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Let’s all agree that we envy Rapunzel’s long, shiny, strong hair. Well, here’s some good news, after getting to know the benefits of spirulina for hair, you’d want to try it!
Everyone wants to get hold of that magical ingredient that can give us Rapunzel-like hair. So, let’s learn how spirulina can help us have healthy hair.
What is Spirulina?
Before learning how spirulina can help you get that super glossy and strong hair, you must know what spirulina is.

Spirulina is a cyanobacterium,1 the same blue-green algae you must have heard of. It is found mostly in warm, alkaline, fresh waters.
Because it is packed with nutrients like proteins, minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates, it has been called a “superfood.” High in protein content, it is consumed both by humans and animals.
Spirulina benefits people with anxiety, depression, diabetes, and high blood pressure. It also helps prevent allergies.
Aztec and Mayan civilizations cultivated spirulina for centuries. It was discovered in the 14th century in Stone tablets.
Having excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, powdered spirulina has been used for years to improve the health condition of people.
Which Nutrients are Found in Spirulina?
This alga is a powerhouse of various nutrients! From vitamins to carbohydrates, spirulina has almost all the important nutrients.
Its high nutritional value is one of the reasons why it is becoming popular among health-conscious people. Following are some of the nutrients that spirulina contains:
1. Vitamins:
2. Minerals:
Various minerals like Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, and Phosphorous are also found in good amounts in spirulina. The Calcium and Phosphorous content in spirulina is similar in quantity to that of milk.
3. Protein:
Spirulina has 60% protein content, and out of this, 83%-90% is digestible. This is because spirulina doesn’t have cellulose walls, unlike Yeast and Chlorella.
4. Beta-Carotene:
Spirulina contains a pigment that belongs to the carotenoid family2. This pigment gives a red, orange, or yellow colour and is known for its antioxidant properties. It is found in many fruits like bananas, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli.
5. Essential Fatty Acids:
Spirulina is a rich source of essential fatty acids like Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)3, Alpha-Linolenic Acid (ALA)4, Stearidonic Acid (SDA)5, Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)6, Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)7 and Arachidonic Acid (AA).8
6. Carbohydrates:
Spirulina also contains a good amount of carbohydrates. It has about 15-20% of carbohydrates.
What are the Health Benefits of Spirulina?
Spirulina is not only good for your hair but also your overall health. We aren’t wrong when we tell you it’s a magic ingredient!
Many people have talked about how their health has improved simply by consuming spirulina. Here are a few of the health benefits of spirulina 9that may convince you to use it at least once:
1. Treats Allergies:
If you get allergies easily, you are about to hear something you need to! Spirulina can prevent allergies like itching, sneezing, congestion, and nasal discharge. You can consume spirulina and expect to reduce the chances of getting allergies.
2. Helps to Treat Ulcers:
This algae is rich in chlorophyll and is great at retaining and restoring good digestion. This is why spirulina is very good for treating gastric and duodenal ulcers.
3. Helps Control Acne:
Spirulina tablets can help reduce acne breakouts and other skin-related problems. It also helps in reducing blemishes. Isn’t it great that this blue-green alga is also helping us improve our skin health?

4. Good for Your Eye Health:
5. Prevents Cancer:
Spirulina has a pigment called Phycocyanin10 which has anti-cancer properties. It can boost your system and gives you protection against oral cancers. It should be in your daily diet to strengthen your immune system.
6. Helps to Make the Skin Amazingly Soft:
Spirulina can have a good effect on your skin as it makes it soft and firm. This comes from the fact that it affects gut health in a very positive way which eventually helps in having good skin.
7. Helps in Weight Loss:
A great benefit of spirulina is that it allows you to lose weight. You may wonder what is special about this blue alga. It can help you lose weight. As mentioned earlier, spirulina contains beta-carotene, chlorophyll, and fatty acid GLA, all known to help lose weight. Spirulina is also very beneficial while fasting because it supplies nutrients needed for healing your immune system.
8. Helpful During Pregnancy:
Spirulina is proven beneficial for pregnant women as it is a rich source of iron, a necessary nutrient.
9. Helps Improve Dental Health:
Owing to its high Phosphorous content, the blue-green algae are very good for your teeth. As mentioned earlier, spirulina has the same Phosphorous content as that of milk. Therefore, you should try consuming it.

Benefits of Spirulina for Hair Growth
Spirulina is proven to have a really good effect on your hair growth. It prevents thinning hair and baldness. The benefits of spirulina for hair are many.
Let’s look at other ways to enhance the quality of your hair and provide you with healthier hair.
1. Treatment of Hair Loss:
Alopecia is one of the autoimmune diseases in which hair loss occurs not only from your scalp but also from your face and body. This disease can result in bald spots, even in women.
Ultimately, the disease leads to complete baldness in individuals. Spirulina contains Biotin, which helps cell division and ultimately leads to hair growth.
Therefore, it is a common prescription for hair loss. Such individuals can apply Spirulina powder on their scalp to strengthen their hair and prevent hair loss.

2. Helps in Giving Glossy, Shiny Hair:
When your hair is healthy, it gives a beautiful shine that can be evidence of your hair’s immense strength. Spirulina has antioxidant properties that help give your hair the glow you want!

