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Crystals that help with anxiety offer an intangible source of emotional support. Notwithstanding skeptical opinions, people have continued to find reliable comfort in such crystals and stones.
For the unbelievers, this idea that crystals made out of precious, semi-precious, or non-precious stones may help to soothe your psychological and emotional states seems to be foolhardy.

However, even they can’t shake the fascination with the alleged power and magic these crystals have. The folklore and mystic presentation in popular media of crystals and stones having miraculous effects have also fed this fascination.
In this context, anxiety-relieving crystals are often linked with spirituality and are used in a lot of practices to cure several other conditions.
Crystals that help with anxiety are a form of alternative therapy. Healing crystals are just some of the tools used for decreasing anxiety and treating stress, anxiety, fear, worry, or even panic attacks.
Each with its own healthy abilities for the mind, body, and soul, crystals build up good energy flow and help you take charge of your own life.
There’s also a whole class of crystals that are meant to offer up protection — from bad spirits, negative energy from others, and downer feelings.
And even if you’re not a full follower of the rocks’ powers, they can be a way to set an intention, a visual cue that you are working to think or speak more boldly. Plus, they can even double as decor. It’s a win-win situation!
So, here’s our rundown of the best healing crystals for those who justify the sacred space of peace to kick away anxiety and stress.
1. Best Anxiety Alleviating Crystals and Stones
1.1. White/Clear Quartz for the Soul

Quartz is a crystal with a white stone base, combined with the idea of purity that grows from achieving enlightenment. Clear quartz crystals have a beautiful, sparkling shine reminiscent of gemstones which contain all the colors of the spectrum.
It has a healing effect and a unifying force of purity. When worn against the skin, quartz healing crystals help with anxiety. They have a simple way to access their grounding outcomes.
It is a fabulous tool that can help you discover the sense of internal calm, we need so much in times of anxiety and tension. Clear Quartz can be efficiently used to remain organized in tense situations.
1.2. Rose Quartz for the Heart Chakra

The pink stones signify the heart chakra. This is the most powerful stone among all the crystals as it will provide you the energy to view life through rose-tinted glasses. The pink hue is the color of unlimited love and compassion.
It gives you full strength to fight your anxiety. Rose quartz has a strong healing effect on anxiety. Rose quartz crystals are almost of pastel pale pink shade. These stones function both to receive and give love.
1.3. Yellow Jewellery Stones
The most palpable embodiment of pleasant emotions is the shade of yellow. It is the most eminent aura and has a charming appearance among all the hues of the color spectrum.
Good examples include yellow jasper and citrine as yellow gems par excellence. Citrine yellow color stones also represent spiritual joy as it overcomes negative energy and also panic attacks.
It is also said that it is one of only two gems that do not need to be filtered or even restored. Wear healing crystal jewelry with yellow stones and always have a little ray of sunlight where ever you go.
Wearing these yellow-themed healing gems means you’ll shine from the inside out in your life.
1.4. Blue Coloured Gemstones to Reduce Stress
The blue shade symbolizes self-expression and helps in stressful situations. It signifies the nature of a river with peace that is attained deep within the comfortable place in the soul.
1.4.1. Blue Lace Agate
Blue Lace Agate stone crystals are just the thing if you are plagued by anxiety and stress. These crystals or gemstones are clean and with anti-anxiety medication effects.
1.4.2. Lapis Lazuli
These semi-precious stones control balance in the mind by cooling off stressful times. Furthermore, like these overwhelmingly blue stones, there are even violet-colored stones associated with relieving stress and anxiety.
1.5. Tiger’s Eye Gem Stones for Healing
You can enhance your strength and motivate yourself by using this stone. The most reliable way to heal yourself internally is by using a shiny tiger’s eye stone.
It is said that you can get free of your mental breakdown and body anxiety.

It also assists you to build up self-preservation. You should definitely use a tiger’s eye healing crystal against your skin for stress relief.
It also makes us rid of anxiety attacks. This will be very helpful for your career ambitions or even matters of your soul.
This yellowish golden tiger eye stone also leads you to consistency and helps you restore clear and conscious decisions.
1.6. Obsidian Healing Crystal Gemstone

This crystal stone has a definite property that protects your soul and body. Obsidian healing crystal has the property to help you in physical well-being and also reduces mental negativity which builds up anxiety.
This stone improves clarity, properties of strength, and empathy to find your true self-sense feeling.
Obsidian crystal stones can be also used for your physical body, which will increase metabolism and detoxification by equally overcoming pain and cramps in your body.
1.7. Overcome Anxiety Attacks with Amethyst Crystal

The amethyst crystal is our protector on days we feel under stress and find it difficult to hold on. It gives clarity and loosens up the mind, helping us to understand what creates stress.
This gorgeous crystal can help us decrease anxiety by giving you peaceful vibes. Keeping amethyst crystals close to your body can prove to have a positive effect.
1.8. Release Tension and Reduce Anxiety with Black Tourmaline Crystal

