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Anthony Liccione once said that teeth aren’t pearly until we smile. And many celebrities with bad teeth have retained these words in their minds while they traded off that one tooth or all of their bad teeth.
Teeth build up our smiles like Bee Gees’ barry gibb teeth and Britneys teeth It makes us look pretty. But does it make us look pretty when we have a gap-toothed grin or a set of crooked teeth? To some, the curve on the lips might look all-natural and beautiful on its own, but others might find it horrible and unattractive as the standards of a perfect smile are having a set of straightened and aligned pearly whites.
When it comes to celebrities, we see all of them with pearly white teeth smiles. Is it their natural teeth, or their pearly whites are the magic of the dental tools of their cosmetic dentist?
Therefore, to make you know the truth, we have made up a list of celebrities with bad teeth who got their bad teeth fixed for a smile makeover Let’s dive into this list of celebrities with bad teeth.

Just like normal people, celebrities aren’t born with striking white-teeth smiles. Most of them had a set of bad teeth that we can’t even imagine on them. Well, it is hard to imagine famous people with bad teeth or celebs with crooked bottom teeth. There are many questions searched on Google frequently about celebrities like “Was Audrey Hepburn anorexic? Reasons for Amy Winehouse’s death? or how did Amy Winehouse die? Celebrities died because of accidental poisoning? out of which there are questions related to the celebrities teeth too like “Did Jewel get her teeth fixed?”, “Does Craig Tucker have braces?” , “List of male actors with big teeth” and many more.
Many celebrities have gone through dental surgery to get that Hollywood-approved dazzling smile that they show off on red carpets or photoshoots. You might know it or not, but probably your favorite celebrity once had a set of misaligned teeth. Find if Steve Buscemi teeth have been aligned since he was born.
The smile makeover is perceptible when you compare the pictures of the celebrities from their early years with the later ones in their career. Veneers, braces, and teeth whitening techniques are cosmetic dentistry options to get an impressive smile and teeth1.
It is hard to find a celebrity who hasn’t got their teeth fixed at one point. When the beauty standard is fixated, that the definition of a perfect smile has flawless teeth, it is hard for celebrities to stay authentic and embrace their imperfection.
Under pressure and the need to get approval from the audience, they opt to spend a small fortune at the dentist to get those signature gnashers.2
1. List Of Celebrities With Bad Teeth
Below are 20 celebrities with bad teeth or actors with ugly teeth who had cosmetic dentistry, swapped their terrible teeth, and got that million-dollar beautiful smile that perfectly suits the Hollywood industry.
1.1 Tom Cruise And His Mono-tooth
Tom Cruise’s Mono-tooth can’t be unseen by critics or eagle-eyed fans. The celebrity has a set of perfect teeth after porcelain veneers were done on his teeth. This cannot be noticed unless we look closely and carefully.
Tom Cruise’s teeth are a bit off-center. The two front teeth have a slight shift. The misalignment of the teeth is due to immoderate dental surgery.
Moreover, if you have seen the superstar’s photographs from the early years of his career, you wouldn’t mind putting his name on the list of celebrities with bad teeth.
Tom Cruise had an imperfect smile back then with misaligned teeth, but the smile makeover of Tom Cruise has successfully stolen the hearts of millions of people.

1.2 Hilary Duff And Her Buck Teeth
During the early years of her career, Hilary Duff had a set of buck teeth. But that didn’t stop her from entering the acting world, and she decided to continue with her natural and normal teeth and show off her lovely smile.

But she decided to take a trip to the dentist and fix her teeth after choosing to make a career in singing.
Moreover, she chipped her front tooth a couple of times with the microphone while singing in concerts, which led her to the dentist quite a few times.
After the incidents, she opted for a full set of porcelain veneers, and now she has a beautiful straight smile.
1.3 Zac Efron And His Gap Teeth
Efron was always handsome and a favorite celebrity among the audience, but this hotshot’s killer smile wasn’t always like this.

He had a gap teeth smile; the two front teeth had poor spacing. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t look adorable.
After visiting the cosmetic dentist, he has a brilliant red carpet smile made up of porcelain veneers and teeth whitening techniques.
1.4 Miley Cyrus And Her Bad Teeth
Our Hannah Montana left her young age and stepped on to adulthood with a set of new gnashers.

During her Hannah Montana days, Miley Cyrus didn’t have those bright pairs of pearly whites. But thanks to bleaching, braces, and porcelain veneers which helped her to acquire this good set of bright white teeth and a beautiful smile.
1.5 David Bowie And His Crooked Teeth
He is one of the many celebrities who visited the dentist for cosmetic dental treatment quite a few times.

Before the surgery, he had crooked teeth with poor spacing and had a gum recession3. His chain-smoking habit had made his mouth a graveyard of decaying bad teeth and gums.
He had a vampire fang and his two front teeth imbricated.
1.6 Lindsay Lohan And Her Crooked Teeth
Like most teenagers, the former child artist had crooked teeth, but she still looked pretty with that baby face and cute crooked teeth grin.
But like many celebrities in the Hollywood industry and like most adults, Lindsay Lohan got addicted to drugs and alcohol, making her teeth worse.

Her teeth started decaying eventually, turned yellow, discolored, and chipped.
She went to a cosmetic dentist to get a normal smile with a set of new and perfect teeth. Now she has forgotten the past and is back from being an alcohol addict.
But we can’t live without accepting the fact that Lohan’s dentist is a dentistry idol. Not every dentist can replace severely damaged teeth with fresh new and bright white ones.
1.7 Niall Horan And His Crooked Teeth
If you are a big fan of One Direction, you would have noticed the crooked teeth of this heartthrob at a young age.

If you had watched the ‘What Makes You Beautiful music video, then you must have seen Niall flashing his perfect smile with imperfect crooked teeth.
Not only in the music video, but he also flashed his boyish smile with braces on red carpets and in paparazzi photos without being embarrassed.
After his braces were removed and his snaggle teeth were fixed, no one can miss now his manly knockout smile, and it never fails to steal the hearts of the fans.
1.8 Jon Heder And His Misaligned Teeth
Jon Heder’s teeth resemble horse teeth, but they helped him get the main role in Napoleon Dynamite’s movie.

One of the celebrities with bad teeth, his soar gums and front teeth were not helping him get in movies or a fanbase.
He didn’t opt for a smile makeover and stayed true to his puerile smile, but he surely got his buck teeth and other gnashers straightened and whitened.
1.9 Morgan Freeman And His Bad Teeth
Morgan Freeman is one of the greatest Hollywood actors people can know. He is one of the celebrities with bad teeth. But the pearly whites we see now fitted in his mouth weren’t always there.
Morgan’s teeth were discolored and crooked. He has inverse snaggle teeth, and his teeth have an orange hue.
His bad teeth were straightened and whitened, and now his smile is as beautiful as the person he is.

1.10 Johnny Depp And His Mysterious Red Tinge
Johnny Depp might be a heartthrob, but he shouldn’t be excluded from the celebrities with bad teeth list. He is one of the celebrities who had the worst teeth at one point in his life.
Depp’s teeth have undergone many cosmetic surgeries, whether for the movies’ roles or the upgradation of his looks.
He had to wear gold caps for his role as pirate Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean, and he was seen flaunting them on the red carpet too back in 2015, but people also noticed a mysterious red tinge on one tooth.

His shoddy grin with pair of misaligned teeth wasn’t of any help in his movies, so he had to wear fake teeth to hide his decaying yellow chompers.
1.11 Avril Lavigne And Her Vampire Fang
The Canadian singer-songwriter has got a set of perfect teeth. Still, haters didn’t hesitate to put her on the list of celebrities with bad teeth because of her vampire fang that she proudly shows off during photo shoots or red carpets.
Her mature incisor makes her smile pretty and unique also. One tooth didn’t stop her from flourishing in her career.
Vampire fang is a trend nowadays, and many people want to have those vampire teeth and devilish smiles because of the strong influence of series related to vampires. So we can say the singer can pull off a trend with her all-natural teeth and beautiful smile.
1.12 Emma Watson And Her Bad Teeth
One of the most beautiful women in the Hollywood industry, Emma Watson, has been seen on the big screen since she was a youngster. She is widely known as the actress with a lovely smile who played the role of Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series.
But did Hermione Granger always have a striking pair of teeth?
The answer is no. Emma’s smile was cute and natural from the early years of her career, but as she grew up, she used braces and teeth whitening and straightening techniques to bring that Hollywood-perfect smile and fix her crooked teeth.
1.13 Nicolas Cage And His Front Teeth
Cage is one of the many celebrities who gave away their front teeth for movie roles. When he was young, the National Treasure trilogy star first parted from his gnashers, his two front teeth, to play a role in the movie Birdy.
With time as he acquired his name and fame, he decided to get a new set of teeth. Teeth whitening and porcelain veneers helped him in getting a completely new look.
1.14 Cristiano Ronaldo And His Bad Teeth
He might be a world-class athlete and a heartthrob, and his one dazzling smile can make millions drop dead, but Ronaldo’s smile was not like this forever. At the early stage of his career, he had a pair of bad-looking teeth, misaligned and bad shape.

