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Fitness Goals
Walking, lifting weights, and performing housework are all beneficial as it helps reduce body fat1, lose weight and gain muscle2. Regular exercise with smart fitness goals and physical activity, regardless of what you do, is the way to healthier life and well-being. Exercising burns fat, develops muscle, lowers cholesterol, reduces tension and anxiety, and allows us to sleep well.
Power, which was formerly classed as a skill-related component of fitness goals, is now defined as a health-related component of fitness3. According to an impartial Institute of Medicine research, there is a correlation between physical strength and health.
According to the survey, power is related to wellbeing, a higher quality of life, a lower chance of chronic disease and premature mortality, and improved bone health4. Power and activities that promote power have also been linked to bone density in children and teenagers.
Let’s talk about fitness goals now, the never-ending cycle of weight loss. Make fitness goals centered on what is genuinely beneficial for you and objectives that you will be able to keep to. When you focus on what your body can accomplish rather than what many fitness goals promise to do, you will begin to appreciate it much more and want to give it more of what it requires to be at its best.
Replace your fitness goals based on how you appear or how your trousers fit with these objectives that will make you *genuinely* stronger, healthier, and better. this includes workout routine, resistance training, eating habits, and smart goals
For one reason, your body becomes accustomed to the same motions, distances, or weights, and to maintain your strength, you need continually be challenging yourself.
More significantly, if you do the same workout program every day, you will become bored. Being bored will make you less inclined to desire to exercise, and the key to continuous exercise is enjoyment, not willpower. Activity should be enjoyable.
Setting Your Smart Goals
Goal setting may be an excellent tool for achieving what you desire in life.
Goals are about recognizing something you desire or want to improve on and then focusing on the actions necessary to attain it. Setting goals depends from person to person as everyone has different physic they wish to achieve.
if you want your plan to be effective, keep these 5 points in mind
- Measurable
- Relevant/ Realistic Goals
- Specific Goals
- Achievable
- Timely / Time-Bound
Also, make sure you take up a new challenge and stick to the workout routine.
The most crucial step is Making your goals measurable, which means tracking your goals against a benchmark. This includes your fitness journey, exercise routine, and measuring your before and after body fat percentage.
Some Examples of Quantifiable Fitness Goals
- Performing a certain number of repetitions of an activity, such as 12 pull-ups.
- Lifting a certain weight for a new 1RM.
- Running a personal best over a specific distance.
It would be best if you created targets that you can realistically reach, given your lifestyle, money, current fitness level, and available time.
The targets you establish for yourself should be relevant to your life and acceptable for your lifestyle. Consider why you want to accomplish your goal of completing 20 push-ups on your toes – will it enhance your quality of life? Perhaps you want to feel stronger, gain self-confidence, build muscle, and have a healthier body so that you can be more active with your children – this is a meaningful goal, and you may be more dedicated to working toward it as a consequence.
When you set a realistic time frame for yourself, it’s easier to plan and arrange the time you’ll need to devote to attaining your goal, and you’re more likely to be motivated to work toward a precise deadline.
All objectives should be challenging; nevertheless, they must be also attainable. Setting a goal of completing 20 push-ups on your toes in two weeks, for example, is generally not a realistic objective for a fitness newbie.
This isn’t to say you shouldn’t set goals that are lofty.
However, you must break down those enormous ambitions into smaller which benefit you to more manageable tasks that lead to the broader goal.
It’s critical to maintain track of your progress toward any target. You may need to be adaptable — you may need to alter your objectives if you have a fitness setback, or you may need to push yourself if you meet your goals sooner.
Some Of The Most Common Fitness Goals
1. Every Month, Try One New Workout
Having a workout regimen is vital, but does it have to be the same every time? That’s not good. For one reason, your body becomes accustomed to the same motions, distances, or weights, and to maintain your strength, you need continually be challenging yourself.
More significantly, if you do the same workout program every day, you will become bored. So don’t set long-term goals. Being bored will make you less inclined to desire to exercise, and the key to continuous exercise is enjoyment, not willpower.
Exercise should be enjoyable, setting fitness goals5 for short terms is more beneficial for newbies
2. Increase Your Flexibility

Stretching is one of the most important things we can do to help strengthen our muscles, minimize injuries, and even relieve tension (physical and emotional! ), yet most of us don’t stretch enough. Not stretching sufficiently, especially when paired with a sedentary lifestyle and rigorous activities, can result in injuries and muscular tension.
Not only is a warm-up and post-exercise stretch important for the muscles you’re training, but stretching throughout the day can boost your general health6.
3. Improve Your Posture

You might work out every day or perform hundreds of reps, but if you don’t use proper form, you may not be strengthening as much as you believe.
The proper form allows you to get the most out of your workout by directing your energy toward the additional push, ensuring that no movement is wasted.
If you use the incorrect form, you may be attacking unwanted muscles and putting yourself at risk of injury. Furthermore, the strong form allows you to run faster, leap higher, and push harder (yes, you will feel like Superman).
Knowing how to perfect your form (regardless of the type of workout) is critical for effectively safeguarding your body, building your muscles, feeling confident, and maintaining your body’s health.
4. Find An Exercise/ Workout Buddy

Do you have a buddy, significant other, family members, roommate, or work wife that wants to keep their resolutions as well? Make them your accountability partner, and inspire each other by trading healthy recipes, sending motivating quotations, and checking in to see how the other is doing or whether they are on track with their goals.
You don’t have to share the same objectives to inspire each other. Still, it certainly helps if you intend to join a Zoom yoga class with a buddy or schedule weekly meetings with your work wife to check in on how your professional resolutions are doing.
You’ll be far more driven if you feel like you’re all in this together.
5. Every Week Do Something Active That Helps You Feel Peaceful
Fitness should not be about working as hard and as long as you can. You must be just as serious about your rest days as you are about your training days, and you must consider the mental and physical rewards of fitness conditions.
Instead of adhering to high-intensity, heart-pounding, i.e., increased heart rate, sweat-dripping workouts, incorporate a calming activity into your weekly routine.
For example – paint once per week or a few times a week
6. Whenever Possible, Walk Instead Of Driving
You’ve probably heard that a healthy person walks 10,000 steps per day and takes in the fresh air. While I’m not a believer in describing our health in terms of statistics, walking is indisputably beneficial to us going for the long run helps.
7. Increase Your Water Consumption
Staying hydrated is an age-old tale, but there’s a reason why almost every expert in the world advises it. Water is used by the body to keep cells, organs, and tissues functioning properly.
It should come as no surprise that water is important for overall health and for being your strongest, fittest self.
The quantity of water the body requires for maximum health varies from person to person due to factors such as life, activity level, and bio-individuality, but a decent rule of thumb is to drink half of your body weight in ounces every day, or as much as feasible.
8. Get 7-9 Hours Of Sleep Every Night
Say it with me: Sleep. Is. Critical. To. Your. Fitness. Sleep allows your body to heal and rebuild lean muscle while conserving energy for your next workout.
Receiving your beauty rest is crucial for both your body’s health and the performance of your exercises, so keeping track of how many hours of sleep you’re really getting will help you assess if your sleep is restorative or if it might be improved.
Aim for 8-9 hours but no less than seven.
9. Get On A Healthy Eating Plan
Choosing an appropriate nutrition plan is dependent on your fitness objectives.
Still, most people will agree that eating more fruits and vegetables, as well as enough protein and complex carbs, is a good idea as it boosts your immune system.
Your fitness objectives will determine the amount you consume of each. Make every effort to limit junk food and other unhealthy foods.
10. Focus On Establishing Healthy Habits Rather Than Results
Take a look at the habits that a person has. Other overall goals are achieved as a result of habits.
You’ve undoubtedly seen others doing the activities you wish to undertake, displaying the body type you want to obtain.
It’s easy to get caught up in outcomes and what’s going on in front of your eyes, but it’s more advantageous to focus on what kinds of behaviors produce the desired results.
11. Increase Your Workout Reps by Doubling
Increase the intensity of your workout and the number of reps in each set as you continue to exercise. If you completed 20 reps each set last week, increase it to 30 reps this week. You do not want your training to get monotonous.
So, each week, strive to push yourself. As you progress through your trip, you will be astounded by what you have done.
12. Recognize What Motivates Your Objective
Fitness goals are often motivated by fears, self-esteem issues, or body image issues.