3. Reduces Dandruff:
Spirulina has a good amount of Zinc in it, which helps reduce dandruff from hair. Its antimicrobial properties are a great aid in helping lessen the amount of dandruff. If you are struggling with dandruff, you should give spirulina a try.
4. Spirulina Moisturizes the Scalp:
You must know that your scalp also needs moisturizing, just as your skin on other body parts does. Moisturizing your scalp can help you prevent a dry scalp and scalp flakes.
The hygroscopic or water particles in this blue-green algae can take moisture from the air or environment and deliver it directly to your scalp. You don’t need to put anything extra to moisturize your scalp if you religiously apply spirulina.
5. Slows Down the Emergence of White or Gray Hair:
Let’s be honest here. Nobody likes the appearance of even a few white or gray hair on their scalp. We even try plucking those few white hairs.
But all these efforts can be reduced if we prevent or slow their emergence. Spirulina helps in doing this as it is a rich source of Iron, Vitamin B, and amino acids.
How to Use Spirulina?
Spirulina can both be applied and consumed or eaten for various health benefits. Both methods of using Spirulina are effective.
The only difference is that consuming it can give you an overall health benefit as it will go inside your body and help improve the functioning of almost every part of your body. Eating Spirulina with your diet will improve physical health and promote hair growth.
However, applying it to a particular part of your body, like on your scalp or your face, will give you results only for these parts of the body.
Whichever method you choose to use, spirulina, depends on your requirements. Let’s look at the different ways spirulina can be used to induce hair growth and help improve your hair health.
1. Applying Spirulina Hair Masks:
Spirulina powder can be mixed with other ingredients to apply a mask on the scalp and hair. Ingredients like coconut oil and castor oil (in appropriate amounts) can be used with powdered spirulina and mixed well to be applied to the hair.
Aftespirulinathe ingredients well; you can apply them thoroughly on the scalp and hair. About 2 hours are enough for you to keep the hair mask. After that, you can rinse it off with normal water.
2. Through Shampoos and Conditioners:
Considering the good amount of benefits spirulina has, shampoo and conditioner manufacturing companies have also started adding it to their products. There are a lot of brands of shampoos that contain an appropriate amount of spirulina in them.
If you are someone who cannot take the task of making a hair mask every day using spirulina, it’s totally fine. You can go for hair products containing spirulina.
But remember to research thoroughly and look for the hair product that suits you the most. You can also add Spirulina powder to your shampoo, mix it well and apply it to your hair!
3. Spirulina Supplements:
Various Spirulina supplements are available in the market that can be consumed with water. These supplements or tablets are rich in multiple minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, and essential fatty acids that work wonders for your health. Since these tablets go inside your body, they eventually promote hair growth.
What Are the Side Effects of Spirulina?
Although the side effects of consuming Spirulina are rare, some may find difficulties or discomfort after using it. It may not suit everybody.
A person using immunosuppressant medication should avoid using Spirulina as it will lower the effect of the medication. This can lead to serious complications.
Heavy metal toxicity is also risky if the algae are contaminated. The spirulina you are using may be infested with heavy metals like Cadmium, Lead, or Aspirulinaherefore; you should make sure you buy it from a trusted supplier.
If you find any of the following difficulties after applying or consuming the algae, immediately consult your doctor.
- Nausea
- Increased sunlight sensitivity
- Mild stomach discomfort

If you experience any side effects mentioned above for more than two days, consult your doctor immediately.
What Should I Keep in Mind While Using Spirulina?
Spirulina is a healthy dietary supplement for your hair, skin, and body. But spirulina causes a few difficulties if certain things are not kept in mind. Following are a few things you should know before you use spirulina:
- The algae are highly beneficial only if taken in the right doses. You must use spirulina so that too much or too little is harmful. Similarly, you should ensure that the amount you are intaking is appropriate. Consult a doctor before using spirulina to avoid any complications.
- The source from which you are taking the algae also matters a lot. No one wants to consume something that is contaminated. A contaminated source can increase the possibility of health issues. Therefore, make sure the source is trusted, reliable, and certified.
- The quality control of the source water body in which the algae grows should also be done. To make sure the source is reliable, it is important to know whether the health of the local community where the algae are growing is good or not. Knowing what exhaust goes into the source water body is also important.
If such things are checked properly, you can be sure that spirulina is not having any bad effects on your body, and you will enjoy the benefits of this excellent nutritional supplement to spirulina.
Should I Use Spirulina for My Hair?
Your damaged hair sure needs conditioning and treatment. But it also matters what you are applying to your hair to do that. Spirulina is a great alternative to expensive hair products and conditioning treatments that may not be the safest options to use.
A lot of people suffer from hair fall and bad hair conditions all around the world. Many opt for keratin treatments for their hair which works great in most cases, but the relief and satisfaction are short-lived.
With time, the treatment will result in fragile and unhealthy hair, and it will become impossible to get back your old, much healthier hair. Other side effects of such therapy include acne at the application site, reddened skin, and facial hair growth, to name a few.
Micro-needling is also one of the few hair treatments people use to treat thinning hair. In such a procedure, a skin roller consisting of many needles is used on your scalp to grow back hair. Sounds painful.
Well, that is one of its biggest demerits. If you happen to have a wound on your scalp, the skin roller may worsen it. Scarring from the injuries may occur, and the pain it gives can be imagined from just hearing how the treatment proceeds.
Such conditioning treatments may give faster results, but the side effects are more. Not to mention, they cost a lot. You’ll have to save up money if you can’t afford them.
People have started to realize the importance of natural products for skin, hair, and health. The biggest advantage of using this alga is that it’s all-natural! Spirulina can be a lifesaver in cases where you don’t want to risk your hair health.
So, it is obvious that we recommend you use spirulina instead of other chemical products or treatments. The good thing about this ingredient is that it has little to no side effects. That’s the thing with natural products. You may doubt if they will work or not, but you will never question if they’ll cause you any discomfort.
The benefits of spirulina for hair are starting to be acknowledged, and people are beginning to realize its importance. Spirulina can help you get that healthy hair you’ve always dreamed of. You won’t regret using it! It may take time to work but be patient.

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Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf