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Well, before knowing how to cure fissures permanently, it’s better to know about fissures in detail. So, let’s get started.
An anal fissure is a small crack that can occur in the skin lining in the opening of the anus. It can be extremely uncomfortable and persistent. This is why people suffering from fissures are usually on the lookout for how to cure fissures 1permanently.
What is your primary course of action? Consult a healthcare professional and follow the appropriate medications. However, you can follow these short-term measures in parallel with proper treatment to further support your healing and, hopefully, cure fissures permanently.
1. What are the Causes of Anal Fissures
To begin with, the most known cause of acute anal fissures is constipation. Both diarrhea and constipation cause most anal fissures.
Other major chronic anal fissure is caused by Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) like Crohn’s disease. Additionally, we have certain factors like a low-fiber diet and dehydration that can cause acute fissures.
2. How to Cure Fissures?
Here are some home remedies along with the traditional method of treating anal fissures
2.1 Maintain Good Hygiene
Proper hygiene is crucial for preventing infections and promoting healing. Using soap, water or other disinfective liquids is highly advised when it comes to cleaning the anal region.
Pat dry and avoid harsh wiping as it can further irritate the fissure.
2.2 Increase in Fiber Intake
Constipation during bowel movements can further worsen the case. This is why a diet rich in fiber can be of help. Include vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and fruits in your diet.
2.3 Wear Loose Clothing
Like with any other wound, friction to the sensitive area can worsen things. Your intimate areas need breathable space, too, so loose-fitting undergarments and clothes to avoid any irritation can help.
2.4 Stay Hydrated

Adequate water intake is vital to prevent large or hard stools. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day.
2.5 Use Stool Softeners or Laxatives (As Directed by a Healthcare Professional)
If increasing fiber and water intake isn’t enough to alleviate constipation, doctors often prescribe stool softeners or laxatives to pass stool easily. This also prevents the sharp pain in the anal region
2.6 Topical Medications
Ointments containing nitroglycerin or calcium channel blockers can help relax your sphincter muscles. Nitroglycerin is a vasodilator, and it dilates or widens blood vessels.
When applied topically as a cream or ointment to the anal area, it relaxes the smooth muscle, including the internal anal sphincter. This improves the blood flow to the fissure area.
Additionally, the relaxation of the sphincter muscle reduces spasms and pressure on the fissure during bowel movements.
2.7 Warm Sitz Baths
Warm sitz baths several times a day can soothe the affected area, reduce pain, and promote healing. It involves simply sitting in a basin of warm water for 15-20 minutes.
2.8 Avoid Trigger Foods
Certain foods can exacerbate fissures by causing diarrhea or increasing stool hardness. Trigger foods vary from person to person. However, there are some common trigger foods:
Spicy foods– We all know how spicy foods irritate the digestive system and cause diarrhea. This leads to increased bowel movements and potentially worsens the fissures. So, no more Taco Bell for you.
Processed foods– Most processed foods are low in fiber. These lead to hardened stools and repeat the cycle of constipation all over again.
Fatty foods- Foods that are rich in fat content slow down digestion and put extra strain on the anal area during bowel movements.
Caffeine– Caffeinated beverages act as diuretics in some consumers. This often leads to loose stools. We advise you to limit that everyday coffee.
Alcohol– If all the other major harmful effects alcohol causes weren’t enough to scare you into quitting, this reason hopefully does. Alcohol dehydrates the body and leads to diarrhea or constipation based on the amount consumed.
Carbonated drinks– Carbonated beverages cause gas and bloating. More loud cries from the digestive system.
Apart from these, you may have other triggers; hence, consulting a dietician is essential.
3. Can Natural Remedies Help Treat Chronic Fissures?
Natural remedies, alongside prescribed medication, provide relief against fissures. However, they may not be sufficient to completely treat the condition on their own.
Chronic anal fissures often require a comprehensive approach that may include medical treatments, lifestyle modifications, and dietary changes.
4. How to Cure Fissures With Surgical Intervention
For severe or persistent cases, surgical options like lateral internal sphincterotomy or fistulectomy may be considered to permanently alleviate the fissure.
4.1 Who is a Colon and Rectal Surgeon?
A surgeon who specializes in treating and diagnosing conditions affecting the rectum, anus, or colon is known as a colorectal surgeon. Colon and rectal surgeons perform surgeries to remove tumours, and they collaborate with other specialists like oncologists and radiologists to develop comprehensive treatment plans.
4.2 What does the Surgery For Treating Anal Fissures Involve?
4.2.1 Sphincterotomy:
A sphincterotomy 2is a medical procedure where a small cut is made in the muscle that surrounds the anus. The surgery relieves pressure on the fissure by reducing spasms and tension.
4.2.2 Fissurectomy:
The surgical removal3 of the anal fissure is known as a fissurectomy. The procedure is typically performed along with a sphincterotomy. It involves removing the damaged tissue of the fissure, creating a fresh wound that can heal properly without the previous scar tissue.
Both these procedures are single-day operative procedures, known as outpatient procedures, where you are discharged on the same day.
Surgery is usually the last resort when other treatment options such as stool softeners, topical medications, or dietary changes don’t work.
4.2.3 Laser Surgery
Laser surgery is a relatively newer approach used to treat anal fissures. The use of laser technology in anal fissure surgery is known as “laser sphincterotomy.”
Laser sphincterotomy involves using a specialized medical laser to make a controlled incision in the internal anal sphincter muscle. This releases the built-up tension in the muscle
4.3 Advantages
The laser cauterizes4 (seals) blood vessels as it cuts, which can result in less bleeding during and after the surgery. This can contribute to a smoother recovery process.
4.4 Limitations
Not suitable for all cases: Laser surgery may not be suitable for all types of fissures or all patients.
Long-Term Efficacy: The long-term efficacy of laser sphincterotomy 5compared to traditional methods is still being studied, and more research is needed to determine its effectiveness over time.
4,5 Recovery after Surgery
The recovery period varies from person to person based on any complications and healing abilities.
Immediately after the surgery, you will likely spend some time in the recovery area to wear off the anesthetic effects. Some discomfort and swelling in the anal area are to be expected.
During the first few weeks, doctors generally describe pain medications to overcome any postoperative pain.
Doctors also advise sitting on soft surfaces, such as a cushion to provide additional comfort. We can estimate the healing period between 4 to 6 weeks.
However, it is crucial to follow the above-mentioned procedures for maintaining soft stools. You can also expect routine follow-up appointments to check on your progress.
5. What Else Could Anal Fissures Mean?
Crohn’s disease: Anal fissures can be related to Crohn’s disease. It causes inflammation along the digestive tract. However, the inflammation could be from anywhere from the mouth to the anal region.
Inflammation weakens the tissues and contributes to the development of anal fissures.
Ulcerative colitis: The inflammation and ulceration associated with the anal muscles can extend to the anal area, making individuals with UC 6more prone to developing anal fissures.
5.1 Miscellaneous
- Silent tears: Anal fissures can sometimes be asymptomatic, meaning you might have one without feeling any pain or discomfort. This can make them tricky to detect.
- The sneaky fissure: Sometimes, you might not even know you have a fissure. That’s because it could be a “hidden” fissure, located inside the anus. These can be tricky to diagnose and cause discomfort.
- The healing time puzzle: Healing time for anal fissures can vary widely. Some heal in a matter of weeks, while others take months. We can chalk this up to individual immunity and dedication to the prescribed medicine.
- Secondary Infections: If not properly cared for, anal fissures can lead to infections. Bacteria from stool can get into the open wound, causing irritation and discomfort.
- Emotional Impact: Dealing with chronic anal fissures can be emotionally taxing. The constant discomfort while in the seating position is as stressful as it sounds.
- Recurrent Fissures: Some people might experience recurrent anal fissures. This could be due to lifestyle factors or perhaps incomplete healing from a previous fissure.
- It’s not just a human thing: Anal fissures are not exclusive to humans. Some animals, especially domesticated ones, can experience them too.
- How to cure fissures with alternative therapies: Some people explore alternative therapies like herbal remedies or acupuncture to complement medical treatment.
- Fissures and exercise: Engaging in vigorous exercises might trigger discomfort for some individuals with anal fissures due to the pressure it places on the anal area.
6. Conclusion
So, how to cure fissures? Curing fissures permanently involves lifestyle changes, proper hygiene, and medical treatments. As mentioned before, the first step is to consult a healthcare professional. This is necessary for a personalized treatment as we discussed how healing differs for each individual.
Taking care of your body and following your doctor’s advice is key to feeling your best.
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Last Updated on by Sathi Chakraborty, MSc Biology