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Ice addiction1 can become an alarming issue. so our article about how to detox from ice at home might show the bright side to you or someone you know who has become prey to this drug.
The detox process keeps getting hard as a person gets entwined in the web of addiction more and more unless someone opts for an effective treatment. Effective treatments include various options, and one of the options is to detox from home under supervision,
1. What Is Crystal Meth?

Methamphetamine is a highly potent, addictive, and stimulant drug. It derives this name through its exterior crystal-like appearance, endowing it with another name called ‘Crystal Meth.’ This drug is commonly known as ‘ice.’ Crystal meth gives people a rush of euphoria, loss of appetite, and increased awareness.
With excessive abuse of this drug, people tend to build tolerance towards it and thereby require more to satisfy their usual needs. This leads to a sense of dependence on the drug to achieve pleasure and escape the daily pressure of situations and challenges.
Many people end up relapsing while trying to follow a withdrawal timeline2. They relapse and start tweaking, which is one of the meth binges But just as there is a way to overcome negativity, one can surely get over any addiction, including crystal meth addiction.3
2. What Is Detox?
Detox or detoxification, in general, means getting rid of all the harmful toxins in your body. By getting rid of these chemicals in your body, you give it a new lease of life, rejuvenate, and in turn, feel better. In this process, we strengthen and optimize our body’s natural detoxification system.
When you have been in the clutches of a drug for a very long time, detoxing becomes quite hard. But how to detox from ice at home? What are the steps to start?
3. How To Detox From Ice At Home
3.1. Strongly Avoid Meth
This is the first step to detox at home. During the withdrawal process, you might give in to your cravings, and since that is not a thing you want to happen, this step is the first and most important step.
3.2. Eat Clean and Stay Hydrated

This cannot be stressed enough. Eating clean and staying hydrated is necessary to instill the feel-good factor in you and fight cravings.
3.3. Let People Help You

It is okay to ask for help or be helped in these times, so do not hesitate to ask for help.
If the thoughts of how to detox from ice at home wander in your mind, you first need to follow these above-given steps.
4. The Effects Of Meth Use

Methamphetamine is a highly potent stimulant that increases dopamine secretion in the brain4, the chemical responsible for pleasure and happiness. But, abuse of crystal meth (or crystal meth addiction) leads to problems in the short and long term.
Some of them include:
- Rapid heartbeat
- High blood pressure
- Avoiding hobbies and favorite activities
- Engaging in unsafe activities
- Respiratory problems
- Immune system dysfunction
- Marked confusion
- Memory loss
- Disruptive sleep patterns
- A total break from reality
Meth suppresses appetite, too, and these symptoms vary from person to person depending on the severity of drug abuse. It can really transform the life of a person into a living hell.
5. How Does The Brain React To Ice Addiction?
Ice addiction greatly hampers brain functioning and tampers with the hormones secreted in it, responsible for the body’s proper functioning. It can destroy brain cells by triggering acute neurotransmitters present in the brain and rendering them useless or less actively accessible.
Prolonged use of crystal meth can leave behind long-term effects on the brain, which may cause irreparable damage to the brain.
Some of these are:
- Hallucinations and temporary psychosis
- Cognitive issues
- Hampered central nervous system
- Decrement in mental flexibility
- Brain damage and death of brain cells
5.1. Does The Brain Really Recover From Ice Addiction?