Besides a pair of horrible teeth, his smile was also gummy; he looked better with his mouth closed. Because of his gummy smile and bad teeth, he is put on the celebrities with bad teeth list.
But after he got his teeth fixed and invested in top gums, his pearly whites added beauty to his smile and jaw-dropping face. Much dental work was done to fix the player’s teeth, but it was all worth for.
1.15 Madonna And Her Gap Teeth
The pop queen had a gap teeth smile which was enough to put her on the list of celebrities with bad teeth by the critics, but she got gold teeth to smile back in 2014, which annoyed the haters and critics even more.

One of the most beautiful women in the 80s, Madonna has always rocked fashion trends. She pulled them off flawlessly, whether it was the fingerless gloves or cone bras. She was once the fashion leader of the industry.
Call it a fashion or to fix her teeth, she wore Grillz and proudly showed the grilled tooth smile.
Rappers commonly wear dental apparatus for fashion moves. Still, back then, the singer pulled it off efficiently, changed the times, and inspired other female singers to wear Grillz. Why not keep your mouth sparkly when you wear jewels all over your body?
She is always remembered for her signature gap-tooth smile and Grillz’s smile long after she took them off.
1.16 Michael Strahan And His Gap Teeth
Besides playing for the NFL for 15 long years, the Super Bowl champ is widely remembered for his charming signature gap-toothed smile.
Now, what do most celebrities do when they are at a peak in their career? If they have bad teeth, then they replace them with beautiful new ones. The Super Bowl champ also had decided to do the exact.
Michael Strahan almost went to his dentist to discuss closing the gap between his two front teeth. He felt like he needed to be perfect in every way, in playing football and flashing a smile. The pressure of acquiring perfection eventually came with rising stardom.
But at last, he ditched the idea of dental work, and instead, he chose to embrace his imperfect teeth. Not all celebrities embrace their natural, imperfect teeth.
1.17 Mike Tyson And His Gap Teeth
The former world heavyweight champion Mike Tyson was known for his trademark gap teeth until he decided to fill those gaps and lose the trademark, which made him regret it eventually. But he got back his gap teeth again after he took another round to the dentist’s clinic.

The champion and favorite celebrity were previously known for two distinctive gold-capped teeth on the front left side of his mouth.
But Mike Tyson lost one of the shiny caps when his pet tiger headbutted him once. Two new teeth replaced his gold caps soon after.
His signature, Gap teeth, didn’t put him on the celebrities with bad teeth list, but his crooked teeth did. The dentist fixed all of his bad teeth, including his gaps, which made a comeback soon.
1.18 Kirsten Dunst And Her Awful Snaggle Tooth
Kristen Dunst is one of the many celebrities who opted to keep their teeth as they are, she didn’t opt for getting big girl teeth with the help of a cosmetic dentist, and she is a favorite celebrity of many directors and people.

Despite the stardom, she never changed her snaggle tooth. She has visited the dentist for a teeth whitening and brightening treatment, but Kristen never opted to get the shape and size of her teeth fixed.
She was also asked to fix her bad teeth before starring in the Spiderman series’s first installment, but she refused to fix them.
Film director Sofia Coppola, who has directed films like The Godfather and Star Wars, had told her once to keep her incisors the way they are, and Dunst took that seriously. For sure, Coppola could see the talent of the beautiful actress past her bad teeth.
1.19 Anthony Davis And His Crooked Teeth
Anthony Davis is best known for his two features – his unibrow and his crooked set of lower front teeth.

Like any other celebrity, the NBA player traded off his misaligned and crooked teeth with a pair of new and shiny ones.
Fame and popularity surely pressured him to take down his aesthetic flaw, but he looked much better and more appealing after his bad teeth were removed.
1.20 Shane MacGowan And His Worst Teeth
The frontman of the Anglo-Irish band The Pogues, Shane MacGowan, had probably the worst teeth set anyone can ever see. His famously wonky British teeth or Irish teeth were of concern from the beginning. All decaying chompers, the reason for the bad teeth of the singer, was a hard party life.

Years of alcohol and drug abuse left those teeth decaying and suffering, and soon after, he looked much better with his mouth closed until he got the latest teeth fit. The orange hue on his every tooth wasn’t of any help.
His last tooth from his set of naturals disappeared back in 2009, and after that, he bought those 28 artificial teeth that we see now perfectly fitted and shiny in his mouth.
The Pogues frontman spent a large amount on his teeth, unlike any other celebrity. Surely he is a crazy person, but neither has a choice other than to buy those new pair of teeth as he neglected and let his natural chompers decay and suffer.
The dentist of Shane is a dentistry idol. It is a big deal to fill someone’s mouth who has no teeth, a complete graveyard with a set of new and gleaming teeth. The teeth overhaul can shake anyone.
In The End
These were some of the celebrities with bad teeth who had once done cosmetic work on their natural teeth.
These celebrities flawlessly and without any hesitation swapped their crooked teeth for a set of poker straight and white teeth. The change in the smile that those new pairs of pearly whites have brought is remarkable and noticeable.
Cosmetic dentistry is also trending nowadays. Of course, who wouldn’t want to shape their teeth as they have always dreamed of? Very few people are born with perfect teeth, and as they grow up, it also becomes hard for them to hold on to those teeth.
So if your bank account is in a pretty good state, one awful snaggle tooth is nothing but a dentist’s and money’s play to fix it right, and with a snap, you can get the teeth of your dreams.
Proofreaded by:
Dr. Foram Bhuta
Dentist (B.D.S)
- Jones, Colin. Introduction; The Old Regime of Teeth; The Smile of Sensibility; Cometh the Dentist; The Making of a Revolution; The Transient Smile Revolution; Beyond the Smile Revolution; Postscript: Towards the Twentieth-Century Smile Revolution; Notes; Index: In Eighteenth Century Paris. Oxford University Press, USA, 2014. ↩︎
- Taylor-Gooby, Peter, et al. “Knights, knaves and gnashers: professional values and private dentistry.” Journal of Social Policy 29.3 (2000): 375-395. ↩︎
- Tugnait, A., and V. Clerehugh. “Gingival recession—its significance and management.” Journal of dentistry 29.6 (2001): 381-394. ↩︎
Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf
waoooow waooow waooow….. what a great shock to read the names of our favourite celebrities who have gone through cosmetic dental surgeries. Really good to read out this article and upgraded my knowledge. When we contrast the early and later career photos of superstars, we can clearly see the transformation of their smiles. For stunning teeth and a smile, cosmetic dental procedures include veneers, braces, and teeth whitening.
The above article clearly explains that celebrities also have bad teeths and how they were removed with new ones and was to keep healthy teeths and gums..
The mention of specific incidents, such as Hilary Duff chipping her front tooth during concerts or Miley Cyrus undergoing changes from her Hannah Montana days to adulthood, adds a personal touch to the narrative. It humanizes these celebrities, reminding us that they, too, face challenges and make choices to improve their appearances.
It’s also interesting to note the cultural trends mentioned, such as Madonna’s gold teeth and Avril Lavigne’s vampire fang, showcasing how celebrities can influence and even set beauty trends.
It’s fascinating to see how celebrities, despite their fame and success, have also dealt with dental imperfections. The transformation in their smiles through cosmetic dentistry highlights the influence of societal beauty standards, pushing even renowned figures to conform. It’s a reminder that everyone, regardless of status, can benefit from dental enhancements for that perfect Hollywood smile.
A great article which clearly shows that many celebrities whom we perceive as perfect are really not that perfect after all. It encourages us to love ourselves the way we are. Greatly appreciate it.
This article took me by surprise because I didn’t expect to see a lot of my favourite celebrities on the list. Very well curated! Definitely true that fixing one’s teeth can make their smile prettier and also makes them confident.