Benefits of foam rolling Benefits of foam rolling

Benefits of Foam Rolling: 6 Magic Moves

Your sore muscles do need warm-up and strength. Whatever may be the bone of contention, foam rolling will be an ideal fit for you. Keep reading to adventure the 6 surprising benefits of foam rolling!

Have you ever experienced any persistent muscle tension or lower back pain? If so, then you are more reliable to injury. Subsequently, diverse holistic outlooks and habits should be considered to overcome pain.

To ease the painful circumstances, foam rollers are a perfect fit. Therefore, let’s gear up to acknowledge what foam rolling is, how foam rolling works, and the benefits of foam rolling1, and emphasize essential elements of foam rolling.

1. Foam Rolling-The Gentle Home Therapy

Foam rolling is a figure of self-massage and warm-up skill for keeping oneself physically fit. It can be considered a productive tool for you pre-and post-workout. Read on to learn more!

1.1. Foam Rolling- What is the Technique about?

Self Myofascial Release: Foam Rolling-  Thoracic Spine

Foam rolling is rolling out muscles with a portion of foam (hard foam is better) to relieve stress.

The technique of targeting and softening the tight spots of connective tissue that borders the muscle fibers is quite an in-trend. Additionally, the mentioned compressed spots are nothing but trigger points.

The regular foam rolling technique is known as Self-Myofascial Release (SMR2). It loosens muscle pain, relieves muscle tension, reduces muscle stiffness, and helps increase the joint range of muscular motion in the entire body.

1.2. Foam Roller- The Sports Massage Roller

Foam rollers are considered an ideal tool for the relaxation of muscle pain. They are self-myofascial release (SMR) technique tools adopted for releasing stress and expanding the mobility of quad muscles and other connective tissues near the adjoining joint.

Even though there are several configurations and proportions accessible nowadays, however, foam rollers are mostly cylindrical or tubular in the appearance of length of 4 feet and diameter of 10 inches approx.

The massage roller is frequently established from dense foam. It may be smooth or textured with various ridges and bumps. Subsequently, a foam roller may be void or stiff.

Before having a detailed view of the benefits of foam rolling, let’s review a few studies of foam rolling:

2. Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

What is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness?

For years, studies have found that researchers can examine the benefits of foam rolling specifically for enhancing musicality and advancing rehabilitation. In the Journal of Bodywork and Movement, an analysis of the foam-rolling reports was published. The conclusion resulted in as few limitations-

  1. DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) should be lessened.
  2. Muscle pain should be reduced.
  3. Increase the pressure approach of minimizing muscle pain, i.e., apply pressure to reduce pain.
  4. Foster a quick recovery rate and rehabilitation.

3. Surprising Benefits of Foam Rolling

Several humans revealed that the benefits derived from foam rolling are quite satisfactory. Also, Foam rolling benefits emotional and mental health too.

Subsequently, as per researchers, individuals can benefit effectively provided the massage roller usage is for advanced elongation of muscles and warm-up exercises. Let’s dive into the in-depth benefits of foam rolling.

3.1. Direct Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
By Karolina Grabowska/Pexels. Copyright 2022

The SMR (Self-Myofascial Release) technique has revealed favorable consequences for treating patients affected with fibromyalgia symptoms.

A study shows around 66 adults customed with fibromyalgia 3were brought into experimentation. The patients who foam rolled for at least 15 to 20 weeks surveyed sensed better health conditions than the ones who were treated with SMR techniques. Results of low agony, muscle stiffness, and mental depression were discovered.

Although the study gave promising results, additional in-depth research should be done to test the efficiency of foam rolling for the treatment of fibromyalgia symptoms.

3.2. Reduce Anxiety and Pain

Symptoms of pain and Tension
By Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels.Copyright 2022

With the help of the foam rollers, tension can be eased, provided the pain is confined.

Let’s cite the example of sciatica pain! Sciatic pain can be moderately produced due to stiff muscle imbalances in the quadriceps. However, with a swift foam roll, the tissues of the muscles can be loosened to promote the expansion of the sciatic nerves4.

Also, do consult a doctor in case of sciatic pain! It may lead to poor posture causing severe spinal pain. The technical benefits of foam rolling help to avert and facilitate soreness combined with workouts.

3.3. Expanding the Range of Motion

While the main aim of connective tissues is to compress and relax under the force of foam rolling, the muscles and joints in the entire body become less stiff and advance more freely.

Reports have shown people being satisfied with the result of foam rolling after its treatment. They can easily move and bend their knees.

3.3.1. Benefits of Foam Rolling-2019 Research

In the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies5, the 2019 research discovered that by massaging the quad muscles for 1 to 2 minutes with the help of a massage roller, the range of motion in the quadriceps hip flexor6 could be expanded and improved.

Thus, it was concluded that foam rollers benefit massage rollers pre and post-workouts since they boost resilience and efficacy.

3.4. Boost the Body’s Circulation

Blood Flow in Tissues
By ANIRUDH/Unsplash./ Copyright 2022

The connective tissue begins to limit the flow of blood when the tissues are accumulated tightly. It restricts the stockpile movement of nutrients surrounding the muscle tissue.

Subsequently, people started to observe a feeling of unconsciousness in some spots, specifically in the region of the quad muscle and glutes. This may be due to the iliotibial (IT) band, a profuse band of connective tissues. The IT bands are a syndrome that expands from the pelvic region to the knee juncture.

Many adults have IT band syndrome. Additionally, it may cause a lack of sensation in some people due to limited blood circulation. Thus, with the help of foam rolling, the connective tissue relaxes, and the blood flow starts circulating with ample space.

3.4.1. Benefits of Foam Rolling- 2013 Research

In the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, researchers examined a notion in the 2013 Research study-“If MSR technique of foam rolling can increase the blood circulation around specific trigger spots?”

The researchers took two participants to experiment with the notion. Between the two participants, one experienced an increase in blood circulation following the release of trigger spots at the treatment region.

Also, due to enhanced blood circulation, mental health is improved. Thus, foam rolling also has a safe and vital effect on the psychological functioning of the brain.

3.5. Avoids Risks and Injury

Leg Injury
By Andrea Piacquadio/Pexels. Copyright 2022

Be it 18 or 81, injury is meant to be prevented at every age, specifically, adults and enthusiastic goers who need upholding mobility.

Foam rolling can be an effective fix for painful injuries and muscle tension. While using this technique can reduce the strain on muscles and joints. Hence, advancing the power to react better.

For instance, when the lower back of the body is massaged with a foam roller, contraction of the spinal can be prevented. This will provide accurate form labels of comfort on the vertebrae.

3.6. Relaxes the Human Body

Relax and soothe the entire body; foam rolling is one way to do so.

If the sore and tight muscles are softened gently with the help of a foam roller, then our body settles into a state of relaxation. Here is a 30-minute video on relaxing and restoring using foam rolling.

30-Minute Relax and Restore Foam-Roller and Stretch Session

Benefits of Foam Rolling- 2011 Research

The Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine reviewed that the SMR techniques of relaxing the muscles promoted better sleep, low anxiety levels, and better health conditions in patients with fibromyalgia.

4. Can Foam Rolling Be Considered a Safe Massaging Tool?

Generally, foam rolling is a safe technique to treat tight muscles and muscle pain. For daily exercisers, foam rollers are the best massaging tools for relaxation.

Unless your doctor or physician has not prescribed foam rollers for a severe injury like muscle twist, one should avoid using the foam rolling technique.

Subsequently, minor joint areas like ankles, elbows, and knees should be avoided foam rolling. By using this technique, the joints get stretched out and damaged. Rather, foam rolling is best suited for legs. So, one should begin with rolling out the calves first. After that, the quad muscles are separated.

The notion can be fitted accurately in some cases! Thus, one should contact the doctor for such instances and prevent lying on your back for foam rolling later in pregnancy. Read the article to know more about the notion.

5. Foam Rolling Approach: 3 Tips to Follow

As we know, foam rolling is a secure and risk-free home remedy, and there are some techniques for properly using textured foam rollers. It is important for screen readers to operate it accurately to reduce the risk of injuries and damage to the muscle tissues.

Through accessible rich internet applications, there are 3 adequate technological solutions figured to utilize the benefits of foam rolling properly:

5.1. When Should You Use Foam Roller?

The technique of foam rolling is primarily utilized during physical workouts.

An adult may foam roll during pre- and post-workout sessions. However, if you feel your muscles inflexible during morning hours, you can repeat the steps of foam rolling after waking up.

5.2. Where Should You Use Foam Roller?

According to therapists and physicians, you should foam roll one group of muscles simultaneously. These sports massage roller best works one power at a time.

Particular regions to use the sports massage roller includes- the glutes, quad muscles, hamstrings, and lower spinal or upper spinal. Also, you can use small-sized textured foam rollers to treat muscular regions of the neck, shoulders, and calves. Here’s the way to select the best foam roller:

Differences in foam rollers | Review | How to pick the best foam roller | Difference in types of

5.3. For How Many Minutes Should I Use the Foam Roller?

Studies show that the longer your foam is between intervals, the better the results.

Hence, you should foam roll one muscle group at a time per interval for 2 to 3 minutes approx. You can continue repeating the steps with a break during the time intervals.

However, if you may feel a strange pain between the intervals, stop for a while and do not attempt to knock through it. You may never know that foam roller can cause more severe effects than executing relaxation.

6. Conclusion

Foam rollers act as a tool for the relaxation of muscle tissues. Before and after workouts, the excess muscle tension from previous workouts can be minimized with the help of foam rollers.

Additionally, the sports massage roller also acts as a tool to cool down workouts.

Adding foam rollers to your workout and cooldown schedule may make you feel sore to a small extent. Therefore, consult your therapist or doctor before using any sports massage tool in your daily routine.

The saying that too much of anything is good for nothing by Mark Twain is true in the case of foam rolling. The procedure of foam rolling is highly effective. However, improper and overutilization of foam rollers can lead to severe damage.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. Is it Useful to Foam Roll Every Day?

To retain the flexibility and posture of muscles, you should aim for a foam rolling procedure for at least 5 to 20 minutes. Longer periods of foam rolling can tear muscles that hinder the process of repair of muscles.

2. Does Foam Roll Help Muscle Growth?

The benefits of foam rolling are considered to be increased strength and mobility. This will reduce muscle fatigue and stiffness.

3. When should I, not foam roll?

When you spend too long on one spot, you risk bruising and injury, especially when you do it before a workout on a “cold” muscle (aka a muscle that hasn’t been warmed up through activity), says Lemmer.
  1. Wilke, Jan, et al. “Acute effects of foam rolling on range of motion in healthy adults: a systematic review with multilevel meta-analysis.” Sports Medicine 50 (2020): 387-402. ↩︎
  2. Yan, Yongliang, et al. “Process simulations of blue hydrogen production by upgraded sorption enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR) processes.” Energy Conversion and Management 222 (2020): 113144. ↩︎
  3. Sarzi-Puttini, Piercarlo, et al. “Fibromyalgia: an update on clinical characteristics, aetiopathogenesis and treatment.” Nature Reviews Rheumatology 16.11 (2020): 645-660. ↩︎
  4. Gerber, Daniel, et al. “Transcriptional profiling of mouse peripheral nerves to the single-cell level to build a sciatic nerve ATlas (SNAT).” Elife 10 (2021): e58591. ↩︎
  5. Schleip, Robert, et al., eds. Fascia: the tensional network of the human body-e-book: the science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2021. ↩︎
  6. Konrad, Andreas, et al. “The influence of stretching the hip flexor muscles on performance parameters. a systematic review with meta-analysis.” International journal of environmental research and public health 18.4 (2021): 1936. ↩︎

Last Updated on by Suchi


  1. I learned how using a foam roller can help muscles recover and keep me healthy. The article explained specific foam rolling exercises in a way that made it easy to understand why doing them regularly is good for me. The article’s ideas about staying healthy and fit match what I want for my well-being.

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