Ice Addiction is a very serious condition, and the patient strives to recover from it completely. Getting rid of this addiction is possible, but does the brain really recover from the ice addiction?
Can someone who was a past ice addict reverse the damage to his brain?
As we have studied in this article, Meth is a dangerous destructive drug. The toxic substance, that is Meth will significantly cause damage not only to the body but also to the mind and the brain. In fact, Meth destroys the brain cells and also triggers changes in the neurotransmitters. This completely can remap the brain. Meth is a powerful drug that can influence motor skills, speech, and memory power negatively.
Talking about the recovery of the brain, it is possible for the brain to recover to an extent. But restoring and healing the brain is a long-time process. It might take up to 1 ½ years of entire sobriety. After such a prolonged period of meth detox, one will experience progress in the functioning of his brain.
6. Treatment
Recovering from an addiction of any sort is a herculean task for the addict, but it is not impossible. If the person is willing to be cured, they will be cured by following certain steps and procedures such as the guidelines mentioned in How to Detox at Home guides.
If a person joins a treatment facility, the treatment for meth addiction is mainly carried out by a professional under medical supervision. Although having a medical professional provide medical advice to you is the best way to treat such an illness, many do not have the financial resources to seek treatment options at treatment facilities or centers.
People always prefer to detox in the comfort bubble, which is their home, so rather than going to treatment centers, they look for how to detox at home. While the speed of the detox process partly depends on the patient and the medication, it is sure to give you the desired results and freedom from crystal meth.
7. Meth Withdrawal Symptoms
Addicts following the crystal meth withdrawal timeline need to cross mainly 3 phases.
During the first phase, since the addict is giving a red sign to further intake of drugs, the remaining drug in the body slowly starts to wear off, raising withdrawal and depressive symptoms. This phase is also known as the ‘crash period,’ The symptoms begin as a decline in energy and cognitive function is observed.

The following are meth withdrawal symptoms:
- Extreme fatigue and lethargy
- Excessive sleepiness or insomnia
- Intense cravings(food or drugs)
- Increased appetite
- Severe depression
- Apathy
- Hallucinations
- Paranoia
- Suicidal thoughts
- Anxiety
- Confusion
- Anhedonia
Most physical symptoms carry on for 2-3 days during the initial withdrawal process. Patients also experience hopelessness, body aches, and lowered concentration.
Coming between 7 to 15 days, meth withdrawal symptoms like intense drug cravings are no longer noticeable. But, the patient can still experience frequent mood swings, agitation, depression, and other symptoms. Although most meth withdrawal symptoms subside as the person keeps following how-to-detox at-home guides, fatigue can continue along with minor urges, leading to a relapse.
After a month, things start to take a much better turn, most symptoms start to vanish, and the patient’s health improves as the patient’s mood stabilizes, irregular sleep patterns vanish, and energy levels improve a lot more. The patient can then go for further rehabilitation programs specializing in dual diagnosis treatment.
Meth withdrawal symptoms stand to be disastrous for the patient, and in most cases, they can’t handle it. It is preferable to check on the patient when they are showing the symptoms as the symptoms affect both physical and mental health. The patient’s mental health is an important factor that people should take care of while treating them.
Stage-Wise Time-line of Meth Detox
Take a look at the following stages which you will go through. The three main stages leading to the meth withdrawal process are discussed below in brief.
7.1. Crashing – Stage 1

Check out the following pointers which are common in Stage 1 that is Crashing
- An addiction going from high to low suddenly is called crashing.
- Problems such as stomach issues, muscle aches, hallucinations, and headaches are common in crashing.
- Stage 1 ranges from several days to weeks.
- The withdrawal process normally takes 10 to 20 days.
7.2. Cravings – Stage 2

Check out the following pointers which are common in Stage 2 that is Craving
- Now your body will clean itself.
- Meth will start disappearing from your body.
- The period of cravings will still persist.
- Cravings will continue for several months.
- At this time, you are advised to take assistance from professionals or family members who will keep away from these urges.
7.3. Rehabilitation – Stage 3

Check out the following pointers which are common in Stage 3 which is Rehabilitation
- Though ice addiction is serious, recovery from it is also possible. The maximum recovery will be based on your decision to let go and quit.
- After the detox period, there will be many health plans like treatment for mental peace, individual therapy programs, treatment based on evidence, men’s and women’s treatment centers, and a holistic approach towards treatment.
- After the process of the detox program, you will now consult with the therapist to choose a suitable plan for you.
- Here you will always have guidance to choose your plan according to your goal and circumstances.
8. Is Going Cold Turkey At Home A Good Idea?

Coming out of any addiction is not child’s play, especially when the person has been prey to the drug for a very long time. Since home provides you with a comfort zone, an addict would most likely go cold turkey in their personal environment.
No matter how good it is to go cold turkey, it shouldn’t be done without supervision. Though it is the conventional form of recovery and one of the options that a person has in their hands when the thoughts of how to detox at home are wandering their mind, it is effective when performed under medical supervision.
It’s normal for the addict to go through a phase of depression as it is one of the meth withdrawal symptoms, but when intense cravings and depression combine, there are major chances that the addict will relapse. Therefore, going to a rehab center would be suitable during this time.
9. How To Detox At Home With The Help Of Medicines?

When the patients are experiencing the pinnacle of meth withdrawal symptoms, sometimes it is best to consult medical professionals and go to a proper treatment center and receive treatment. The use of medicines helps stop intense drug cravings and repairs the damage done by substance abuse. Generally, anti-depressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are used to reduce drug cravings, treat severe depression, and avoid relapse.
If the patient is following the path of detoxing from ice at home, family members should help and take care of them. They should check if the dosage prescribed to the patient is being taken in the right amount at the right time. If family members cannot be around, any medical staff can be kept for supervision. Psychological symptoms may be visible but should not be a concern if the proper medication is administered.
If the home environment is not suited to recovery, then a medically supervised detox at a treatment facility is more favorable, especially for long-term meth consumers. Medically supervised detox facilities first check the patient’s history of meth abuse, then compare it to the patient’s current condition, provide the required stimulant medications, and begin recovery.
10. How To Avoid Relapse?
After going cold turkey on meth use, no one would like to relapse during their recovery journey, as the journey has been tiring. Relapsing during any detox process5 is quite common. It has been seen that intense drug cravings fused with poor mental health lead to relapses.
Work accordingly to these tips to avoid a relapse during the crystal meth withdrawal process:
10.1. Undergoing Counselling Or Therapy
Even after attaining sobriety, it is good to get further treatment in therapy from medical professionals by joining a suitable rehab program that keeps you on track.
A treatment provider considers the underlying emotional issues and the patient’s mental health to provide them with continued care. Tracking your progress, and accomplishing daily goals related to detox might build confidence and keep you going with how to detox at home.
10.2. Steer Clear Of The Urge
Avoid situations that could lead to a relapse. These situations may include going to old friends who might have meth.
Even when you are following the guidelines of how to detox at home, you might relapse. In this case, take the help of a family member and distance yourself from such temptations. Once you relapse, you have to repeat the whole tiresome process; hence better to be safe than sorry.
10.3. Joining Support Groups

By joining group rehab or group therapy programs, people can continue their path to maintaining sobriety for an extended period of time.
In group therapy programs, people talk about their past experiences with drug abuse and how they overcame their urges and their problems. This inculcates a feeling of togetherness and provides the addicts with where they can express all they have been through without being judged by anyone, which boosts self-esteem.
10.4. Pursuing A Positive Attitude
During the whole period of one’s recovery, it is very common to feel low, anxious, and depressed.
Here, one can only think of the good things waiting to come for them once they are fully cured. Also, one can read books, take good positive ideas and implement them, build a positive attitude and outlook towards life as a whole, and keep following the guidelines of how to detox at home.
10.5. Exercising

Exercising can help freshen you not only mentally but physically as well. Going for a walk or being in the midst of nature shall divert your mind and your urge, and it will also keep your body and mind healthy.
One can also do yoga or join other people for yoga classes if going alone feels like a hassle. Exercising while being in between many people will help you muster up the courage to not relapse.
10.6. Attaining New Life Skills
Learning new things can help pass your time and enhance your skill set in some particular domain. This could be something such as cooking, or this could also become a hobby for you. You can choose from many things, such as art, singing, dancing, and learning whatever you feel happy doing, and eventually, with time, you get a lot better at it.
10.7. All You Have To Do Is Ask
Even if you feel cornered by such an event, don’t be worried, as people who care for you are always there to help you.
Such events always test a person’s mental fortitude; hence, letting out and sharing your problems with someone is always the best way to deal with such ordeals. It always feels encouraging to know that someone is beside you, even in your toughest times. Hence, keep communicating.
11. Advantages Of Detoxing At Home
If someone is wondering what the advantages of detoxing at home are, there are many, so let’s get curious to know more about how to detox at home. We will also speak of the potential risks of detoxing at home so that you can avoid those.
Some of the advantages are:
- Comfort – Your home provides you with comfort, safety, and security. Therefore, a person would always like to overcome negativities living in their comfort zone.
- Financial Aspects – It is a more viable solution financially, as you do not have to pay for the high medical treatment costs and other treatment options at home.
- Anonymity – People feel ashamed of their substance abuse and have different thoughts about what others will think. While being at home and anonymous, an addict can overcome this insecurity.
12. Risks Of Detoxing At Home

The addict needs to withdraw themself from all the toxicities of the drug, and thus they feel methamphetamine withdrawal when they opt to detox at home. Sometimes it is very hard to deal with, and medications should be considered to ease the discomfort if required.
It is also plausible to hire a professional treatment provider to care for the patient at home if things go out of hand or send them to treatment centers.
13. Why Take Support While Detoxifying

It is always advised to take support from any drug addiction. A similar is the case when you undergo meth detox. You must take support while undergoing ice detox for the following reasons:
When a person undergoes meth detox, they can go through medical complications especially if they have underlying health conditions. In that case, support while detoxifying from ice is mandatory.
There might also be other complications apart from underlying health issues during a detox process, thus it is always advised to take help from family members or from any medical professionals during the meth detox.
With support, the patients can get medical aid from professionals or at least family members can be there to attend to any medical need during the ice detox journey.
The process of the ice detox journey is safe with medical and family support as possible triggers of relapse can be avoided in such cases.
Also, with support, after the process of detox, one can go for therapy sessions for complete recovery.
14. Conclusion
‘How To Detox From Ice At Home’ guides always turn out to be helpful for those who are willing to fight meth addictions. These ‘how to detox at home’ guides are on the internet to show you the way and enlighten you. They act as a bridge to connect you with a better future filled with good physical and mental health and away from all the toxicities.
The key is only in your hand. If you are willing to fight addictions, you will win no matter how complex the path is. If you give up, you will be pulled deep into the darkness. Ultimately, the choice is yours to make.
We tried to cover the pros and cons of detoxing from ice at home and avoiding relapse. Substance use disorder is probably common today, so if you have become the prey of any drug addiction, don’t hesitate to ask for help.
1. How can I get detoxed faster from Meth?
A. If you want to get rid of Meth in a faster process, do the following:
- Take help from a certified doctor or from a genuine family member.
- Take care of your diet. Eat good food to keep your mind healthy. Check on your cravings, and instead feed on healthy food when there is an ice craving.
- Do a lot of physical exercises. Sweating your body is another form of physical detoxification. Also, with rigorous exercise, your mind will be focused and concentrated on something positive.
- Practice breathing exercises to channel your negative energy into something positive. You can do Asian breathing techniques to get relief from uneasy breathing and heart rate during a craving attack.
2. What does ice do to our hearts?
A. Ice can cause cardiotoxic effects on our hearts. This will lead to the narrowing of blood vessels and thus weaken the heart muscles.
3. What are the potential risks of detoxing from ice at home?
A: Detoxing from ice can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms, including anxiety, depression, fatigue, psychosis, and intense drug cravings. Without proper medical supervision, these symptoms can be difficult to manage and may pose serious risks to physical and mental health.
Read more
- García-García, Isabel, et al. “Food addiction, skating on thin Ice: A critical overview of neuroimaging findings.” Current Addiction Reports 7 (2020): 20-29. ↩︎
- Moeini, Mina, et al. “Neuro-immuno-endocrine interactions in early life stress and heroin withdrawal timeline.” European Addiction Research 26.1 (2020): 28-39. ↩︎
- Kish, Stephen J. “Pharmacologic mechanisms of crystal meth.” Cmaj 178.13 (2008): 1679-1682. ↩︎
- Ugrumov, Michael V., et al. “Developing brain as an endocrine organ: secretion of dopamine.” Molecular and cellular endocrinology 348.1 (2012): 78-86. ↩︎
- Sannibale, Claudia, et al. “Process evaluation of an out‐patient detoxification service.” Drug and Alcohol Review 24.6 (2005): 475-481. ↩︎
Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf