrition Reviews 78.Supplement_1 (2020): 78-97. ↩︎
  3. Appleton, Katherine M., et al. “Omega‐3 fatty acids for depression in adults.” Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 11 (2021). ↩︎
  4. Choudhry, Arshi, et al. “Flax seeds based magnetic hybrid nanocomposite: An advance and sustainable material for water cleansing.” Journal of Water Process Engineering 42 (2021): 102150. ↩︎

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