13. Professional Input
If you’re having trouble assessing your current fitness level, choosing a reasonable goal, or simply feeling overwhelmed by the process, consulting an expert, such as a certified personal trainer, might be beneficial. go to the gym if possible for better professional input and long-term fitness goals. as a professional will know which muscle groups you need to work on most for losing fat by setting a smart goal.
14. Be Truthful About Your Previous and Current Habits
Asking oneself difficult questions might help you honestly examine what’s best for you. Consider what has previously prevented you from accomplishing your goals. If you have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning.
For example, sign up for evening gym courses instead of aiming for those 6 a.m. sessions. Being truthful with yourself can assist you in identifying and removing roadblocks before you begin.
Common Goal-Setting Mistakes
- Setting negative objectives. Allow yourself to create goals such as “not getting overweight” or “never eating junk food again.”
- Positive objectives, such as losing weight or eating more veggies, make success more feasible.
- Fear of adjusting goals as required. Failure does not imply adjustment. Instill this in your clientele because failure is a significant demotivator.
- Always be ready to adjust your goals if you discover they are unrealistic or require additional time.
- Failure to keep track of progress. Write down your clients’ goals and keep track of their progress. Remember that your objectives should be quantifiable.
- When you measure and track progress, kids can see the results of their efforts, which is encouraging.
- Failures are punished. Again, avoid the concept of failure at all costs, and don’t advocate punishment in any way. This is counterproductive, yet it is a frequent reaction to failing to accomplish goals. We have a proclivity to punish ourselves.
- Instead, discuss with your customer what went wrong and what they can do differently in the future.
- Achievements are not rewarded. Punishment is ineffective, while incentives may be beneficial and motivating.
- Celebrate each modest target achieved and each amount of progress made, even if it’s as simple as a high five and nice words.
- Perfection is the goal. Perfection is meaningless, and aiming for it will fail even for the most driven customer.
- Concentrate on consistency and growth rather than perfection.
Best Exercise for Women
These are some exercises that will help you gain or lose weight at home.
1. Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks provide flexibility and aid in stamina development. Stand tall with your feet together and your hands straight at your sides.
Raise your arms over your head and spread your feet apart to the sides while jumping. With a leap, quickly reverse and return to a standing position.
2. Push-Ups / Pull-ups
It’s one of the most popular and successful at-home workouts ever. It’s pretty simple to accomplish. Put yourself in the plank posture.
The first step is to keep your hands a bit outside your shoulder, your leg stretched, lower your body until your chest is close to the floor, and swiftly return to your previous posture.
It strengthens your upper body because it is suitable for your chest, shoulders, and triceps. It also helps to strengthen your thighs and abdomen.
3. Squats
Squats are the most efficient workout for toning your thighs, hips, and buttocks. Squatting exercises may be done in a variety of ways.
To begin, complete the basic one. Keep your shoulders and chest high, your back straight, and your feet farther apart (as of the shoulder width).
Bring your hips back, then bend your knees and sit as though on a chair. While squatting, keep your head straight. Return to the initial position slowly and repeat.
Carry it out calmly and keep your health conditions in mind.
4. Planks
The plank workout engages your entire body. It is vital for the abdominals.
The first step is to Get down on your elbows and toes on the floor.
Your elbows should be bent and precisely beneath your shoulders. Maintain a straight body while keeping the pose.
5. Leg Raise
Leg raises are one of the most incredible abdominal workouts. The first step is simply lying on your back and positioning your hands beside you, palms down.
Raise your legs off the floor while keeping your knees locked. Hold the posture for as long as you can comfortably and then gently return to the previous position.
6. Hip Rotation
The most crucial step is to Lie down on the floor with your feet apart. Push up one leg slowly while keeping your back straight, and then draw it back.
Raise your other leg and repeat the process. It’s as easy as that. It’s a terrific stretching exercise that strengthens and stretches your hip muscles.
7. Crunches

It’s a tried-and-true method for developing more muscular abs. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
Maintain space between your feet. Keep your hands at the base of your head, with your elbows pointing out.
Using your abs, lift your head and shoulders off the floor and return to the posture with control.
FOR WORKOUT ROUTINE CHECK OUT – 17 Easy Workouts To Do At Home
While exercising, make sure you stay hydrated at all times, at the same time, make sure you warm up beforehand.
Nwuko Ann Oluebube
Registered Nurse/Freelancer
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