Black Tourmaline is a potent stone that can be used to defend against any kind of adverse influence. It’s rated one of the best stones to protect against dangerous EMFs.
During stressful moments it can be used to reacquire sensitive balance and strength. Other than only stress1, it also serves you with many other different properties:
- Enhancement in circulation
- Develops a healthy and energetic mood
- Helps to detox from large metals and environmental pollutants
- Helps in weight loss and reducing bloating
- Mainly used for stress and anxiety relief
- Supports disengaging obsessive actions
- Supports a strong immune system
1.9. When the Grass Always Looks Greener on the Other Side: Green Crystals and Stones
1.9.1. Jade

Green stones, like jade, can help us to bring stability to our life when we are stressed. The color green as a healing crystal is the color for ultimate good luck.
Wearing green stone as a healing crystal against your skin will provide you with the energy to pursue powerful success and prosperity while adhering to your principles.
1.9.2. Aventurine for Anxiety

Another green stone that has added advantage of succeeding in achievements in life is the aventurine crystal. By providing yourself with its presence, you are set for recuperation.
This is because the aventurine gemstone will keep you away from stress and anxiety2. It is one of the most used gemstones that belong to the family of green-colored stones and crystals.
Aventurine gemstone belongs to a category of minerals that is called chalcedony. These colored stones have a meaning that is steeped in prosperity and confidence.
1.10. Overcome Depression and Anxiety with Lepidolite
The lepidolite crystal is one of the most beneficial stones for the relief from stress and anxiety. It normally contains the element lithium, which is essentially used in the anti-anxiety medication process.
This stone brings balance in stressful times when we feel emotionally confused or extremely worried.
This crystal may be used by placing it in the heart chakra space which will help you recover your sensitive balance in life. Further, wearing lepidolite jewelry can bring an experience of soothing energy throughout the day.
Displaying the healing crystal near your bed to resonate with its soothing power while you relax can also be a great way to detox and release stress.
2. Choosing Crystals and Recognising Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can affect everything we do, create or feel. It can also change our body functions. can feel and cope with stress differently and the types can also exhibit in different ways.
Different crystal types can help us through distinct situations and stresses.
A combination use of healing stones that are in tandem with each other and accentuate the general well-being of an individual can only be possible if anxiety and its causes can be recognized and pinpointed.
2.1. Stress Types on the Physical Level
Tissue tensions, common colds, diseases, allergies3, diarrhea or illness, nausea, boils, hyperventilating, palpitations, high blood pressure, heart problems, sexual problems, and menstrual problems.
2.2. Psychological Level Stress
Failure to think or make simple decisions, memory lapses, depression, anxiety, negative thinking, mood swings, frustration, irritability, lack of motivation, self-confidence, and self-esteem.
2.3. Behavioural Stress Types
Increased reliance on coffee, smoking, alcohol, recreational or illegal drugs, workaholic, relationship problems, self-neglect, insomnia4, recklessness, aggressive and anger outbursts.
3. Crystals That Help with Anxiety: Conclusion
These elegant gemstones can help you to get rid of anxiety and stressful times. They also provide you with equal balance within your soul to again rebuild the positive energy within yourself.
These healing crystals that help with anxiety also encourage you to take life in strides. Their presence can help fulfill your dreams and future goals.
4. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
4.1. What is the Best Crystal for Anxiety?
Crystals like amethyst, moonstone, and blue-agate are some of the semi-precious stones that have been associated with improvement in anxiety control.
4.2. Do Anxiety Bracelets Really Work?
While there is still a dearth of research and verifiable evidence Anxiety bracelets are becoming an important part of remedial action against rising anxiety
4.3. What Gemstone is for Mental Peace?
Blue-colored gemstones like lapis lazuli have been associated with restoring mental balance and regulating mental peace.
4.4. What Gemstone Helps With Panic Attacks?
Citrine yellow stone has properties that have been reported to aid in relieving stress and anxiety as well as also controlling the pace of occurrence and intensity of panic attacks.
4.5. What is Tiger’s Eye Good for?
Tiger’s eye gemstone caters to self-preservation and self-independency. Its use has been associated with positive individual and career achievement.
To find out more about healing the body and mind read 16 Mindfulness Activities for Adults.
To read more, click here.
- O’Connor, Daryl B., Julian F. Thayer, and Kavita Vedhara. “Stress and health: A review of psychobiological processes.” Annual review of psychology 72 (2021): 663-688. ↩︎
- Knowles, Kelly A., and Bunmi O. Olatunji. “Specificity of trait anxiety in anxiety and depression: Meta-analysis of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory.” Clinical psychology review 82 (2020): 101928. ↩︎
- O’Brady, Kathy. “Allergies.” Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (2021): 205-207. ↩︎
- Van Someren, Eus JW. “Brain mechanisms of insomnia: new perspectives on causes and consequences.” Physiological reviews 101.3 (2021): 995-1046. ↩︎
Last Updated on by Suchi